  <title>Bug 633602 - constantXY.html</title>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js">
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="pointerlock_utils.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
  <a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=633602">
    Mozilla Bug 633602
  <div id="div"></div>
  <script type="application/javascript">
       * Test for Bug 633602
       * Confirm that screenX/Y and clientX/Y are constants when the pointer
       * is locked.

      SimpleTest.requestFlakyTimeout("We may need to wait for window's moving");

      var div
        , divRect
        , unLockedCoords
        , lockedCoords
        , mouseMoveIntervalID
        , isUnlocked = false
        , isLocked = false;

      function runTests () {
        ok(isUnlocked, "Pointer should be unlocked");
        ok(isLocked, "Pointer should be locked");

        // Confirm that pointer coords are constant while locked
        is(unLockedCoords.clientX, lockedCoords.clientX,
           "clientX should be equal to where the mouse was originaly locked");
        is(unLockedCoords.clientY, lockedCoords.clientY,
           "clientY should be equal to where the mouse was originaly locked");
        is(unLockedCoords.screenX, lockedCoords.screenX,
           "screenX should be equal to where the mouse was originaly locked");
        is(unLockedCoords.screenY, lockedCoords.screenY,
           "screenY should be equal to where the mouse was originaly locked");

      function moveUnlocked(e) {
        info("Got mousemove via moveUnlocked");
        var firstCall = !unLockedCoords;
        if (!firstCall) {
          todo(false, "mousemove is fired twice.");

        unLockedCoords = {
          screenX: e.screenX,
          screenY: e.screenY,
          clientX: e.clientX,
          clientY: e.clientY

        if (!firstCall) {

        isUnlocked = !document.pointerLockElement;

      function moveLocked(e) {
        info("Got mousemove via moveLocked");
        div.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveLocked);

        isLocked = !!document.pointerLockElement;
        lockedCoords = {
          screenX: e.screenX,
          screenY: e.screenY,
          clientX: e.clientX,
          clientY: e.clientY

        addFullscreenChangeContinuation("exit", function() {
          info("Got fullscreenchange for exiting");

      document.addEventListener("pointerlockchange", function (e) {
        if (document.pointerLockElement === div) {
          info("Got pointerlockchange for entering");
          div.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveUnlocked);
          div.addEventListener("mousemove", moveLocked);
          divRect = div.getBoundingClientRect();
          // Bug 1295815
          // Retrigger synthesizeNativeMouseMove until it actually happens.
          mouseMoveIntervalID = setInterval(() => {
            synthesizeNativeMouseMove(div, (divRect.width / 4) * 3,
                                      (divRect.height / 4) * 3);
          }, 100);
        } else {
          info("Got pointerlockchange for exiting");

      function start() {
        div = document.getElementById("div");
        info("Requesting fullscreen on parent");
        addFullscreenChangeContinuation("enter", function() {
          info("Got fullscreenchange for entering");
          synthesizeNativeMouseMove(div, 0, 0, () => {
            div.addEventListener("mousemove", moveUnlocked);
            divRect = div.getBoundingClientRect();
            // Bug 1295815
            // Retrigger synthesizeNativeMouseMove until it actually happens.
            mouseMoveIntervalID = setInterval(() => {
              synthesizeNativeMouseMove(div, divRect.width / 2, divRect.height / 2);
            }, 100);