<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=500328 --> <head> <title>Test for Bug 500328</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> </head> <body> <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=500328">Mozilla Bug 500328</a> <p id="display"></p> <div id="status"></div> <div id="content"> <iframe id="iframe"></iframe> <iframe id="iframe2"></iframe> <a id="link">link</a> </div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript;version=1.7"> /** Test for Bug 500328 **/ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); var iframe = document.getElementById("iframe"); var iframeCw = iframe.contentWindow; var iframe2 = document.getElementById("iframe2"); var iframe2Cw = iframe2.contentWindow; const unvisitedColor = "rgb(0, 0, 238)"; const visitedColor = "rgb(85, 26, 139)"; var gCallbackOnIframeLoad = false; var gCallbackOnIframePageShow = false; var gCallbackOnPopState = false; var gNumPopStates = 0; var gLastPopStateEvent; var gLastScriptHistoryState; var gGen; function statusMsg(msg) { var msgElem = document.createElement("p"); msgElem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg)); document.getElementById("status").appendChild(msgElem); } function longWait() { function hitEventLoop(times, func) { if (times > 0) { setTimeout(hitEventLoop, 0, times - 1, func); } else { setTimeout(func, 0); } } hitEventLoop(100, function() { gGen.next(); }); } function shortWait() { setTimeout(function() { gGen.next(); }, 0); } function onChildPopState(e) { gNumPopStates++; gLastPopStateEvent = e; if (gCallbackOnPopState) { statusMsg("Popstate(" + JSON.stringify(e.state) + "). Calling gGen.next()."); gCallbackOnPopState = false; gGen.next(); } else { statusMsg("Popstate(" + JSON.stringify(e.state) + "). NOT calling gGen.next()."); } } function onChildScript(state) { gLastScriptHistoryState = state; } function getURLFromEvent(e) { try { var target = e.target; if ("contentWindow" in target) { return target.contentWindow.location.toString(); } if ("ownerDocument" in target && target.ownerDocument) { return target.ownerDocument.location.toString(); } if ("location" in target) { return target.location.toString(); } return target.toString(); } catch(ex) { return "<cross-site object>"; } } function onChildLoad(e) { if(gCallbackOnIframeLoad) { statusMsg("Got load for " + getURLFromEvent(e) + ". About to call gGen.next()."); gCallbackOnIframeLoad = false; gGen.next(); } else { statusMsg("Got load for " + getURLFromEvent(e) + ", but not calling gGen.next() because gCallbackOnIframeLoad was false."); } } function onChildPageShow(e) { if(gCallbackOnIframePageShow) { statusMsg("Got pageshow for " + getURLFromEvent(e) + ". About to call gGen.next()."); gCallbackOnIframePageShow = false; SimpleTest.executeSoon(function() { gGen.next(); }); } else { statusMsg("Got pageshow for " + getURLFromEvent(e) + ", but not calling gGen.next() because gCallbackOnIframePageShow was false."); } } function enableChildLoadCallback() { gCallbackOnIframeLoad = true; } function enableChildPageShowCallback() { gCallbackOnIframePageShow = true; } function enableChildPopStateCallback() { gCallbackOnPopState = true; } function clearPopStateCounter() { gNumPopStates = 0; } function noPopStateExpected(msg) { is(gNumPopStates, 0, msg); // Even if there's an error, set gNumPopStates to 0 so other tests don't // fail. gNumPopStates = 0; } function popstateExpected(msg) { is(gNumPopStates, 1, msg); gNumPopStates = 0; } function getColor(elem) { var utils = SpecialPowers.wrap(document).defaultView. QueryInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); return utils.getVisitedDependentComputedStyle(elem, "", "color"); } function getSHistory(theWindow) { const Ci = SpecialPowers.Ci; var sh = SpecialPowers.wrap(theWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .sessionHistory; if (!sh || sh == null) throw("Couldn't get shistory for window!"); return sh; } function getSHTitle(sh, offset) { if (!offset) offset = 0; // False instructs the SHistory not to modify its current index. return sh.getEntryAtIndex(sh.index + offset, false).title; } // Tests that win's location ends with str function locationEndsWith(win, str) { var exp = new RegExp(str + "$"); ok(win.location.toString().match(exp), "Wrong window location. Expected it to end with " + str + ", but actuall was " + win.location); } function expectException(func, msg) { var failed = false; try { func(); } catch(ex) { failed = true; } ok(failed, msg + " succeeded, but should have failed."); } function runTest() { // We can't enable universal XPConnect privleges in this function, because // test 5 needs to be running at normal privleges in order to test the // same-origin policy. /** * PRELIMINARY: * 1. Clear the popstate