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  <title>Test for Bug 411103</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=541530">Mozilla Bug 541530</a>
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var orig = window;
window = {};

var origLocation = location;

ok(window === orig, "can't override window");
ok(window.location === location, "properties are properly aliased");
ok(document.location === location, "properties are properly aliased");

var canDefine = false;
try {
    this.__defineGetter__.call(this, 'bar', function() {});
    this.__defineSetter__.call(this, 'bar', function() {});
    canDefine = true;
} catch (e) {}
ok(canDefine, "Should have access to __defineGetter__ and __defineSetter__");

try {
    this.__defineGetter__('window', function() {});
    ok(false, "should not be able to defineGetter(window)");
} catch (e) {

try {
    this.__defineGetter__.call(window, 'location', function(){});
    ok(false, "should not be able to defineGetter(window.location)");
} catch (e) {

try {
    this.__defineGetter__.call(window.location, 'href', function(){});
    ok(false, "shouldn't be able to override location.href");
} catch (e) {
    ok(/shadow/.exec(e.message) ||
       /can't redefine non-configurable/.exec(e.message),
       "Should be caught by the anti-shadow mechanism.");

// Try deleting the property.
delete window.location.href;
ok(typeof window.location.href !== 'undefined',
   "shouldn't be able to delete the inherited property");
delete Object.getPrototypeOf(window.location).href;
ok(typeof window.location.href !== 'undefined',
   "shouldn't be able to delete the property off of the prototype");

this.__defineGetter__.call(Object.getPrototypeOf(window.location), 'href', function(){});
ok(true, "should be able to define things on the prototype");

try {
    this.__defineSetter__.call(window.location, 'href', function(){});
    ok(false, "overrode a setter for location.href?");
} catch (e) {
    ok(/shadow/.exec(e.message) ||
       /can't redefine non-configurable/.exec(e.message),
       "Should be caught by the anti-shadow mechanism.");

try {
    this.__defineGetter__.call(document, 'location', function(){});
    ok(false, "shouldn't be able to override document.location");
} catch (e) {

ok(window === orig, "can't override window");
ok(window.location === origLocation, "properties are properly aliased");
ok(document.location === origLocation, "properties are properly aliased");

location.href = 'javascript:ok(true, "was able to set location.href through a watchpoint")';
