function testDefaultCtor() { var req = new Request(""); is(req.method, "GET", "Default Request method is GET"); ok(req.headers instanceof Headers, "Request should have non-null Headers object"); is(req.url, self.location.href, "URL should be resolved with entry settings object's API base URL"); is(req.context, "fetch", "Default context is fetch."); is(req.referrer, "about:client", "Default referrer is `client` which serializes to about:client."); is(req.mode, "cors", "Request mode for string input is cors"); is(req.credentials, "omit", "Default Request credentials is omit"); is(req.cache, "default", "Default Request cache is default"); var req = new Request(req); is(req.method, "GET", "Default Request method is GET"); ok(req.headers instanceof Headers, "Request should have non-null Headers object"); is(req.url, self.location.href, "URL should be resolved with entry settings object's API base URL"); is(req.context, "fetch", "Default context is fetch."); is(req.referrer, "about:client", "Default referrer is `client` which serializes to about:client."); is(req.mode, "cors", "Request mode string input is cors"); is(req.credentials, "omit", "Default Request credentials is omit"); is(req.cache, "default", "Default Request cache is default"); } function testClone() { var orig = new Request("./cloned_request.txt", { method: 'POST', headers: { "Sample-Header": "5" }, body: "Sample body", mode: "same-origin", credentials: "same-origin", cache: "no-store", }); var clone = orig.clone(); ok(clone.method === "POST", "Request method is POST"); ok(clone.headers instanceof Headers, "Request should have non-null Headers object"); is(clone.headers.get('sample-header'), "5", "Request sample-header should be 5."); orig.headers.set('sample-header', 6); is(clone.headers.get('sample-header'), "5", "Cloned Request sample-header should continue to be 5."); ok(clone.url === (new URL("./cloned_request.txt", self.location.href)).href, "URL should be resolved with entry settings object's API base URL"); ok(clone.referrer === "about:client", "Default referrer is `client` which serializes to about:client."); ok(clone.mode === "same-origin", "Request mode is same-origin"); ok(clone.credentials === "same-origin", "Default credentials is same-origin"); ok(clone.cache === "no-store", "Default cache is no-store"); ok(!orig.bodyUsed, "Original body is not consumed."); ok(!clone.bodyUsed, "Clone body is not consumed."); var origBody = null; var clone2 = null; return orig.text().then(function (body) { origBody = body; is(origBody, "Sample body", "Original body string matches"); ok(orig.bodyUsed, "Original body is consumed."); ok(!clone.bodyUsed, "Clone body is not consumed."); try { orig.clone() ok(false, "Cannot clone Request whose body is already consumed"); } catch (e) { is(, "TypeError", "clone() of consumed body should throw TypeError"); } clone2 = clone.clone(); return clone.text(); }).then(function (body) { is(body, origBody, "Clone body matches original body."); ok(clone.bodyUsed, "Clone body is consumed."); try { clone.clone() ok(false, "Cannot clone Request whose body is already consumed"); } catch (e) { is(, "TypeError", "clone() of consumed body should throw TypeError"); } return clone2.text(); }).then(function (body) { is(body, origBody, "Clone body matches original body."); ok(clone2.bodyUsed, "Clone body is consumed."); try { clone2.clone() ok(false, "Cannot clone Request whose body is already consumed"); } catch (e) { is(, "TypeError", "clone() of consumed body should throw TypeError"); } }); } function testUsedRequest() { // Passing a used request should fail. var req = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: "This is foo" }); var p1 = req.text().then(function(v) { try { var req2 = new Request(req); ok(false, "Used Request cannot be passed to new Request"); } catch(e) { ok(true, "Used Request cannot be passed to new Request"); } }); // Passing a request should set the request as used. var reqA = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: "This is foo" }); var reqB = new Request(reqA); is(reqA.bodyUsed, true, "Passing a Request to another Request should set the former as used"); return p1; } function testSimpleUrlParse() { // Just checks that the URL parser is actually being used. var req = new Request("/file.html"); is(req.url, (new URL("/file.html", self.location.href)).href, "URL parser should be used to resolve Request URL"); } // Bug 1109574 - Passing a Request with null body should keep bodyUsed unset. function testBug1109574() { var r1 = new Request(""); is(r1.bodyUsed, false, "Initial value of bodyUsed should be false"); var r2 = new Request(r1); is(r1.bodyUsed, false, "Request with null body should not have bodyUsed set"); // This should