counter */ clearPopStateCounter(); // The URL of file_bug500328_1.html on http://localhost:8888 var innerLoc; // Now we can start the tests /** * TEST 1 tests basic pushState functionality */ enableChildLoadCallback(); iframeCw.location = "file_bug500328_1.html"; yield undefined; innerLoc = iframeCw.location.toString(); // No popstate during initial load. shortWait(); yield undefined; noPopStateExpected("No initial popstate."); is(JSON.stringify(gLastScriptHistoryState), "null", "null initial state."); statusMsg("Awake after first load."); // Make sure that the pushstate below doesn't trigger a hashchange. iframeCw.onhashchange = function() { ok(false, "Pushstate shouldn't trigger a hashchange."); }; var testObj1 = 42; var testObj2 = { x: 4.2 }; iframeCw.history.pushState(testObj1, "test 1"); is(JSON.stringify(iframeCw.history.state), JSON.stringify(testObj1), "correct state after pushState"); is(iframeCw.location.search, "", "First pushstate should leave us where we were."); iframeCw.history.pushState(testObj2, "test 1#foo", "?test1#foo"); is(JSON.stringify(iframeCw.history.state), JSON.stringify(testObj2), "correct state after pushState"); isnot(iframeCw.history.state, testObj2, "correct state object identity after pushState"); is(iframeCw.location.search, "?test1", "Second pushstate should push us to '?test1'."); is(iframeCw.location.hash, "#foo", "Second pushstate should push us to '#foo'"); shortWait(); yield undefined; // Let the hashchange event fire, if it's going to. longWait(); yield undefined; iframeCw.onhashchange = null; statusMsg("About to go back to page 1."); // We don't have to yield here because this back() and the resulting popstate // are completely synchronous. In fact, if we did yield, JS would throw an // error because we'd be calling gGen.next from within gGen.next. iframeCw.history.back(); statusMsg("Awake after going back to page 1."); popstateExpected("Going back to page 1 should trigger a popstate."); is(gLastPopStateEvent.isTrusted, true, 'Popstate event should be trusted.'); is(JSON.stringify(gLastPopStateEvent.state), JSON.stringify(testObj1), "Wrong state object popped after going back to page 1."); ok(gLastPopStateEvent.state === iframeCw.history.state, "Wrong state object in document after going back to page 1."); ok(iframeCw.location.toString().match(/file_bug500328_1.html$/), "Going back to page 1 hould take us to original page."); iframeCw.history.back(); popstateExpected("Going back to page 0 should trigger a popstate."); is(gLastPopStateEvent.state, null, "Going back to page 0 should pop a null state."); is(iframeCw.history.state, null, "Going back to page 0 should pop a null state."); is(iframeCw.location.search, "", "Going back to page 0 should clear the querystring."); iframeCw.history.forward(); popstateExpected("Going forward to page 1 should trigger a popstate."); is(JSON.stringify(gLastPopStateEvent.state), JSON.stringify(testObj1), "Wrong state object popped after going forward to page 1."); is(gLastPopStateEvent.state, iframeCw.history.state, "Wrong state object in document after going forward to page 1."); ok(iframeCw.location.toString().match(/file_bug500328_1.html$/), "Going forward to page 1 should leave us at original page."); statusMsg("About to go forward to page 2."); iframeCw.history.forward(); statusMsg("Awake after going forward to page 2."); popstateExpected("Going forward to page 2 should trigger a popstate."); is(JSON.stringify(gLastPopStateEvent.state), JSON.stringify(testObj2), "Wrong state object popped after going forward to page 2."); is(iframeCw.history.state, gLastPopStateEvent.state, "Wrong state object in document after going forward to page 2."); ok(iframeCw.location.toString().match(/file_bug500328_1.html\?test1#foo$/), "Going forward to page 2 took us to " + iframeCw.location.toString()); statusMsg("About to reload page 2."); iframeCw.location.reload(); enableChildLoadCallback(); yield undefined; statusMsg("Awake after reloading page 2."); noPopStateExpected("Reloading page 2 should not trigger popstate."); is(JSON.stringify(iframeCw.history.state), JSON.stringify(testObj2), "Wrong state object after reloading page 2."); is(JSON.stringify(gLastScriptHistoryState), JSON.stringify(testObj2), "Wrong state object while reloading page 2."); ok(iframeCw.location.toString().match(/file_bug500328_1.html\?test1#foo$/), "Reloading page 2 took us to " + iframeCw.location.toString()); // The iframe's current location is file_bug500328_1.html?test1#foo. // Clicking link1 should take us to file_bug500328_1.html?test1#1. enableChildPopStateCallback(); sendMouseEvent({type:'click'}, 'link-anchor1', iframeCw); yield undefined; popstateExpected("Clicking on link-anchor1 should trigger a