/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "MozMtpDatabase.h" #include "MozMtpServer.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "DeviceStorage.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/AutoRestore.h" #include "mozilla/Scoped.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "nsIFile.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "prio.h" #include <dirent.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <utime.h> #include <sys/stat.h> using namespace android; using namespace mozilla; namespace mozilla { MOZ_TYPE_SPECIFIC_SCOPED_POINTER_TEMPLATE(ScopedCloseDir, PRDir, PR_CloseDir) } BEGIN_MTP_NAMESPACE static const char* kMtpWatcherNotify = "mtp-watcher-notify"; #if 0 // Some debug code for figuring out deadlocks, if you happen to run into // that scenario class DebugMutexAutoLock: public MutexAutoLock { public: DebugMutexAutoLock(mozilla::Mutex& aMutex) : MutexAutoLock(aMutex) { MTP_LOG("Mutex acquired"); } ~DebugMutexAutoLock() { MTP_LOG("Releasing mutex"); } }; #define MutexAutoLock MTP_LOG("About to enter mutex"); DebugMutexAutoLock #endif static const char * ObjectPropertyAsStr(MtpObjectProperty aProperty) { switch (aProperty) { case MTP_PROPERTY_STORAGE_ID: return "MTP_PROPERTY_STORAGE_ID"; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FORMAT: return "MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FORMAT"; case MTP_PROPERTY_PROTECTION_STATUS: return "MTP_PROPERTY_PROTECTION_STATUS"; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE: return "MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE"; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FILE_NAME: return "MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FILE_NAME"; case MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_CREATED: return "MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_CREATED"; case MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_MODIFIED: return "MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_MODIFIED"; case MTP_PROPERTY_PARENT_OBJECT: return "MTP_PROPERTY_PARENT_OBJECT"; case MTP_PROPERTY_PERSISTENT_UID: return "MTP_PROPERTY_PERSISTENT_UID"; case MTP_PROPERTY_NAME: return "MTP_PROPERTY_NAME"; case MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_ADDED: return "MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_ADDED"; case MTP_PROPERTY_WIDTH: return "MTP_PROPERTY_WIDTH"; case MTP_PROPERTY_HEIGHT: return "MTP_PROPERTY_HEIGHT"; case MTP_PROPERTY_IMAGE_BIT_DEPTH: return "MTP_PROPERTY_IMAGE_BIT_DEPTH"; case MTP_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME: return "MTP_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME"; } return "MTP_PROPERTY_???"; } static char* FormatDate(time_t aTime, char *aDateStr, size_t aDateStrSize) { struct tm tm; localtime_r(&aTime, &tm); MTP_LOG("(%ld) tm_zone = %s off = %ld", aTime, tm.tm_zone, tm.tm_gmtoff); strftime(aDateStr, aDateStrSize, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", &tm); return aDateStr; } MozMtpDatabase::MozMtpDatabase() : mMutex("MozMtpDatabase::mMutex"), mDb(mMutex), mStorage(mMutex), mBeginSendObjectCalled(false) { MOZ_ASSERT(MessageLoop::current() == XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()); // We use the index into the array as the handle. Since zero isn't a valid // index, we stick a dummy entry there. RefPtr<DbEntry> dummy; MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mDb.AppendElement(dummy); } //virtual MozMtpDatabase::~MozMtpDatabase() { MOZ_ASSERT(MessageLoop::current() == XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()); } void MozMtpDatabase::AddEntry(DbEntry *entry) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); entry->mHandle = GetNextHandle(); MOZ_ASSERT(mDb.Length() == entry->mHandle); mDb.AppendElement(entry); MTP_DBG("Handle: 0x%08x Parent: 0x%08x Path:'%s'", entry->mHandle, entry->mParent, entry->mPath.get()); } void MozMtpDatabase::AddEntryAndNotify(DbEntry* entry, RefCountedMtpServer* aMtpServer) { AddEntry(entry); aMtpServer->sendObjectAdded(entry->mHandle); } void MozMtpDatabase::DumpEntries(const char* aLabel) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); ProtectedDbArray::size_type numEntries = mDb.Length(); MTP_LOG("%s: numEntries = %d", aLabel, numEntries); ProtectedDbArray::index_type entryIndex; for (entryIndex = 1; entryIndex < numEntries; entryIndex++) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = mDb[entryIndex]; if (entry) { MTP_LOG("%s: mDb[%d]: mHandle: 0x%08x mParent: 0x%08x StorageID: 0x%08x path: '%s'", aLabel, entryIndex, entry->mHandle, entry->mParent, entry->mStorageID, entry->mPath.get()); } else { MTP_LOG("%s: mDb[%2d]: entry is NULL", aLabel, entryIndex); } } } MtpObjectHandle MozMtpDatabase::FindEntryByPath(const nsACString& aPath) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); ProtectedDbArray::size_type numEntries = mDb.Length(); ProtectedDbArray::index_type entryIndex; for (entryIndex = 1; entryIndex < numEntries; entryIndex++) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = mDb[entryIndex]; if (entry && entry->mPath.Equals(aPath)) { return entryIndex; } } return 0; } already_AddRefed<MozMtpDatabase::DbEntry> MozMtpDatabase::GetEntry(MtpObjectHandle aHandle) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); RefPtr<DbEntry> entry; if (aHandle > 0 && aHandle < mDb.Length()) { entry = mDb[aHandle]; } return entry.forget(); } void MozMtpDatabase::RemoveEntry(MtpObjectHandle aHandle) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); if (!IsValidHandle(aHandle)) { return; } RefPtr<DbEntry> removedEntry = mDb[aHandle]; mDb[aHandle] = nullptr; MTP_DBG("0x%08x removed", aHandle); // if the entry is not a folder, just return. if (removedEntry->mObjectFormat != MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION) { return; } // Find out and remove the children of aHandle. // Since the index for a directory will always be less than the index of any of its children, // we can remove the entire subtree in one pass. ProtectedDbArray::size_type numEntries = mDb.Length(); ProtectedDbArray::index_type entryIndex; for (entryIndex = aHandle+1; entryIndex < numEntries; entryIndex++) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = mDb[entryIndex]; if (entry && IsValidHandle(entry->mParent) && !mDb[entry->mParent]) { mDb[entryIndex] = nullptr; MTP_DBG("0x%08x removed", aHandle); } } } void MozMtpDatabase::RemoveEntryAndNotify(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, RefCountedMtpServer* aMtpServer) { RemoveEntry(aHandle); aMtpServer->sendObjectRemoved(aHandle); } void MozMtpDatabase::UpdateEntryAndNotify(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, DeviceStorageFile* aFile, RefCountedMtpServer* aMtpServer) { UpdateEntry(aHandle, aFile); aMtpServer->sendObjectAdded(aHandle); } void MozMtpDatabase::UpdateEntry(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, DeviceStorageFile* aFile) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = mDb[aHandle]; int64_t fileSize = 0; aFile->mFile->GetFileSize(&fileSize); entry->mObjectSize = fileSize; PRTime dateModifiedMsecs; // GetLastModifiedTime returns msecs aFile->mFile->GetLastModifiedTime(&dateModifiedMsecs); entry->mDateModified = dateModifiedMsecs / PR_MSEC_PER_SEC; entry->mDateCreated = entry->mDateModified; entry->mDateAdded = entry->mDateModified; #if USE_DEBUG char dateStr[20]; MTP_DBG("UpdateEntry (0x%08x file %s) modified (%ld) %s", entry->mHandle, entry->mPath.get(), entry->mDateModified, FormatDate(entry->mDateModified, dateStr, sizeof(dateStr))); #endif } class MtpWatcherNotifyRunnable final : public Runnable { public: MtpWatcherNotifyRunnable(nsACString& aStorageName, nsACString& aPath, const char* aEventType) : mStorageName(aStorageName), mPath(aPath), mEventType(aEventType) {} NS_IMETHOD Run() override { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 storageName(mStorageName); NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 path(mPath); RefPtr<DeviceStorageFile> dsf( new DeviceStorageFile(NS_LITERAL_STRING(DEVICESTORAGE_SDCARD), storageName, path)); NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 eventType(mEventType); nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); MTP_DBG("Sending mtp-watcher-notify %s %s %s", mEventType.get(), mStorageName.get(), mPath.get()); obs->NotifyObservers(dsf, kMtpWatcherNotify, eventType.get()); return NS_OK; } private: nsCString mStorageName; nsCString mPath; nsCString mEventType; }; // MtpWatcherNotify is used to tell DeviceStorage when a file was changed // through the MTP server. void MozMtpDatabase::MtpWatcherNotify(DbEntry* aEntry, const char* aEventType) { // This function gets called from the MozMtpServer::mServerThread MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); MTP_DBG("file: %s %s", aEntry->mPath.get(), aEventType); // Tell interested parties that a file was created, deleted, or modified. RefPtr<StorageEntry> storageEntry; { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); // FindStorage and the mStorage[] access both need to have the mutex held. StorageArray::index_type storageIndex = FindStorage(aEntry->mStorageID); if (storageIndex == StorageArray::NoIndex) { return; } storageEntry = mStorage[storageIndex]; } // DeviceStorage wants the storageName and the path relative to the root // of the storage area, so we need to strip off the storagePath nsAutoCString relPath(Substring(aEntry->mPath, storageEntry->mStoragePath.Length() + 1)); RefPtr<MtpWatcherNotifyRunnable> r = new MtpWatcherNotifyRunnable(storageEntry->mStorageName, relPath, aEventType); DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = NS_DispatchToMainThread(r); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); } // Called to tell the MTP server about new or deleted files, void MozMtpDatabase::MtpWatcherUpdate(RefCountedMtpServer* aMtpServer, DeviceStorageFile* aFile, const nsACString& aEventType) { // Runs on the MtpWatcherUpdate->mIOThread (see MozMtpServer.cpp) MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread()); // Figure out which storage the belongs to (if any) if (!aFile->mFile) { // No path - don't bother looking. return; } nsString wideFilePath; aFile->mFile->GetPath(wideFilePath); NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 filePath(wideFilePath); nsCString evtType(aEventType); MTP_LOG("file %s %s", filePath.get(), evtType.get()); MtpObjectHandle entryHandle = FindEntryByPath(filePath); if (aEventType.EqualsLiteral("modified")) { // To update the file information to the newest, we remove the entry for // the existing file, then re-add the entry for the file. if (entryHandle != 0) { // Update entry for the file and tell MTP. MTP_LOG("About to update handle 0x%08x file %s", entryHandle, filePath.get()); UpdateEntryAndNotify(entryHandle, aFile, aMtpServer); } else { // Create entry for the file and tell MTP. CreateEntryForFileAndNotify(filePath, aFile, aMtpServer); } return; } if (aEventType.EqualsLiteral("deleted")) { if (entryHandle == 0) { // The entry has already been removed. We can't tell MTP. return; } MTP_LOG("About to call sendObjectRemoved Handle 0x%08x file %s", entryHandle, filePath.get()); RemoveEntryAndNotify(entryHandle, aMtpServer); return; } } nsCString