/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsVolumeService.h" #include "Volume.h" #include "VolumeManager.h" #include "VolumeServiceIOThread.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsDependentSubstring.h" #include "nsIDOMWakeLockListener.h" #include "nsIMutableArray.h" #include "nsIObserver.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsIPowerManagerService.h" #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h" #include "nsISupportsUtils.h" #include "nsIVolume.h" #include "nsIVolumeService.h" #include "nsLocalFile.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "nsVolumeMountLock.h" #include "nsXULAppAPI.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "base/task.h" #undef VOLUME_MANAGER_LOG_TAG #define VOLUME_MANAGER_LOG_TAG "nsVolumeService" #include "VolumeManagerLog.h" #include <stdlib.h> using namespace mozilla::dom; using namespace mozilla::services; namespace mozilla { namespace system { NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsVolumeService, nsIVolumeService, nsIDOMMozWakeLockListener) StaticRefPtr<nsVolumeService> nsVolumeService::sSingleton; // static already_AddRefed<nsVolumeService> nsVolumeService::GetSingleton() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (!sSingleton) { sSingleton = new nsVolumeService(); } RefPtr<nsVolumeService> volumeService = sSingleton.get(); return volumeService.forget(); } // static void nsVolumeService::Shutdown() { if (!sSingleton) { return; } if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { sSingleton = nullptr; return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIPowerManagerService> pmService = do_GetService(POWERMANAGERSERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (pmService) { pmService->RemoveWakeLockListener(sSingleton.get()); } XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()->PostTask( NewRunnableFunction(ShutdownVolumeServiceIOThread)); sSingleton = nullptr; } nsVolumeService::nsVolumeService() : mArrayMonitor("nsVolumeServiceArray"), mGotVolumesFromParent(false) { sSingleton = this; if (!XRE_IsParentProcess()) { // VolumeServiceIOThread and the WakeLock listener should only run in the // parent, so we return early. return; } // Startup the IOThread side of things. The actual volume changes // are captured by the IOThread and forwarded to main thread. XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()->PostTask( NewRunnableFunction(InitVolumeServiceIOThread, this)); nsCOMPtr<nsIPowerManagerService> pmService = do_GetService(POWERMANAGERSERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (!pmService) { return; } pmService->AddWakeLockListener(this); } nsVolumeService::~nsVolumeService() { } // Callback for nsIDOMMozWakeLockListener NS_IMETHODIMP nsVolumeService::Callback(const nsAString& aTopic, const nsAString& aState) { CheckMountLock(aTopic, aState); return NS_OK; } void nsVolumeService::DumpNoLock(const char* aLabel) { mArrayMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); nsVolume::Array::size_type numVolumes = mVolumeArray.Length(); if (numVolumes == 0) { LOG("%s: No Volumes!", aLabel); return; } nsVolume::Array::index_type volIndex; for (volIndex = 0; volIndex < numVolumes; volIndex++) { RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = mVolumeArray[volIndex]; vol->Dump(aLabel); } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsVolumeService::Dump(const nsAString& aLabel) { MonitorAutoLock autoLock(mArrayMonitor); DumpNoLock(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(aLabel).get()); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsVolumeService::GetVolumeByName(const nsAString& aVolName, nsIVolume **aResult) { MonitorAutoLock autoLock(mArrayMonitor); RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = FindVolumeByName(aVolName); if (!vol) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } vol.forget(aResult); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsVolumeService::GetVolumeByPath(const nsAString& aPath, nsIVolume **aResult) { NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 utf8Path(aPath); char realPathBuf[PATH_MAX]; while (realpath(utf8Path.get(), realPathBuf) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) { ERR("GetVolumeByPath: realpath on '%s' failed: %d", utf8Path.get(), errno); return NSRESULT_FOR_ERRNO(); } // The pathname we were passed doesn't exist, so we try stripping off trailing // components until we get a successful call to realpath, or until we run out // of components (if we finally get to /something then we also stop). int32_t slashIndex = utf8Path.RFindChar('/'); if ((slashIndex == kNotFound) || (slashIndex == 0)) { errno = ENOENT; ERR("GetVolumeByPath: realpath on '%s' failed.", utf8Path.get()); return NSRESULT_FOR_ERRNO(); } utf8Path.Assign(Substring(utf8Path, 0, slashIndex)); } // The volume mount point is always a directory. Something like /mnt/sdcard // Once we have a full qualified pathname with symlinks removed (which is // what realpath does), we basically check if aPath starts with the mount // point, but we don't want to have /mnt/sdcard match /mnt/sdcardfoo but we // do want it to match /mnt/sdcard/foo // So we add a trailing slash to the mount point and the pathname passed in // prior to doing the