popstate."); is(iframeCw.location.search, "?test1", "search should be ?test1 after clicking link."); is(iframeCw.location.hash, "#1", "hash should be #1 after clicking link."); is(iframeCw.history.state, null, "Wrong state object in document after clicking link to hash '#1'."); /* * Reload file_bug500328_1.html; we're now going to test that link hrefs * and colors are updated correctly on push/popstates. */ iframe.onload = onChildLoad; enableChildLoadCallback(); iframeCw.location = "about:blank"; yield undefined; enableChildLoadCallback(); iframeCw.location = "file_bug500328_1.html"; yield undefined; noPopStateExpected("No popstate after re-loading file_bug500328_1.html"); statusMsg("Done loading file_bug500328_1.html for the second time."); var ifLink = iframeCw.document.getElementById("link-anchor1"); var rand = Date.now() + "-" + Math.random(); ifLink.href = rand; // Poll the document until the link has the correct color, or this test times // out. Unfortunately I can't come up with a more elegant way to do this. // We could listen to MozAfterPaint, but that doesn't guarantee that we'll // observe the new color. while (getColor(ifLink) != unvisitedColor) { // Dump so something shows up in the mochitest logs if we spin here. dump("ifLink has wrong initial color. Spinning...\n"); setTimeout(function() { gGen.next(); }, 0); yield undefined; } // Navigate iframe2 to dir/${rand} iframe2.onload = onChildLoad; enableChildLoadCallback(); iframe2Cw.location = "mytestdir/" + rand; yield undefined; // PushState the iframe into the mytestdir directory. This should cause // ifLink to turn purple, since we just visited mytestdir/${rand} in iframe2. iframeCw.history.pushState(null, "foo", "mytestdir/foo"); // Check that the link's color is now visitedColor while (getColor(ifLink) != visitedColor) { dump("ifLink has wrong color after pushstate. Spinning...\n"); setTimeout(function() { gGen.next(); }, 0); yield undefined; } ok(ifLink.href.match("mytestdir\\/" + rand + "$"), "inner frame's link should end with 'mytestdir/${rand}'"); // Navigate out of the mytestdir directory. This should cause ifLink to turn // blue again. iframeCw.history.pushState(null, "bar", "../file_bug500328_1.html"); // Check that the link's color is back to the unvisited color. while (getColor(ifLink) != unvisitedColor) { dump("ifLink has wrong color after pushstating out of dir. Spinning...\n"); setTimeout(function() { gGen.next(); }, 0); yield undefined; } ok(!ifLink.href.match("mytestdir"), "inner frame's link shouldn't contain 'mytestdir'."); /* * TEST 2 tests that pushstate's same-origin checks are correct. */ var filename = 'file_bug500328_2.html'; var dirname = document.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]*$/, ''); statusMsg("Dirname is: " + dirname); iframeCw.location = filename; iframe.onload = onChildLoad; enableChildLoadCallback(); yield undefined; // This function tries to pushstate and replacestate to the given URL and // fails the test if the calls succeed. var tryBadPushAndReplaceState = function(url) { // XXX ex should be a SECURITY_ERR, not a plain Error. var hist = iframeCw.history; var url2 = url + dirname + filename; expectException(function() { hist.pushState({}, "foo", url); }, 'pushState to ' + url); expectException(function() { hist.pushState({}, "foo", url2); }, 'pushState to ' + url2); expectException(function() { hist.replaceState({}, "foo", url); }, 'replaceState to ' + url); expectException(function() { hist.replaceState({}, "foo", url2); }, 'replaceState to ' + url2); } // We're currently at http://example.com/[dirname]/[filename] tryBadPushAndReplaceState("https://mochi.test:8888"); tryBadPushAndReplaceState("http://foo.mochitest:8888"); tryBadPushAndReplaceState("http://mochi.test:1234"); tryBadPushAndReplaceState("http://mochi.test.a:8888"); tryBadPushAndReplaceState("http://mochi.tes:8888"); tryBadPushAndReplaceState("http://mmochi.test:8888"); tryBadPushAndReplaceState("http://me@mochi.test:8888"); /** * TEST 3 tests that the session history entries' titles are properly sync'ed * after push/pop states. * * We have to run this test in a popup rather than an iframe because only the * root docshell has a session history object. */ statusMsg("About to open popup."); var popup = window.open("file_bug500328_1.html", "popup0", "height=200,width=200,location=yes," + "menubar=yes,status=yes,toolbar=yes,dependent=yes"); enableChildLoadCallback(); var shistory = getSHistory(popup); yield undefined; shortWait(); yield undefined; noPopStateExpected("Shouldn't get popstate after opening window."); popup.history.pushState(null, "title 0"); ok(SpecialPowers.isBackButtonEnabled(popup), "Back button was not enabled after initial pushstate."); popup.document.title = "title 1"; // Yield