<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>slave for storage event propagation</title>

<script type="text/javascript" src="interOriginFrame.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var currentStep = 2;

var events = [];

window.addEventListener("storage", function(event)
}, false);

function doStep()
  function checkEvent(expectedKey, expectedOldValue, expectedNewValue)
    var event = events.shift();
    ok(event, "Event is present");
    if (!event)

    is(event.key, expectedKey, "key name check");
    is(event.oldValue, expectedOldValue, "old value check");
    is(event.newValue, expectedNewValue, "new value check");
    is(event.url, "http://example.com/tests/dom/tests/mochitest/storageevent/frameSessionStorageMasterEqual.html");

  switch (currentStep)
    case 10:
      is(events.length, 5, "Expected 5 events");
      checkEvent("X", null, "1");
      checkEvent("X", "1", "2");
      checkEvent("X", "2", null);
      checkEvent("X", null, "2");
      checkEvent(null, null, null);

  // Increase by two to distinguish each test step order
  // in both master doStep and slave doStep functions.

  return true;



<body onload="postMsg('frame loaded');">