MozMtpDatabase::BaseName(const nsCString& path) { nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file; NS_NewNativeLocalFile(path, false, getter_AddRefs(file)); if (file) { nsCString leafName; file->GetNativeLeafName(leafName); return leafName; } return path; } static nsCString GetPathWithoutFileName(const nsCString& aFullPath) { nsCString path; int32_t offset = aFullPath.RFindChar('/'); if (offset != kNotFound) { // The trailing slash will be as part of 'path' path = StringHead(aFullPath, offset + 1); } MTP_LOG("returning '%s'", path.get()); return path; } void MozMtpDatabase::CreateEntryForFileAndNotify(const nsACString& aPath, DeviceStorageFile* aFile, RefCountedMtpServer* aMtpServer) { // Find the StorageID that this path corresponds to. nsCString remainder; MtpStorageID storageID = FindStorageIDFor(aPath, remainder); if (storageID == 0) { // The path in question isn't for a storage area we're monitoring. nsCString path(aPath); return; } bool exists = false; aFile->mFile->Exists(&exists); if (!exists) { // File doesn't exist, no sense telling MTP about it. // This could happen if Device Storage created and deleted a file right // away. Since the notifications wind up being async, the file might // not exist any more. return; } // Now walk the remaining directories, finding or creating as required. MtpObjectHandle parent = MTP_PARENT_ROOT; bool doFind = true; int32_t offset = aPath.Length() - remainder.Length(); int32_t slash; do { nsDependentCSubstring component; slash = aPath.FindChar('/', offset); if (slash == kNotFound) { component.Rebind(aPath, 0, aPath.Length()); } else { component.Rebind(aPath, 0 , slash); } if (doFind) { MtpObjectHandle entryHandle = FindEntryByPath(component); if (entryHandle != 0) { // We found an entry. parent = entryHandle; offset = slash + 1 ; continue; } } // We've got a directory component that doesn't exist. This means that all // further subdirectories won't exist either, so we can skip searching // for them. doFind = false; // This directory and the file don't exist, create them RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = new DbEntry; entry->mStorageID = storageID; entry->mObjectName = Substring(aPath, offset, slash - offset); entry->mParent = parent; entry->mDisplayName = entry->mObjectName; entry->mPath = component; if (slash == kNotFound) { // No slash - this is the file component entry->mObjectFormat = MTP_FORMAT_DEFINED; int64_t fileSize = 0; aFile->mFile->GetFileSize(&fileSize); entry->mObjectSize = fileSize; // Note: Even though PRTime records usec, GetLastModifiedTime returns // msecs. PRTime dateModifiedMsecs; aFile->mFile->GetLastModifiedTime(&dateModifiedMsecs); entry->mDateModified = dateModifiedMsecs / PR_MSEC_PER_SEC; } else { // Found a slash, this makes this a directory component entry->mObjectFormat = MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION; entry->mObjectSize = 0; time(&entry->mDateModified); } entry->mDateCreated = entry->mDateModified; entry->mDateAdded = entry->mDateModified; AddEntryAndNotify(entry, aMtpServer); MTP_LOG("About to call sendObjectAdded Handle 0x%08x file %s", entry->mHandle, entry->mPath.get()); parent = entry->mHandle; offset = slash + 1; } while (slash != kNotFound); return; } void MozMtpDatabase::AddDirectory(MtpStorageID aStorageID, const char* aPath, MtpObjectHandle aParent) { MOZ_ASSERT(MessageLoop::current() == XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()); ScopedCloseDir dir; if (!(dir = PR_OpenDir(aPath))) { MTP_ERR("Unable to open directory '%s'", aPath); return; } PRDirEntry* dirEntry; while ((dirEntry = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_BOTH))) { nsPrintfCString filename("%s/%s", aPath, dirEntry->name); PRFileInfo64 fileInfo; if (PR_GetFileInfo64(filename.get(), &fileInfo) != PR_SUCCESS) { MTP_ERR("Unable to retrieve file information for '%s'", filename.get()); continue; } RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = new DbEntry; entry->mStorageID = aStorageID; entry->mParent = aParent; entry->mObjectName = dirEntry->name; entry->mDisplayName = dirEntry->name; entry->mPath = filename; // PR_GetFileInfo64 returns timestamps in usecs entry->mDateModified = fileInfo.modifyTime / PR_USEC_PER_SEC; entry->mDateCreated = fileInfo.creationTime / PR_USEC_PER_SEC; time(&entry->mDateAdded); if (fileInfo.type == PR_FILE_FILE) { entry->mObjectFormat = MTP_FORMAT_DEFINED; //TODO: Check how 64-bit filesize are dealt with entry->mObjectSize = fileInfo.size; AddEntry(entry); } else if (fileInfo.type == PR_FILE_DIRECTORY) { entry->mObjectFormat = MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION; entry->mObjectSize = 0; AddEntry(entry); AddDirectory(aStorageID, filename.get(), entry->mHandle); } } } MozMtpDatabase::StorageArray::index_type MozMtpDatabase::FindStorage(MtpStorageID aStorageID) { // Currently, this routine is called from MozMtpDatabase::RemoveStorage // and MozMtpDatabase::MtpWatcherNotify, which both hold mMutex. StorageArray::size_type numStorages = mStorage.Length(); StorageArray::index_type storageIndex; for (storageIndex = 0; storageIndex < numStorages; storageIndex++) { RefPtr<StorageEntry> storage = mStorage[storageIndex]; if (storage->mStorageID == aStorageID) { return storageIndex; } } return StorageArray::NoIndex; } // Find the storage ID for the storage area that contains aPath. MtpStorageID MozMtpDatabase::FindStorageIDFor(const nsACString& aPath, nsCSubstring& aRemainder) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); aRemainder.Truncate(); StorageArray::size_type numStorages = mStorage.Length(); StorageArray::index_type storageIndex; for (storageIndex = 0; storageIndex < numStorages; storageIndex++) { RefPtr<StorageEntry> storage = mStorage[storageIndex]; if (StringHead(aPath, storage->mStoragePath.Length()).Equals(storage->mStoragePath)) { if (aPath.Length() == storage->mStoragePath.Length()) { return storage->mStorageID; } if (aPath[storage->mStoragePath.Length()] == '/') { aRemainder = Substring(aPath, storage->mStoragePath.Length() + 1); return storage->mStorageID; } } } return 0; } void MozMtpDatabase::AddStorage(MtpStorageID aStorageID, const char* aPath, const char* aName) { // This is called on the IOThread from MozMtpStorage::StorageAvailable MOZ_ASSERT(MessageLoop::current() == XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()); MTP_DBG("StorageID: 0x%08x aPath: '%s' aName: '%s'", aStorageID, aPath, aName); PRFileInfo fileInfo; if (PR_GetFileInfo(aPath, &fileInfo) != PR_SUCCESS) { MTP_ERR("'%s' doesn't exist", aPath); return; } if (fileInfo.type != PR_FILE_DIRECTORY) { MTP_ERR("'%s' isn't a directory", aPath); return; } RefPtr<StorageEntry> storageEntry = new StorageEntry; storageEntry->mStorageID = aStorageID; storageEntry->mStoragePath = aPath; storageEntry->mStorageName = aName; { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mStorage.AppendElement(storageEntry); } AddDirectory(aStorageID, aPath, MTP_PARENT_ROOT); { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); MTP_LOG("added %d items from tree '%s'", mDb.Length(), aPath); } } void MozMtpDatabase::RemoveStorage(MtpStorageID aStorageID) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); // This is called on the IOThread from MozMtpStorage::StorageAvailable MOZ_ASSERT(MessageLoop::current() == XRE_GetIOMessageLoop()); ProtectedDbArray::size_type numEntries = mDb.Length(); ProtectedDbArray::index_type entryIndex; for (entryIndex = 1; entryIndex < numEntries; entryIndex++) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = mDb[entryIndex]; if (entry && entry->mStorageID == aStorageID) { mDb[entryIndex] = nullptr; } } StorageArray::index_type storageIndex = FindStorage(aStorageID); if (storageIndex != StorageArray::NoIndex) { mStorage.RemoveElementAt(storageIndex); } } // called from SendObjectInfo to reserve a database entry for the incoming file //virtual MtpObjectHandle MozMtpDatabase::beginSendObject(const char* aPath, MtpObjectFormat aFormat, MtpObjectHandle aParent, MtpStorageID aStorageID, uint64_t aSize, time_t aModified) { // If MtpServer::doSendObjectInfo receives a request with a parent of // MTP_PARENT_ROOT, then it fills in aPath with the fully qualified path // and then passes in a parent of zero. if (aParent == 0) { // Undo what doSendObjectInfo did aParent = MTP_PARENT_ROOT; } RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = new DbEntry; entry->mStorageID = aStorageID; entry->mParent = aParent; entry->mPath = aPath; entry->mObjectName = BaseName(entry->mPath); entry->mDisplayName = entry->mObjectName; entry->mObjectFormat = aFormat; entry->mObjectSize = aSize; if (aModified != 0) { // Currently, due to the way that parseDateTime is coded in // frameworks/av/media/mtp/MtpUtils.cpp, aModified winds up being the number // of seconds from the epoch in local time, rather than UTC time. So we // need to convert it back to being relative to UTC since that's what linux // expects time_t to contain. // // In more concrete testable terms, if the host parses 2015-08-02 02:22:00 // as a local time in the Pacific timezone, aModified will come to us as // 1438482120. // // What we want is what mktime would pass us with the same date. Using python // (because its simple) with the current timezone set to be America/Vancouver: // // >>> import time // >>> time.mktime((2015, 8, 2, 2, 22, 0, 0, 0, -1)) // 1438507320.0 // >>> time.localtime(1438507320) // time.struct_time(tm_year=2015, tm_mon=8, tm_mday=2, tm_hour=2, tm_min=22, tm_sec=0, tm_wday=6, tm_yday=214, tm_isdst=1) // // Currently, when a file has a modification time of 2015-08-22 02:22:00 PDT // then aModified will come in as 1438482120 which corresponds to // 2015-08-22 02:22:00 UTC struct tm tm; if (gmtime_r(&aModified, &tm) != NULL) { // GMT always comes back with tm_isdst = 0, so we set it to -1 in order // to have mktime figure out dst based on the date. tm.tm_isdst = -1; aModified = mktime(&tm); if (aModified == (time_t)-1) { aModified = 0; } } else { aModified = 0; } } if (aModified == 0) { // The ubuntu host doesn't pass in the modified/created times in the // SENDOBJECT packet, so aModified winds up being zero. About the best // we can do with that is to use the current time. time(&aModified); } // And just an FYI for anybody else looking at timestamps. Under OSX you // need to use the Android File Transfer program to copy files into the // phone. That utility passes in both date modified and date created // timestamps, but they're both equal to the time that the file was copied // and not the times that are associated with the files. // Now we have aModified in a traditional time_t format, which is the number // of seconds from the UTC epoch. entry->mDateModified = aModified; entry->mDateCreated = entry->mDateModified; entry->mDateAdded = entry->mDateModified; AddEntry(entry); #if USE_DEBUG char dateStr[20]; MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x Parent: 0x%08x Path: '%s' aModified %ld %s", entry->mHandle, aParent, aPath, aModified, FormatDate(entry->mDateModified, dateStr, sizeof(dateStr))); #endif mBeginSendObjectCalled = true; return entry->mHandle; } // called to report success or failure of the SendObject