<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=320,height=320" />
  <title>Bug 602580 - Test getting and setting innerWidth and Height after using setCSSViewport</title>
  <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
  function runSubTest()
    var oldWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var oldHeight = window.innerHeight;

    /* Test that return values are now from viewport */
    window.opener.is(window.innerWidth, 320, "innerWidth is css viewport width");
    window.opener.is(window.innerHeight, 320, "innerHeight is css viewport height");

    window.innerWidth = 300;
    window.opener.is(window.innerWidth, 300, "innerWidth returns value that was set");
    window.innerWidth = oldWidth;

    window.innerHeight = 300;
    window.opener.is(window.innerHeight, 300, "innerHeight returns value that was set");
    window.innerHeight = oldHeight;

<body onload="runSubTest()">