succeed. var r3 = new Request(r1); } // Bug 1184550 - Request constructor should always throw if used flag is set, // even if body is null function testBug1184550() { var req = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: "Test" }); fetch(req); ok(req.bodyUsed, "Request body should be used immediately after fetch()"); return fetch(req).then(function(resp) { ok(false, "Second fetch with same request should fail."); }).catch(function(err) { is(, 'TypeError', "Second fetch with same request should fail."); }); } function testHeaderGuard() { var headers = { "Cookie": "Custom cookie", "Non-Simple-Header": "value", }; var r1 = new Request("", { headers: headers }); ok(!r1.headers.has("Cookie"), "Default Request header should have guard request and prevent setting forbidden header."); ok(r1.headers.has("Non-Simple-Header"), "Default Request header should have guard request and allow setting non-simple header."); var r2 = new Request("", { mode: "no-cors", headers: headers }); ok(!r2.headers.has("Cookie"), "no-cors Request header should have guard request-no-cors and prevent setting non-simple header."); ok(!r2.headers.has("Non-Simple-Header"), "no-cors Request header should have guard request-no-cors and prevent setting non-simple header."); } function testMode() { try { var req = new Request("", {mode: "navigate"}); ok(false, "Creating a Request with navigate RequestMode should throw a TypeError"); } catch(e) { is(, "TypeError", "Creating a Request with navigate RequestMode should throw a TypeError"); } } function testMethod() { // These get normalized. var allowed = ["delete", "get", "head", "options", "post", "put" ]; for (var i = 0; i < allowed.length; ++i) { try { var r = new Request("", { method: allowed[i] }); ok(true, "Method " + allowed[i] + " should be allowed"); is(r.method, allowed[i].toUpperCase(), "Standard HTTP method " + allowed[i] + " should be normalized"); } catch(e) { ok(false, "Method " + allowed[i] + " should be allowed"); } } var allowed = [ "pAtCh", "foo" ]; for (var i = 0; i < allowed.length; ++i) { try { var r = new Request("", { method: allowed[i] }); ok(true, "Method " + allowed[i] + " should be allowed"); is(r.method, allowed[i], "Non-standard but valid HTTP method " + allowed[i] + " should not be normalized"); } catch(e) { ok(false, "Method " + allowed[i] + " should be allowed"); } } var forbidden = ["connect", "trace", "track", "<invalid token??"]; for (var i = 0; i < forbidden.length; ++i) { try { var r = new Request("", { method: forbidden[i] }); ok(false, "Method " + forbidden[i] + " should be forbidden"); } catch(e) { ok(true, "Method " + forbidden[i] + " should be forbidden"); } } var allowedNoCors = ["get", "head", "post"]; for (var i = 0; i < allowedNoCors.length; ++i) { try { var r = new Request("", { method: allowedNoCors[i], mode: "no-cors" }); ok(true, "Method " + allowedNoCors[i] + " should be allowed in no-cors mode"); } catch(e) { ok(false, "Method " + allowedNoCors[i] + " should be allowed in no-cors mode"); } } var forbiddenNoCors = ["aardvark", "delete", "options", "put"]; for (var i = 0; i < forbiddenNoCors.length; ++i) { try { var r = new Request("", { method: forbiddenNoCors[i], mode: "no-cors" }); ok(false, "Method " + forbiddenNoCors[i] + " should be forbidden in no-cors mode"); } catch(e) { ok(true, "Method " + forbiddenNoCors[i] + " should be forbidden in no-cors mode"); } } // HEAD/GET requests cannot have a body. try { var r = new Request("", { method: "get", body: "hello" }); ok(false, "HEAD/GET request cannot have a body"); } catch(e) { is(, "TypeError", "HEAD/GET request cannot have a body"); } try { var r = new Request("", { method: "head", body: "hello" }); ok(false, "HEAD/GET request cannot have a body"); } catch(e) { is(, "TypeError", "HEAD/GET request cannot have a body"); } // Non HEAD/GET should not throw. var r = new Request("", { method: "patch", body: "hello" }); } function testUrlFragment() { var req = new Request("./request#withfragment"); is(req.url, (new URL("./request#withfragment", self.location.href)).href, "request.url should be serialized without exclude fragment flag set"); } function testUrlMalformed() { try { var req = new Request("http://"); ok(false, "Creating a Request with a malformed URL should throw a TypeError"); } catch(e) { is(, "TypeError", "Creating a Request with a malformed URL should throw a TypeError"); } } function testUrlCredentials() { try { var req = new Request(""); ok(false, "URLs with credentials should be rejected"); } catch(e) { is(, "TypeError", "URLs with credentials should be rejected"); } try { var req = new Request(""); ok(false, "URLs with credentials should be rejected"); } catch(e) { is(, "TypeError", "URLs with credentials should be