to the event loop so listeners will be notified of the title change // and so that the hash change we trigger below generates a new session // history entry. shortWait(); yield undefined; // Check that the current session history entry's title has been updated to // reflect the new document title. is(getSHTitle(shistory), "title 1", "SHEntry title test 1"); // Change the page's hash to #1, which will trigger a popstate event. // We don't have to wait, because this happens synchronously. popup.location.hash = "#1"; popstateExpected("Didn't get popstate after changing hash."); popup.document.title = "title 2"; // Yield so listeners will be notified of the title change we just performed. shortWait(); yield undefined; is(getSHTitle(shistory), "title 2", "SHEntry title test 2"); // Go back. Happens synchronously. We should get a popstate. statusMsg("About to go back."); popup.history.go(-1); popstateExpected("Didn't get a popstate after going back."); // Even though we went back, we expect the SHEntry title to remain the same // because the document didn't change. is(getSHTitle(shistory), "title 2", "SHEntry title test 3"); popup.document.title = "Changed 1"; shortWait(); yield undefined; // This check is really a test of bug 509055. is(getSHTitle(shistory), "Changed 1", "SHEntry title test 4"); popup.close(); /** * TEST 4 tests replaceState and that we don't get double popstates on * window.open. It also stress-tests the system and its interaction with * bfcache by making many push/replace state calls. */ popup = window.open("file_bug500328_1.html", "popup1", "height=200,width=200,location=yes," + "menubar=yes,status=yes,toolbar=yes,dependent=yes"); // The initial about:blank load into the new window shouldn't result in us // seeing a popstate. Once file_bug500328_1.html is loaded, it'll overwrite // popup.onpopstate, and this assertion won't fire for that popstate and // others after. // // If we fired the popstate event asynchronously, we'd expect this assert to // fire. popup.onpopstate = function() { ok(false, "Initial load of popup shouldn't give us a popstate."); }; shistory = getSHistory(popup); enableChildLoadCallback(); yield undefined; statusMsg("Awake after loading content into popup."); popup.history.replaceState({n:1, ok:true}, "state 1", "good1.html"); locationEndsWith(popup, "good1.html"); // Even though we replaceState with title "state 1", the title should remain // "test 1" because we ignore the title argument in push/replaceState. // See bug 544535. is(getSHTitle(shistory), "test 1", "SHEntry title 'state 1'"); // Flush the event loop so our next load creates a new session history entry. shortWait(); yield undefined; enableChildLoadCallback(); popup.location = "file_bug500328_1.html"; yield undefined; // Flush the event loop so nsDocShell::OnNewURI runs and our load is recorded // properly. shortWait(); yield undefined; // Now go back and make sure everything is as it should be. enableChildPageShowCallback(); popup.history.back(); yield undefined; // Flush the event loop so the document's location is updated and any // popstates fire. shortWait(); yield undefined; noPopStateExpected("no popstate during initial load"); locationEndsWith(popup, "good1.html"); is(JSON.stringify(popup.history.state), '{"n":1,"ok":true}', "Wrong state popped after going back to initial state."); // We're back at state 0, which was replaceState-ed to state1.html. Let's do // some push/pop/replaces to make sure everything works OK when we involve // large numbers of SHEntries. for(var i = 2; i <= 30; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) { popup.history.pushState({n:i, ok:true}, "state " + i, "good" + i + ".html"); } else { popup.history.pushState({n:i}, "state " + i, "state" + i + ".html"); for(var j = 0; j < i % 4; j++) { popup.history.replaceState({n:i, nn:j}, "state " + i + ", " + j); } popup.history.replaceState({n:i, ok:true}, "state " + i, "good" + i + ".html"); } } for(var i = 29; i >= 1; i--) { popup.history.back(); popstateExpected("Didn't get a popstate on iteration " + i); locationEndsWith(popup, "good" + i + ".html"); is(gLastPopStateEvent.state.n, i, "Bad counter on last popstate event."); ok(gLastPopStateEvent.state.ok, "Last popstate event should have 'ok' set to true."); } popup.close(); /** * TEST 5 tests misc security features and implementation details of * Push/ReplaceState */ /* * Test that we can't push/replace an object with a large (over 640k * characters) JSON representation. */ // (In case you're curious, this loop generates an object which serializes to // 694581 characters.) var bigObject = new Object(); for(var i = 0; i < 51200; i++) { bigObject[i] = i; } // statusMsg("Big object has size " + JSON.stringify(bigObject).length); // We