<html> <body> The link below has an onmousedown, an onmouseup, and an onmousemove handler. Mouseover or click for event info in debug console. <a href="jshandlers.html">Link back to this page</a> <p>The link below has an event that should open www.mozilla.org when clicked </p> <!-- The link does 'return 0' - as per bug 345521 this should *not* be interpreted as false --> <a href="http://www.mozilla.org" onclick="return 0">Click me</a> <p>The link below has an event that is cancelled - nothing should happen when clicked </p> <a href="http://www.mozilla.org" onclick="return false">Click me<a/> </body> <script> function findElementByTagName(start, tag) { var type = start.nodeType; if (type == Node.ELEMENT) { if (tag == start.tagName) { //dump ("found one\n"); return start; } if (start.hasChildNodes) { var children = start.childNodes; var length = children.length; var count = 0; while(count < length) { var ret = findElementByTagName(children[count], tag) if (null != ret) { return ret; } count++; } } } return null; } function getFirstLink() { var node = document.documentElement; var ret = findElementByTagName(node, "A"); return ret; } function ondown() { dump("got mousedown in script\n"); } function onup() { dump("got mouseup in script\n"); } function onmove(event) { dump("got mousemove in script at "+event.clientX+", "+event.clientY+"\n"); } var l = getFirstLink(); l.onmousedown = ondown; l.onmouseup = onup; l.onmousemove = onmove; </script> </html>