rejected"); } } function testBodyUsed() { var req = new Request("./bodyused", { method: 'post', body: "Sample body" }); is(req.bodyUsed, false, "bodyUsed is initially false."); return req.text().then((v) => { is(v, "Sample body", "Body should match"); is(req.bodyUsed, true, "After reading body, bodyUsed should be true."); }).then((v) => { return req.blob().then((v) => { ok(false, "Attempting to read body again should fail."); }, (e) => { ok(true, "Attempting to read body again should fail."); }) }); } var text = "κόσμε"; function testBodyCreation() { var req1 = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: text }); var p1 = req1.text().then(function(v) { ok(typeof v === "string", "Should resolve to string"); is(text, v, "Extracted string should match"); }); var req2 = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: new Uint8Array([72, 101, 108, 108, 111]) }); var p2 = req2.text().then(function(v) { is("Hello", v, "Extracted string should match"); }); var req2b = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: (new Uint8Array([72, 101, 108, 108, 111])).buffer }); var p2b = req2b.text().then(function(v) { is("Hello", v, "Extracted string should match"); }); var reqblob = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: new Blob([text]) }); var pblob = reqblob.text().then(function(v) { is(v, text, "Extracted string should match"); }); // FormData has its own function since it has blobs and files. var params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append("item", "Geckos"); params.append("feature", "stickyfeet"); params.append("quantity", "700"); var req3 = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: params }); var p3 = req3.text().then(function(v) { var extracted = new URLSearchParams(v); is(extracted.get("item"), "Geckos", "Param should match"); is(extracted.get("feature"), "stickyfeet", "Param should match"); is(extracted.get("quantity"), "700", "Param should match"); }); return Promise.all([p1, p2, p2b, pblob, p3]); } function testFormDataBodyCreation() { var f1 = new FormData(); f1.append("key", "value"); f1.append("foo", "bar"); var r1 = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: f1 }) // Since f1 is serialized immediately, later additions should not show up. f1.append("more", "stuff"); var p1 = r1.formData().then(function(fd) { ok(fd instanceof FormData, "Valid FormData extracted."); ok(fd.has("key"), "key should exist."); ok(fd.has("foo"), "foo should exist."); ok(!fd.has("more"), "more should not exist."); }); f1.append("blob", new Blob([text])); var r2 = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: f1 }); f1.delete("key"); var p2 = r2.formData().then(function(fd) { ok(fd instanceof FormData, "Valid FormData extracted."); ok(fd.has("more"), "more should exist."); var b = fd.get("blob"); ok(, "blob", "blob entry should be a Blob."); ok(b instanceof Blob, "blob entry should be a Blob."); return readAsText(b).then(function(output) { is(output, text, "Blob contents should match."); }); }); return Promise.all([p1, p2]); } function testBodyExtraction() { var text = "κόσμε"; var newReq = function() { return new Request("", { method: 'post', body: text }); } return newReq().text().then(function(v) { ok(typeof v === "string", "Should resolve to string"); is(text, v, "Extracted string should match"); }).then(function() { return newReq().blob().then(function(v) { ok(v instanceof Blob, "Should resolve to Blob"); return readAsText(v).then(function(result) { is(result, text, "Decoded Blob should match original"); }); }); }).then(function() { return newReq().json().then(function(v) { ok(false, "Invalid json should reject"); }, function(e) { ok(true, "Invalid json should reject"); }) }).then(function() { return newReq().arrayBuffer().then(function(v) { ok(v instanceof ArrayBuffer, "Should resolve to ArrayBuffer"); var dec = new TextDecoder(); is(dec.decode(new Uint8Array(v)), text, "UTF-8 decoded ArrayBuffer should match original"); }); }).then(function() { return newReq().formData().then(function(v) { ok(false, "invalid FormData read should fail."); }, function(e) { ok( == "TypeError", "invalid FormData read should fail."); }); }); } function testFormDataBodyExtraction() { // URLSearchParams translates to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. var params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append("item", "Geckos"); params.append("feature", "stickyfeet"); params.append("quantity", "700"); params.append("quantity", "800"); var req = new Request("", { method: 'POST', body: params }); var p1 = req.formData().then(function(fd) { ok(fd.has("item"), "Has entry 'item'."); ok(fd.has("feature"), "Has entry 'feature'."); var entries = fd.getAll("quantity"); is(entries.length, 2, "Entries with