file transfer // success should signal a notification of the new object's creation, // failure should remove the database entry created in beginSendObject //virtual void MozMtpDatabase::endSendObject(const char* aPath, MtpObjectHandle aHandle, MtpObjectFormat aFormat, bool aSucceeded) { MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x Path: '%s'", aHandle, aPath); if (aSucceeded) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = GetEntry(aHandle); if (entry) { // The android MTP server only copies the data in, it doesn't set the // modified timestamp, so we do that here. struct utimbuf new_times; struct stat sb; char dateStr[20]; MTP_LOG("Path: '%s' setting modified time to (%ld) %s", entry->mPath.get(), entry->mDateModified, FormatDate(entry->mDateModified, dateStr, sizeof(dateStr))); stat(entry->mPath.get(), &sb); new_times.actime = sb.st_atime; // Preserve atime new_times.modtime = entry->mDateModified; utime(entry->mPath.get(), &new_times); MtpWatcherNotify(entry, "modified"); } } else { RemoveEntry(aHandle); } mBeginSendObjectCalled = false; } //virtual MtpObjectHandleList* MozMtpDatabase::getObjectList(MtpStorageID aStorageID, MtpObjectFormat aFormat, MtpObjectHandle aParent) { MTP_LOG("StorageID: 0x%08x Format: 0x%04x Parent: 0x%08x", aStorageID, aFormat, aParent); // aStorageID == 0xFFFFFFFF for all storage // aFormat == 0 for all formats // aParent == 0xFFFFFFFF for objects with no parents // aParent == 0 for all objects //TODO: Optimize UniquePtr<MtpObjectHandleList> list(new MtpObjectHandleList()); MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); ProtectedDbArray::size_type numEntries = mDb.Length(); ProtectedDbArray::index_type entryIndex; for (entryIndex = 1; entryIndex < numEntries; entryIndex++) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = mDb[entryIndex]; if (entry && (aStorageID == 0xFFFFFFFF || entry->mStorageID == aStorageID) && (aFormat == 0 || entry->mObjectFormat == aFormat) && (aParent == 0 || entry->mParent == aParent)) { list->push(entry->mHandle); } } MTP_LOG(" returning %d items", list->size()); return list.release(); } //virtual int MozMtpDatabase::getNumObjects(MtpStorageID aStorageID, MtpObjectFormat aFormat, MtpObjectHandle aParent) { MTP_LOG(""); // aStorageID == 0xFFFFFFFF for all storage // aFormat == 0 for all formats // aParent == 0xFFFFFFFF for objects with no parents // aParent == 0 for all objects int count = 0; MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); ProtectedDbArray::size_type numEntries = mDb.Length(); ProtectedDbArray::index_type entryIndex; for (entryIndex = 1; entryIndex < numEntries; entryIndex++) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = mDb[entryIndex]; if (entry && (aStorageID == 0xFFFFFFFF || entry->mStorageID == aStorageID) && (aFormat == 0 || entry->mObjectFormat == aFormat) && (aParent == 0 || entry->mParent == aParent)) { count++; } } MTP_LOG(" returning %d items", count); return count; } //virtual MtpObjectFormatList* MozMtpDatabase::getSupportedPlaybackFormats() { static const uint16_t init_data[] = {MTP_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION, MTP_FORMAT_TEXT, MTP_FORMAT_HTML, MTP_FORMAT_WAV, MTP_FORMAT_MP3, MTP_FORMAT_MPEG, MTP_FORMAT_EXIF_JPEG, MTP_FORMAT_TIFF_EP, MTP_FORMAT_BMP, MTP_FORMAT_GIF, MTP_FORMAT_PNG, MTP_FORMAT_TIFF, MTP_FORMAT_WMA, MTP_FORMAT_OGG, MTP_FORMAT_AAC, MTP_FORMAT_MP4_CONTAINER, MTP_FORMAT_MP2, MTP_FORMAT_3GP_CONTAINER, MTP_FORMAT_FLAC}; MtpObjectFormatList *list = new MtpObjectFormatList(); list->appendArray(init_data, MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(init_data)); MTP_LOG("returning Supported Playback Formats"); return list; } //virtual MtpObjectFormatList* MozMtpDatabase::getSupportedCaptureFormats() { static const uint16_t init_data[] = {MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION, MTP_FORMAT_PNG}; MtpObjectFormatList *list = new MtpObjectFormatList(); list->appendArray(init_data, MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(init_data)); MTP_LOG("returning MTP_FORMAT_ASSOCIATION, MTP_FORMAT_PNG"); return list; } static const MtpObjectProperty sSupportedObjectProperties[] = { MTP_PROPERTY_STORAGE_ID, MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FORMAT, MTP_PROPERTY_PROTECTION_STATUS, // UINT16 - always 0 MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE, MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FILE_NAME, // just the filename - no directory MTP_PROPERTY_NAME, MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_CREATED, MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_MODIFIED, MTP_PROPERTY_PARENT_OBJECT, MTP_PROPERTY_PERSISTENT_UID, MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_ADDED, }; //virtual MtpObjectPropertyList* MozMtpDatabase::getSupportedObjectProperties(MtpObjectFormat aFormat) { MTP_LOG(""); MtpObjectPropertyList *list = new MtpObjectPropertyList(); list->appendArray(sSupportedObjectProperties, MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(sSupportedObjectProperties)); return list; } //virtual MtpDevicePropertyList* MozMtpDatabase::getSupportedDeviceProperties() { MTP_LOG(""); static const uint16_t init_data[] = { MTP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_UNDEFINED }; MtpDevicePropertyList *list = new MtpDevicePropertyList(); list->appendArray(init_data, MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(init_data)); return list; } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::getObjectPropertyValue(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, MtpObjectProperty