  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Test for Bug 1247733</title>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/WindowSnapshot.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1247733">Mozilla Bug 1247733</a>
<p id="display">
  <iframe id="myIframe"></iframe>
<div id="content" style="display: none">

<pre id="test"></pre>
<script type="application/javascript">
  /** Test for Bug 1247733 **/

   * This test ensures that we render the SVG 'use' element correctly, in
   * pages that have been upgraded from HTTP to HTTPS using strict transport
   * security (HSTS)
   * Specifically:
   *  (1) We load a file using HTTPS, in an iframe. The file gets sent
   *      with a Strict-Transport-Security flag.
   *  (2) We load the same file again, but now over HTTP (which should get
   *      upgraded to HTTPS, since we received the Strict-Transport-Security
   *      flag during the first load).
   *  (3) After each of the above loads, we take a snapshot of the iframe
   *      and ensure that it renders as fully lime (which the 'use' element
   *      is responsible for). If the 'use' element fails to render, the iframe
   *      will be fully red, and we'll fail an "assertSnapshots" check.

  const iframe = document.getElementById("myIframe");
  const iframeWin = iframe.contentWindow;

  // URI for our testcase with 'use' element, via HTTP and HTTPS:
  const insecureURI = "http://example.com/tests/dom/svg/test/use-with-hsts-helper.html";
  const secureURI   = "https://example.com/tests/dom/svg/test/use-with-hsts-helper.html";

  // Snapshots that we'll populate below:
  var blankSnapshot;  // Snapshot of blank iframe.
  var refSnapshot;    // Snapshot of lime reference rendering in iframe.
  var secureSnapshot; // Snapshot of testcase using HTTPS.
  var upgradedSnapshot; // Snapshot of testcase using HTTP-upgraded-to-HTTPS.

  // Bookkeeping to be sure receiveMessage is called as many times as we expect:
  var numPostMessageCalls = 0;
  const expectedNumPostMessageCalls = 2; // (We load the helper file twice.)

  // Helper function, called via postMessage, to check iframe's actual location:
  function receiveMessage(event) {
    is(event.data, secureURI, "iframe should end up viewing secure URI");

  // Execution basically proceeds top-to-bottom through the functions
  // from this point on, via a chain of iframe onload-callbacks.
  function runTest() {
    // Capture a snapshot with nothing in the iframe, so we can do a
    // sanity-check not-equal comparison against our reference case, to be
    // sure we're rendering anything at all:
    blankSnapshot = snapshotWindow(iframeWin);

    // Point iframe at a reference case:
    iframe.onload = captureRefSnapshot;
    iframe.src = "data:text/html,<body style='background:lime'>";

  function captureRefSnapshot() {
    // Capture the reference screenshot:
    refSnapshot = snapshotWindow(iframeWin);

    // Ensure reference-case looks different from blank snapshot:
    assertSnapshots(refSnapshot, blankSnapshot,
                    false /*not equal*/, null /*no fuzz*/,
                    "refSnapshot", "blankSnapshot");

    // OK, assuming we've got a valid refSnapshot, we can now proceed to
    // capture test screenshots.

    // Register a postMessage handler, so that iframe can report its location:
    window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);

    // Point iframe at secure (HTTPS) version of testcase, & wait for callback:
    iframe.onload = captureSecureSnapshot;
    iframe.src = secureURI;

  function captureSecureSnapshot() {
    // Capture snapshot of iframe showing always-HTTPS version of testcase:
    secureSnapshot = snapshotWindow(iframeWin);
    assertSnapshots(secureSnapshot, refSnapshot,
                    true /*equal*/, null /*no fuzz*/,
                    "secureSnapshot", "refSnapshot");

    // Point iframe at insecure (HTTP) version of testcase (which should get
    // automatically upgraded to secure (HTTPS) under the hood), & wait for
    // callback:
    iframe.onload = captureUpgradedSnapshot;
    iframe.src = insecureURI;

  function captureUpgradedSnapshot() {
    // Double-check that iframe is really pointed at insecure URI, to be sure
    // we're actually exercising HSTS. (Note that receiveMessage() will make
    // sure it's been upgraded to a secure HTTPS URI under the hood.)
    is(iframe.src, insecureURI,
       "test should've attempted to load insecure HTTP URI, to exercise HSTS");

    // Capture snapshot of iframe showing upgraded-to-HTTPS version of testcase:
    upgradedSnapshot = snapshotWindow(iframeWin);
    assertSnapshots(upgradedSnapshot, refSnapshot,
                    true /*equal*/, null /*no fuzz*/,
                    "upgradedSnapshot", "refSnapshot");

  function cleanupAndFinish() {
    is(numPostMessageCalls, expectedNumPostMessageCalls,
      "didn't receive as many messages from child iframe as expected");