same name are correctly handled."); is(entries[0], "700", "Entries with same name are correctly handled."); is(entries[1], "800", "Entries with same name are correctly handled."); }); var f1 = new FormData(); f1.append("key", "value"); f1.append("foo", "bar"); f1.append("blob", new Blob([text])); var r2 = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: f1 }); var p2 = r2.formData().then(function(fd) { ok(fd.has("key"), "Has entry 'key'."); ok(fd.has("foo"), "Has entry 'foo'."); ok(fd.has("blob"), "Has entry 'blob'."); var entries = fd.getAll("blob"); is(entries.length, 1, "getAll returns all items."); is(entries[0].name, "blob", "Filename should be blob."); ok(entries[0] instanceof Blob, "getAll returns blobs."); }); var ws = "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"; f1.set("key", new File([ws], 'file name has spaces.txt', { type: 'new/lines' })); var r3 = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: f1 }); var p3 = r3.formData().then(function(fd) { ok(fd.has("foo"), "Has entry 'foo'."); ok(fd.has("blob"), "Has entry 'blob'."); var entries = fd.getAll("blob"); is(entries.length, 1, "getAll returns all items."); is(entries[0].name, "blob", "Filename should be blob."); ok(entries[0] instanceof Blob, "getAll returns blobs."); ok(fd.has("key"), "Has entry 'key'."); var f = fd.get("key"); ok(f instanceof File, "entry should be a File."); is(, "file name has spaces.txt", "File name should match."); is(f.type, "new/lines", "File type should match."); is(f.size, ws.length, "File size should match."); return readAsText(f).then(function(text) { is(text, ws, "File contents should match."); }); }); // Override header and ensure parse fails. var boundary = "1234567891011121314151617"; var body = boundary + '\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="greeting"\r\n\r\n"hello"\r\n' + boundary + '-'; var r4 = new Request("", { method: 'post', body: body, headers: { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-datafoobar; boundary="+boundary, }}); var p4 = r4.formData().then(function() { ok(false, "Invalid mimetype should fail."); }, function() { ok(true, "Invalid mimetype should fail."); }); var r5 = new Request("", { method: 'POST', body: params, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencodedfoobar", }}); var p5 = r5.formData().then(function() { ok(false, "Invalid mimetype should fail."); }, function() { ok(true, "Invalid mimetype should fail."); }); return Promise.all([p1, p2, p3, p4]); } // mode cannot be set to "CORS-with-forced-preflight" from javascript. function testModeCorsPreflightEnumValue() { try { var r = new Request(".", { mode: "cors-with-forced-preflight" }); ok(false, "Creating Request with mode cors-with-forced-preflight should fail."); } catch(e) { ok(true, "Creating Request with mode cors-with-forced-preflight should fail."); // Also ensure that the error message matches error messages for truly // invalid strings. var invalidMode = "not-in-requestmode-enum"; var invalidExc; try { var r = new Request(".", { mode: invalidMode }); } catch(e) { invalidExc = e; } var expectedMessage = invalidExc.message.replace(invalidMode, 'cors-with-forced-preflight'); is(e.message, expectedMessage, "mode cors-with-forced-preflight should throw same error as invalid RequestMode strings."); } } // HEAD/GET Requests are not allowed to have a body even when copying another // Request. function testBug1154268() { var r1 = new Request("/index.html", { method: "POST", body: "Hi there" }); ["HEAD", "GET"].forEach(function(method) { try { var r2 = new Request(r1, { method: method }); ok(false, method + " Request copied from POST Request with body should fail."); } catch (e) { is(, "TypeError", method + " Request copied from POST Request with body should fail."); } }); } function testRequestConsumedByFailedConstructor(){ var r1 = new Request('', { method: 'POST', body: 'hello world' }); try{ var r2 = new Request(r1, { method: 'GET' }); ok(false, 'GET Request copied from POST Request with body should fail.'); } catch(e) { ok(true, 'GET Request copied from POST Request with body should fail.'); } ok(!r1.bodyUsed, 'Initial request should not be consumed by failed Request constructor'); } function runTest() { testDefaultCtor(); testSimpleUrlParse(); testUrlFragment(); testUrlCredentials(); testUrlMalformed(); testMode(); testMethod(); testBug1109574(); testBug1184550(); testHeaderGuard(); testModeCorsPreflightEnumValue(); testBug1154268(); testRequestConsumedByFailedConstructor(); return Promise.resolve() .then(testBodyCreation) .then(testBodyUsed) .then(testBodyExtraction) .then(testFormDataBodyCreation) .then(testFormDataBodyExtraction) .then(testUsedRequest) .then(testClone()) // Put more promise based tests here. }