<HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT> function docFragAppendTest() { var d = document.createDocumentFragment(); d.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" Hello")); var b = document.createElement("B") b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" there")); d.appendChild(b); p = document.getElementById("appendTest"); p.appendChild(d); alert("This number should be 0: " + d.childNodes.length); } function docFragReplaceTest() { var d = document.createDocumentFragment(); d.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" new")); var b = document.createElement("B") b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ones")); d.appendChild(b); p = document.getElementById("replaceTest"); s = document.getElementById("replaceSpan"); if (null != s) { p.replaceChild(d, s); } alert("This number should be 0: " + d.childNodes.length); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>Document Fragment test</H1> <P ID="appendTest">If this test works, clicking on this <A href="" onclick="docFragAppendTest(); return false;">link</A> will add two words to the end of this paragraph.</P> <P ID="replaceTest"> Clicking on this <A href="" onclick="docFragReplaceTest(); return false;">link</A> will replace the following two words with new ones: <span id="replaceSpan">two words</span>. </P> </BODY> </HTML>