aProperty, MtpDataPacket& aPacket) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = GetEntry(aHandle); if (!entry) { MTP_ERR("Invalid Handle: 0x%08x", aHandle); return MTP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE; } MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x '%s' Property: %s 0x%08x", aHandle, entry->mDisplayName.get(), ObjectPropertyAsStr(aProperty), aProperty); switch (aProperty) { case MTP_PROPERTY_STORAGE_ID: aPacket.putUInt32(entry->mStorageID); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_PARENT_OBJECT: aPacket.putUInt32(entry->mParent); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FORMAT: aPacket.putUInt16(entry->mObjectFormat); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE: aPacket.putUInt64(entry->mObjectSize); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME: aPacket.putString(entry->mDisplayName.get()); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_PERSISTENT_UID: // the same as aPacket.putUInt128 aPacket.putUInt64(entry->mHandle); aPacket.putUInt64(entry->mStorageID); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_NAME: aPacket.putString(entry->mDisplayName.get()); break; default: MTP_LOG("Invalid Property: 0x%08x", aProperty); return MTP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OBJECT_PROP_CODE; } return MTP_RESPONSE_OK; } static int GetTypeOfObjectProp(MtpObjectProperty aProperty) { struct PropertyTableEntry { MtpObjectProperty property; int type; }; static const PropertyTableEntry kObjectPropertyTable[] = { {MTP_PROPERTY_STORAGE_ID, MTP_TYPE_UINT32 }, {MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FORMAT, MTP_TYPE_UINT16 }, {MTP_PROPERTY_PROTECTION_STATUS, MTP_TYPE_UINT16 }, {MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE, MTP_TYPE_UINT64 }, {MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FILE_NAME, MTP_TYPE_STR }, {MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_CREATED, MTP_TYPE_STR }, {MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_MODIFIED, MTP_TYPE_STR }, {MTP_PROPERTY_PARENT_OBJECT, MTP_TYPE_UINT32 }, {MTP_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME, MTP_TYPE_STR }, {MTP_PROPERTY_NAME, MTP_TYPE_STR }, {MTP_PROPERTY_PERSISTENT_UID, MTP_TYPE_UINT128 }, {MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_ADDED, MTP_TYPE_STR }, }; int count = sizeof(kObjectPropertyTable) / sizeof(kObjectPropertyTable[0]); const PropertyTableEntry* entryProp = kObjectPropertyTable; int type = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++entryProp) { if (entryProp->property == aProperty) { type = entryProp->type; break; } } return type; } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::setObjectPropertyValue(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, MtpObjectProperty aProperty, MtpDataPacket& aPacket) { MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x Property: 0x%08x", aHandle, aProperty); // Only support file name change if (aProperty != MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FILE_NAME) { MTP_ERR("property 0x%x not supported", aProperty); return MTP_RESPONSE_OBJECT_PROP_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (GetTypeOfObjectProp(aProperty) != MTP_TYPE_STR) { MTP_ERR("property type 0x%x not supported", GetTypeOfObjectProp(aProperty)); return MTP_RESPONSE_GENERAL_ERROR; } RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = GetEntry(aHandle); if (!entry) { MTP_ERR("Invalid Handle: 0x%08x", aHandle); return MTP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE; } MtpStringBuffer buf; aPacket.getString(buf); nsDependentCString newFileName(buf); nsCString newFileFullPath(GetPathWithoutFileName(entry->mPath) + newFileName); if (PR_Rename(entry->mPath.get(), newFileFullPath.get()) != PR_SUCCESS) { MTP_ERR("Failed to rename '%s' to '%s'", entry->mPath.get(), newFileFullPath.get()); return MTP_RESPONSE_GENERAL_ERROR; } MTP_LOG("renamed '%s' to '%s'", entry->mPath.get(), newFileFullPath.get()); entry->mPath = newFileFullPath; entry->mObjectName = BaseName(entry->mPath); entry->mDisplayName = entry->mObjectName; return MTP_RESPONSE_OK; } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::getDevicePropertyValue(MtpDeviceProperty aProperty, MtpDataPacket& aPacket) { MTP_LOG("(GENERAL ERROR)"); return MTP_RESPONSE_GENERAL_ERROR; } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::setDevicePropertyValue(MtpDeviceProperty aProperty, MtpDataPacket& aPacket) { MTP_LOG("(NOT SUPPORTED)"); return MTP_RESPONSE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::resetDeviceProperty(MtpDeviceProperty aProperty) { MTP_LOG("(NOT SUPPORTED)"); return MTP_RESPONSE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } void MozMtpDatabase::QueryEntries(MozMtpDatabase::MatchType aMatchType, uint32_t aMatchField1, uint32_t aMatchField2, UnprotectedDbArray &result) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); ProtectedDbArray::size_type numEntries = mDb.Length(); ProtectedDbArray::index_type entryIdx; RefPtr<DbEntry> entry; result.Clear(); switch (aMatchType) { case MatchAll: for (entryIdx = 0; entryIdx < numEntries; entryIdx++) { if (mDb[entryIdx]) { result.AppendElement(mDb[entryIdx]); } } break; case MatchHandle: for (entryIdx = 0; entryIdx < numEntries; entryIdx++) { entry = mDb[entryIdx]; if (entry && entry->mHandle == aMatchField1) { result.AppendElement(entry); // Handles are unique - return the one that we found. return; } } break; case MatchParent: for (entryIdx = 0; entryIdx < numEntries; entryIdx++) { entry = mDb[entryIdx]; if (entry && entry->mParent == aMatchField1) { result.AppendElement(entry); } } break; case MatchFormat: for (entryIdx = 0; entryIdx < numEntries; entryIdx++) { entry = mDb[entryIdx]; if (entry && entry->mObjectFormat == aMatchField1) { result.AppendElement(entry); } } break; case MatchHandleFormat: for (entryIdx = 0; entryIdx < numEntries; entryIdx++) { entry = mDb[entryIdx]; if (entry && entry->mHandle == aMatchField1) { if (entry->mObjectFormat == aMatchField2) { result.AppendElement(entry); } // Only 1 entry can match my aHandle. So we can return early. return; } } break; case MatchParentFormat: for (entryIdx = 0; entryIdx < numEntries; entryIdx++) { entry = mDb[entryIdx]; if (entry && entry->mParent == aMatchField1 && entry->mObjectFormat == aMatchField2) { result.AppendElement(entry); } } break; default: MOZ_ASSERT(!"Invalid MatchType"); } } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::getObjectPropertyList(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, uint32_t aFormat, uint32_t aProperty, int aGroupCode, int aDepth, MtpDataPacket& aPacket) { MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x Format: 0x%08x aProperty: 0x%08x aGroupCode: %d aDepth %d", aHandle, aFormat, aProperty, aGroupCode, aDepth); if (aDepth > 1) { return MTP_RESPONSE_SPECIFICATION_BY_DEPTH_UNSUPPORTED; } if (aGroupCode != 0) { return MTP_RESPONSE_SPECIFICATION_BY_GROUP_UNSUPPORTED; } MatchType matchType = MatchAll; uint32_t matchField1 = 0; uint32_t matchField2 = 0; // aHandle == 0 implies all objects at the root level // further specificed by aFormat and/or aDepth if (aFormat == 0) { if (aHandle == 0xffffffff) { // select all objects matchType = MatchAll; } else { if (aDepth == 1) { // select objects whose Parent matches aHandle matchType = MatchParent; matchField1 = aHandle; } else { // select object whose handle matches aHandle matchType = MatchHandle; matchField1 = aHandle; } } } else { if (aHandle == 0xffffffff) { // select all objects whose format matches aFormat matchType = MatchFormat; matchField1 = aFormat; } else { if (aDepth == 1) { // select objects whose Parent is aHandle and format matches aFormat matchType = MatchParentFormat; matchField1 = aHandle; matchField2 = aFormat; } else { // select objects whose handle is aHandle and format matches aFormat matchType = MatchHandleFormat; matchField1 = aHandle; matchField2 = aFormat; } } } UnprotectedDbArray result; QueryEntries(matchType, matchField1, matchField2, result); const MtpObjectProperty *objectPropertyList; size_t numObjectProperties = 0; MtpObjectProperty objectProperty; if (aProperty == 0xffffffff) { // return all supported properties numObjectProperties = MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(sSupportedObjectProperties); objectPropertyList = sSupportedObjectProperties; } else { // return property indicated by aProperty numObjectProperties = 1; objectProperty = aProperty; objectPropertyList = &objectProperty; } UnprotectedDbArray::size_type numEntries = result.Length(); UnprotectedDbArray::index_type entryIdx; char dateStr[20]; aPacket.putUInt32(numObjectProperties * numEntries); for (entryIdx = 0; entryIdx < numEntries; entryIdx++) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = result[entryIdx]; for (size_t propertyIdx = 0; propertyIdx < numObjectProperties; propertyIdx++) { aPacket.putUInt32(entry->mHandle); MtpObjectProperty prop = objectPropertyList[propertyIdx]; aPacket.putUInt16(prop); switch (prop) { case MTP_PROPERTY_STORAGE_ID: aPacket.putUInt16(MTP_TYPE_UINT32); aPacket.putUInt32(entry->mStorageID); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_PARENT_OBJECT: aPacket.putUInt16(MTP_TYPE_UINT32); aPacket.putUInt32(entry->mParent); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_PERSISTENT_UID: aPacket.putUInt16(MTP_TYPE_UINT128); // the same as aPacket.putUInt128 aPacket.putUInt64(entry->mHandle); aPacket.putUInt64(entry->mStorageID); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FORMAT: aPacket.putUInt16(MTP_TYPE_UINT16); aPacket.putUInt16(entry->mObjectFormat); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE: aPacket.putUInt16(MTP_TYPE_UINT64); aPacket.putUInt64(entry->mObjectSize); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FILE_NAME: case MTP_PROPERTY_NAME: aPacket.putUInt16(MTP_TYPE_STR); aPacket.putString(entry->mObjectName.get()); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_PROTECTION_STATUS: aPacket.putUInt16(MTP_TYPE_UINT16); aPacket.putUInt16(0); // 0 = No Protection break; case MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_CREATED: { aPacket.putUInt16(MTP_TYPE_STR); aPacket.putString(FormatDate(entry->mDateCreated, dateStr, sizeof(dateStr))); MTP_LOG("mDateCreated: (%ld) %s", entry->mDateCreated, dateStr); break; } case MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_MODIFIED: { aPacket.putUInt16(MTP_TYPE_STR); aPacket.putString(FormatDate(entry->mDateModified, dateStr, sizeof(dateStr))); MTP_LOG("mDateModified: (%ld) %s", entry->mDateModified, dateStr); break; } case MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_ADDED: { aPacket.putUInt16(MTP_TYPE_STR); aPacket.putString(FormatDate(entry->mDateAdded, dateStr, sizeof(dateStr))); MTP_LOG("mDateAdded: (%ld) %s", entry->mDateAdded, dateStr); break; } default: MTP_ERR("Unrecognized property code: %u", prop); return MTP_RESPONSE_GENERAL_ERROR; } } } return MTP_RESPONSE_OK; } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::getObjectInfo(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, MtpObjectInfo& aInfo) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = GetEntry(aHandle); if (!entry) { MTP_ERR("Handle 0x%08x is invalid", aHandle); return