comparison. strlcat(realPathBuf, "/", sizeof(realPathBuf)); MonitorAutoLock autoLock(mArrayMonitor); nsVolume::Array::size_type numVolumes = mVolumeArray.Length(); nsVolume::Array::index_type volIndex; for (volIndex = 0; volIndex < numVolumes; volIndex++) { RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = mVolumeArray[volIndex]; NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 volMountPointSlash(vol->MountPoint()); volMountPointSlash.Append('/'); nsDependentCSubstring testStr(realPathBuf, volMountPointSlash.Length()); if (volMountPointSlash.Equals(testStr)) { vol.forget(aResult); return NS_OK; } } return NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsVolumeService::CreateOrGetVolumeByPath(const nsAString& aPath, nsIVolume** aResult) { nsresult rv = GetVolumeByPath(aPath, aResult); if (rv == NS_OK) { return NS_OK; } // In order to support queries by the updater, we will fabricate a volume // from the pathname, so that the caller can determine the volume size. nsCOMPtr<nsIVolume> vol = new nsVolume(NS_LITERAL_STRING("fake"), aPath, nsIVolume::STATE_MOUNTED, -1 /* generation */, true /* isMediaPresent*/, false /* isSharing */, false /* isFormatting */, true /* isFake */, false /* isUnmounting */, false /* isRemovable */, false /* isHotSwappable*/); vol.forget(aResult); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsVolumeService::GetVolumeNames(nsIArray** aVolNames) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aVolNames); MonitorAutoLock autoLock(mArrayMonitor); *aVolNames = nullptr; nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> volNames = do_CreateInstance(NS_ARRAY_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsVolume::Array::size_type numVolumes = mVolumeArray.Length(); nsVolume::Array::index_type volIndex; for (volIndex = 0; volIndex < numVolumes; volIndex++) { RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = mVolumeArray[volIndex]; nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsString> isupportsString = do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_STRING_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = isupportsString->SetData(vol->Name()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = volNames->AppendElement(isupportsString, false); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } volNames.forget(aVolNames); return NS_OK; } void nsVolumeService::GetVolumesForIPC(nsTArray<VolumeInfo>* aResult) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); MonitorAutoLock autoLock(mArrayMonitor); nsVolume::Array::size_type numVolumes = mVolumeArray.Length(); nsVolume::Array::index_type volIndex; for (volIndex = 0; volIndex < numVolumes; volIndex++) { RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = mVolumeArray[volIndex]; VolumeInfo* volInfo = aResult->AppendElement(); volInfo->name() = vol->mName; volInfo->mountPoint() = vol->mMountPoint; volInfo->volState() = vol->mState; volInfo->mountGeneration() = vol->mMountGeneration; volInfo->isMediaPresent() = vol->mIsMediaPresent; volInfo->isSharing() = vol->mIsSharing; volInfo->isFormatting() = vol->mIsFormatting; volInfo->isFake() = vol->mIsFake; volInfo->isUnmounting() = vol->mIsUnmounting; volInfo->isRemovable() = vol->mIsRemovable; volInfo->isHotSwappable() = vol->mIsHotSwappable; } } void nsVolumeService::RecvVolumesFromParent(const nsTArray<VolumeInfo>& aVolumes) { if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { // We are the parent. Therefore our volumes are already correct. return; } if (mGotVolumesFromParent) { // We've already done this, no need to do it again. return; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aVolumes.Length(); i++) { const VolumeInfo& volInfo(aVolumes[i]); RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = new nsVolume(volInfo.name(), volInfo.mountPoint(), volInfo.volState(), volInfo.mountGeneration(), volInfo.isMediaPresent(), volInfo.isSharing(), volInfo.isFormatting(), volInfo.isFake(), volInfo.isUnmounting(), volInfo.isRemovable(), volInfo.isHotSwappable()); UpdateVolume(vol, false); } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsVolumeService::CreateMountLock(const nsAString& aVolumeName, nsIVolumeMountLock **aResult) { nsCOMPtr<nsIVolumeMountLock> mountLock = nsVolumeMountLock::Create(aVolumeName); if (!mountLock) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } mountLock.forget(aResult); return NS_OK; } void nsVolumeService::CheckMountLock(const nsAString& aMountLockName, const nsAString& aMountLockState) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = FindVolumeByMountLockName(aMountLockName); if (vol) { vol->UpdateMountLock(aMountLockState); } } already_AddRefed<nsVolume> nsVolumeService::FindVolumeByMountLockName(const nsAString& aMountLockName) { MonitorAutoLock autoLock(mArrayMonitor); nsVolume::Array::size_type numVolumes = mVolumeArray.Length(); nsVolume::Array::index_type volIndex; for (volIndex = 0; volIndex < numVolumes; volIndex++) { RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = mVolumeArray[volIndex]; nsString mountLockName; vol->GetMountLockName(mountLockName); if (mountLockName.Equals(aMountLockName)) { return vol.forget(); } } return nullptr; } already_AddRefed<nsVolume> nsVolumeService::FindVolumeByName(const