shouldn't be able to pushstate this large object, due to space // constraints. expectException( function() { iframeCw.history.pushState(bigObject, "foo"); }, "pushState-ing large object"); expectException( function() { iframeCw.history.replaceState(bigObject, "foo"); }, "replaceState-ing large object"); /* * Make sure we can't push/replace state on an iframe of a different origin. * This will work if this function has requested Universal XPConnect * privileges, so any code which needs those privileges can't be in this * function. */ enableChildLoadCallback(); iframeCw.location = "http://example.com"; iframe.onload = onChildLoad; yield undefined; iframe.onload = null; expectException( function() { iframeCw.history.pushState({}, "foo"); }, "pushState-ing in a different origin"); expectException( function() { iframeCw.history.replaceState({}, "foo"); }, "replaceState-ing in a different origin"); /* * If we do the following: * * Start at page A. * * PushState to page B. * * Refresh. The server responds with a 404 * * Go back. * Then at the end, page A should be displayed, not the 404 page. */ enableChildLoadCallback(); iframe.onload = onChildLoad; iframeCw.location = "about:blank"; yield undefined; iframe.onload = null; enableChildLoadCallback(); // navigate to http://mochi.test:8888/[...]/file_bug500328_1.html iframeCw.location = innerLoc; yield undefined; // PushState to a URL which doesn't exist iframeCw.history.pushState({}, "", rand); // Refresh. We'll end up a 404 page. iframe.onload = onChildLoad; enableChildLoadCallback(); iframeCw.location.reload(true); yield undefined; iframe.onload = null; // Since the last page was a 404, going back should actually show the // contents of the old page, instead of persisting the contents of the 404 // page. enableChildPageShowCallback(); iframeCw.history.back(); yield undefined; // Make sure that we're actually showing the contents of // file_bug500328_1.html, as opposed to the 404 page. var identifierElem = iframeCw.document.getElementById("link-anchor1"); ok(identifierElem != undefined && identifierElem != null, "iframe didn't contain file_bug500328_1.html's contents."); /** * TEST 6 tests that the referrer is set properly after push/replace states. */ /* * First, a simple test: * * Load file_bug500328_1.html into iframe * * PushState to newpage1.html#foo * * Instruct the iframe to load file_bug500328_1.html into itself. * The referer should be newpage1.html, without the hash. * * This also tests that we can call pushState from within the onload handler. */ enableChildLoadCallback(); iframeCw.location = "file_bug500328_1.html"; yield undefined; // Run within the onload handler. This should work without issue. iframeCw.history.pushState(null, "", "newpage1.html"); // iframeCw.navigateTo() causes the iframe to set its location on our // behalf. We can't just set its location ourselves, because then *we* // become the referrer. enableChildLoadCallback(); iframeCw.navigateTo("file_bug500328_1.html"); yield undefined; ok(iframeCw.document.referrer.toString().match(/newpage1.html$/), "Wrong referrer after pushState. Expected newpage1.html, but was " + iframeCw.document.referrer); /* * We're back at file_bug500328_1.html. Now do the following: * * replaceState to newpage2.html#foo * * Click a link back to file_bug500328_1.html * The referrer should be newpage2.html, without the hash. */ iframeCw.history.replaceState(null, null, "newpage2.html#foo"); enableChildLoadCallback(); sendMouseEvent({type:'click'}, 'link-self', iframeCw); yield undefined; ok(iframeCw.document.referrer.toString().match(/newpage2.html$/), "Wrong referrer after replaceState. Expected newpage2.html, but was " + iframeCw.document.referrer); /* * Set up a cycle with the popstate event to make sure it's properly * collected. */ var evt = document.createEvent("popstateevent"); evt.initEvent("foo", false, false, evt); /* */ SimpleTest.finish(); statusMsg("********** Finished tests ***********"); while(true) { yield undefined; // I don't think this will actually make the mochitest fail, but there's // not much we can do about this. Realistically, though, regressions are // not likely to fire extra events -- this trap is here mostly to catch // errors made while wriring tests. ok(false, "Got extra event!"); } /* statusMsg("XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); while(true) { yield undefined; statusMsg("Woken up."); } */ } // Important: Wait to start the tests until the page has loaded. Otherwise, // the test will occasionally fail when it begins running before the iframes // have finished their initial load of about:blank. window.addEventListener('load', function() { gGen = runTest(); gGen.next(); }, false); </script> </pre> </body> </html>