MTP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE; } MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x Display:'%s' Object:'%s'", aHandle, entry->mDisplayName.get(), entry->mObjectName.get()); aInfo.mHandle = aHandle; aInfo.mStorageID = entry->mStorageID; aInfo.mFormat = entry->mObjectFormat; aInfo.mProtectionStatus = 0x0; if (entry->mObjectSize > 0xFFFFFFFFuLL) { aInfo.mCompressedSize = 0xFFFFFFFFuLL; } else { aInfo.mCompressedSize = entry->mObjectSize; } aInfo.mThumbFormat = MTP_FORMAT_UNDEFINED; aInfo.mThumbCompressedSize = 0; aInfo.mThumbPixWidth = 0; aInfo.mThumbPixHeight = 0; aInfo.mImagePixWidth = 0; aInfo.mImagePixHeight = 0; aInfo.mImagePixDepth = 0; aInfo.mParent = entry->mParent; aInfo.mAssociationType = 0; aInfo.mAssociationDesc = 0; aInfo.mSequenceNumber = 0; aInfo.mName = ::strdup(entry->mObjectName.get()); aInfo.mDateCreated = entry->mDateCreated; aInfo.mDateModified = entry->mDateModified; MTP_LOG("aInfo.mDateCreated = %ld entry->mDateCreated = %ld", aInfo.mDateCreated, entry->mDateCreated); MTP_LOG("aInfo.mDateModified = %ld entry->mDateModified = %ld", aInfo.mDateModified, entry->mDateModified); aInfo.mKeywords = ::strdup("fxos,touch"); return MTP_RESPONSE_OK; } //virtual void* MozMtpDatabase::getThumbnail(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, size_t& aOutThumbSize) { MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x (returning nullptr)", aHandle); aOutThumbSize = 0; return nullptr; } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::getObjectFilePath(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, MtpString& aOutFilePath, int64_t& aOutFileLength, MtpObjectFormat& aOutFormat) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = GetEntry(aHandle); if (!entry) { MTP_ERR("Handle 0x%08x is invalid", aHandle); return MTP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE; } MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x FilePath: '%s'", aHandle, entry->mPath.get()); aOutFilePath = entry->mPath.get(); aOutFileLength = entry->mObjectSize; aOutFormat = entry->mObjectFormat; return MTP_RESPONSE_OK; } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::deleteFile(MtpObjectHandle aHandle) { RefPtr<DbEntry> entry = GetEntry(aHandle); if (!entry) { MTP_ERR("Invalid Handle: 0x%08x", aHandle); return MTP_RESPONSE_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE; } MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x '%s'", aHandle, entry->mPath.get()); // File deletion will happen in lower level implementation. // The only thing we need to do is removing the entry from the db. RemoveEntry(aHandle); // Tell Device Storage that the file is gone. MtpWatcherNotify(entry, "deleted"); return MTP_RESPONSE_OK; } #if 0 //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::moveFile(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, MtpObjectHandle aNewParent) { MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x NewParent: 0x%08x", aHandle, aNewParent); // change parent return MTP_RESPONSE_OK } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::copyFile(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, MtpObjectHandle aNewParent) { MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x NewParent: 0x%08x", aHandle, aNewParent); // duplicate DbEntry // change parent return MTP_RESPONSE_OK } #endif //virtual MtpObjectHandleList* MozMtpDatabase::getObjectReferences(MtpObjectHandle aHandle) { MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x (returning nullptr)", aHandle); return nullptr; } //virtual MtpResponseCode MozMtpDatabase::setObjectReferences(MtpObjectHandle aHandle, MtpObjectHandleList* aReferences) { MTP_LOG("Handle: 0x%08x (NOT SUPPORTED)", aHandle); return MTP_RESPONSE_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } //virtual MtpProperty* MozMtpDatabase::getObjectPropertyDesc(MtpObjectProperty aProperty, MtpObjectFormat aFormat) { MTP_LOG("Property: %s 0x%08x", ObjectPropertyAsStr(aProperty), aProperty); MtpProperty* result = nullptr; switch (aProperty) { case MTP_PROPERTY_PROTECTION_STATUS: result = new MtpProperty(aProperty, MTP_TYPE_UINT16); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FORMAT: result = new MtpProperty(aProperty, MTP_TYPE_UINT16, false, aFormat); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_STORAGE_ID: case MTP_PROPERTY_PARENT_OBJECT: case MTP_PROPERTY_WIDTH: case MTP_PROPERTY_HEIGHT: case MTP_PROPERTY_IMAGE_BIT_DEPTH: result = new MtpProperty(aProperty, MTP_TYPE_UINT32); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_SIZE: result = new MtpProperty(aProperty, MTP_TYPE_UINT64); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_NAME: case MTP_PROPERTY_NAME: result = new MtpProperty(aProperty, MTP_TYPE_STR); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_OBJECT_FILE_NAME: result = new MtpProperty(aProperty, MTP_TYPE_STR, true); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_CREATED: case MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_MODIFIED: case MTP_PROPERTY_DATE_ADDED: result = new MtpProperty(aProperty, MTP_TYPE_STR); result->setFormDateTime(); break; case MTP_PROPERTY_PERSISTENT_UID: result = new MtpProperty(aProperty, MTP_TYPE_UINT128); break; default: break; } return result; } //virtual MtpProperty* MozMtpDatabase::getDevicePropertyDesc(MtpDeviceProperty aProperty) { MTP_LOG("(returning MTP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_UNDEFINED)"); return new MtpProperty(MTP_DEVICE_PROPERTY_UNDEFINED, MTP_TYPE_UNDEFINED); } //virtual void MozMtpDatabase::sessionStarted() { MTP_LOG(""); } //virtual void MozMtpDatabase::sessionEnded() { MTP_LOG(""); } END_MTP_NAMESPACE