nsAString& aName, nsVolume::Array::index_type* aIndex) { mArrayMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); nsVolume::Array::size_type numVolumes = mVolumeArray.Length(); nsVolume::Array::index_type volIndex; for (volIndex = 0; volIndex < numVolumes; volIndex++) { RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = mVolumeArray[volIndex]; if (vol->Name().Equals(aName)) { if (aIndex) { *aIndex = volIndex; } return vol.forget(); } } return nullptr; } void nsVolumeService::UpdateVolume(nsVolume* aVolume, bool aNotifyObservers) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); { MonitorAutoLock autoLock(mArrayMonitor); nsVolume::Array::index_type volIndex; RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = FindVolumeByName(aVolume->Name(), &volIndex); if (!vol) { mVolumeArray.AppendElement(aVolume); } else if (vol->Equals(aVolume) || (!vol->IsFake() && aVolume->IsFake())) { // Ignore if nothing changed or if a fake tries to override a real volume. return; } else { mVolumeArray.ReplaceElementAt(volIndex, aVolume); } aVolume->UpdateMountLock(vol); } if (!aNotifyObservers) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obs = GetObserverService(); if (!obs) { return; } NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 stateStr(aVolume->StateStr()); obs->NotifyObservers(aVolume, NS_VOLUME_STATE_CHANGED, stateStr.get()); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsVolumeService::CreateFakeVolume(const nsAString& name, const nsAString& path) { if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = new nsVolume(name, path, nsIVolume::STATE_INIT, -1 /* mountGeneration */, true /* isMediaPresent */, false /* isSharing */, false /* isFormatting */, true /* isFake */, false /* isUnmounting */, false /* isRemovable */, false /* isHotSwappable */); vol->SetState(nsIVolume::STATE_MOUNTED); vol->LogState(); UpdateVolume(vol.get()); return NS_OK; } ContentChild::GetSingleton()->SendCreateFakeVolume(nsString(name), nsString(path)); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsVolumeService::SetFakeVolumeState(const nsAString& name, int32_t state) { if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { RefPtr<nsVolume> vol; { MonitorAutoLock autoLock(mArrayMonitor); vol = FindVolumeByName(name); } if (!vol || !vol->IsFake()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // Clone the existing volume so we can replace it RefPtr<nsVolume> volume = new nsVolume(vol); volume->SetState(state); volume->LogState(); UpdateVolume(volume.get()); return NS_OK; } ContentChild::GetSingleton()->SendSetFakeVolumeState(nsString(name), state); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsVolumeService::RemoveFakeVolume(const nsAString& name) { if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { SetFakeVolumeState(name, nsIVolume::STATE_NOMEDIA); RemoveVolumeByName(name); return NS_OK; } ContentChild::GetSingleton()->SendRemoveFakeVolume(nsString(name)); return NS_OK; } void nsVolumeService::RemoveVolumeByName(const nsAString& aName) { { MonitorAutoLock autoLock(mArrayMonitor); nsVolume::Array::index_type volIndex; RefPtr<nsVolume> vol = FindVolumeByName(aName, &volIndex); if (!vol) { return; } mVolumeArray.RemoveElementAt(volIndex); } if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obs = GetObserverService(); if (!obs) { return; } obs->NotifyObservers(nullptr, NS_VOLUME_REMOVED, nsString(aName).get()); } } /*************************************************************************** * The UpdateVolumeRunnable creates an nsVolume and updates the main thread * data structure while running on the main thread. */ class UpdateVolumeRunnable : public Runnable { public: UpdateVolumeRunnable(nsVolumeService* aVolumeService, const Volume* aVolume) : mVolumeService(aVolumeService), mVolume(new nsVolume(aVolume)) { MOZ_ASSERT(MessageLoop::current() == XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()); } NS_IMETHOD Run() override { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); DBG("UpdateVolumeRunnable::Run '%s' state %s gen %d locked %d " "media %d sharing %d formatting %d unmounting %d removable %d hotswappable %d", mVolume->NameStr().get(), mVolume->StateStr(), mVolume->MountGeneration(), (int)mVolume->IsMountLocked(), (int)mVolume->IsMediaPresent(), mVolume->IsSharing(), mVolume->IsFormatting(), mVolume->IsUnmounting(), (int)mVolume->IsRemovable(), (int)mVolume->IsHotSwappable()); mVolumeService->UpdateVolume(mVolume); mVolumeService = nullptr; mVolume = nullptr; return NS_OK; } private: RefPtr<nsVolumeService> mVolumeService; RefPtr<nsVolume> mVolume; }; void nsVolumeService::UpdateVolumeIOThread(const Volume* aVolume) { DBG("UpdateVolumeIOThread: Volume '%s' state %s mount '%s' gen %d locked %d " "media %d sharing %d formatting %d unmounting %d removable %d hotswappable %d", aVolume->NameStr(), aVolume->StateStr(), aVolume->MountPoint().get(), aVolume->MountGeneration(), (int)aVolume->IsMountLocked(), (int)aVolume->MediaPresent(), (int)aVolume->IsSharing(), (int)aVolume->IsFormatting(), (int)aVolume->IsUnmounting(), (int)aVolume->IsRemovable(), (int)aVolume->IsHotSwappable()); MOZ_ASSERT(MessageLoop::current() == XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()); NS_DispatchToMainThread(new UpdateVolumeRunnable(this, aVolume)); } } // namespace system } // namespace mozilla