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  <title>Tests specific to SVGTransformList</title>
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This file runs a series of SVGTransformList specific tests. Generic SVGXxxList
tests can be found in test_SVGxxxList.xhtml. Anything that can be generalized
to other list types belongs there.

function main()
  var g = $('g');
  var tests =
    [ testConsolidateMatrix,
  for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {

function testConsolidateMatrix(g)
  // This is the example from SVG 1.1 section 7.5
                 "translate(50 90) rotate(-45) translate(130 160)");
  var list = g.transform.baseVal;
  is(list.numberOfItems, 3, "Unexpected length of unconsolidated list");

  // Sanity check -- take ref to first item in list and validate it
  var first_item = list.getItem(0);
  is(first_item.type, SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE,
     "Unexpected type of first item in list");
  cmpMatrix(first_item.matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 90],
     "Unexpected value for first item in list");

  // Consolidate
  var consolidated = list.consolidate();
  is(list.numberOfItems, 1, "Unexpected length of consolidated list");
  ok(consolidated === list.getItem(0),
     "Consolidate return value should be first item in list, not a copy");
  is(consolidated.type, SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX,
     "Consolidated transform not of type matrix");
  const angle = -Math.PI/4;
    [Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle),
     -Math.sin(angle), Math.cos(angle),
     130 * Math.cos(angle) - 160 * Math.sin(angle) + 50,
     160 * Math.cos(angle) + 130 * Math.sin(angle) + 90],
    "Unexpected result after consolidating matrices");

  // Check ref to first item in list
  // a) should not have changed
  is(first_item.type, SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE,
     "Unexpected type of cached first item in list after consolidating");
  cmpMatrix(first_item.matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 90],
     "Unexpected value for cached first item in list after consolidating");
  // b) should still be useable
  first_item.setScale(2, 3);
  is(first_item.type, SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE,
     "Cached first item in list not useable after consolidating");

  // Check consolidated is live
  // a) Changes to 'consolidated' affect list
  is(list.getItem(0).type, SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX,
     "Changing return value from consolidate doesn't affect list");
  // b) Changes to list affect 'consolidated'
  list.getItem(0).setRotate(90, 0, 0);
  is(consolidated.type, SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE,
     "Changing list doesn't affect return value from consolidate");

function testConsolidateMatrixOneElem(g)
  // Check that even if we only have one item in the list it becomes a matrix
  // transform (as per the spec)
  g.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 90)");
  var list = g.transform.baseVal;
  is(list.numberOfItems, 1, "Unexpected length of unconsolidated list");
  var first_item = list.getItem(0);
  is(first_item.type, SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE,
     "Unexpected type of first item in list");
  cmpMatrix(first_item.matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 90],
     "Unexpected value for first item in list");

  // Consolidate
  var consolidated = list.consolidate();
  is(list.numberOfItems, 1, "Unexpected length of consolidated list");
  ok(consolidated === list.getItem(0),
     "Consolidate return value should be first item in list, not a copy");
  is(consolidated.type, SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX,
     "Consolidated transform not of type matrix");
  cmpMatrix(consolidated.matrix, [1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 90],
     "Unexpected consolidated matrix value");
function testConsolidateMatrixZeroElem(g)
  // Check that zero items returns null
  g.setAttribute("transform", "");
  var list = g.transform.baseVal;
  is(list.numberOfItems, 0, "Unexpected length of unconsolidated list");
  var consolidated = list.consolidate();
  ok(consolidated === null,
     "consolidate() should return null for a zero-length transform list");

function testCreateSVGTransformFromMatrix(g)
  var m = createMatrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);

  // "Creates an SVGTransform object which is initialized to transform of type
  // SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX and whose values are the given matrix. The values from
  // the parameter matrix are copied, the matrix parameter is not adopted as
  // SVGTransform::matrix."
  var list = g.transform.baseVal;
  var t = list.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(m);

  // Check that list hasn't changed
  is(list.numberOfItems, 0,
     "Transform list changed after calling createSVGTransformFromMatrix");

  // Check return value
  is(t.type, SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX,
     "Returned transform not of type matrix");
  cmpMatrix(t.matrix, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
     "Unexpected returned matrix value");

  // Check values are copied
  ok(t.matrix != m, "Matrix should be copied not adopted");
  m.a = 2;
  is(t.matrix.a, 1,
     "Changing source matrix should not affect newly created transform");

  // Try passing in bad values (null, "undefined" etc.)
  var exception = null;
  try {
    t = list.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(null);
  } catch(e) { exception = e; }
    "Failed to throw for null input to createSVGTransformFromMatrix");
  exception = null;
  try {
    t = list.createSVGTransformFromMatrix("undefined");
  } catch(e) { exception = e; }
    "Failed to throw for string input to createSVGTransformFromMatrix");
  exception = null;
  try {
    t = list.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(SVGMatrix(t));
  } catch(e) { exception = e; }
    "Failed to throw for bad input to createSVGTransformFromMatrix");
  exception = null;

function testReadOnly(g)
  var SVG_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';

  // Just some data to work with
  g.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 90)");

  // baseVal / animVal are readonly attributes
  //   Create another (empty) transform list
  var otherg = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'g');
  is(g.transform.baseVal.numberOfItems, 1,
    "Unexpected number of items in transform list before attempting to set");
  is(otherg.transform.baseVal.numberOfItems, 0,
    "Unexpected number of items in source transform list before attempting to"
    + " set");
  //   Attempt to set the base value and check nothing changes
  g.transform.baseVal = otherg.transform.baseVal;
  is(g.transform.baseVal.numberOfItems, 1,
    "baseVal should be read-only but its value has changed");
  is(otherg.transform.baseVal.numberOfItems, 0,
    "baseVal changed after attempting to use it set another value");
  // Read-only SVGTransformList:
  // Standard list methods are covered in test_SVGxxxList.xhtml so here we
  // just add tests for SVGTransformList-specific methods
  var roList = g.transform.animVal;
  // consolidate()
  var threw = false;
  try {
  } catch (e) {
    is(e.name, "NoModificationAllowedError",
      "Got unexpected exception " + e +
      ", expected NoModificationAllowedError");
    is(e.code, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR,
      "Got unexpected exception " + e +
      ", expected NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR");
    threw = true;
     "Failed to throw exception when calling consolidate on read-only list");

  // Read-only SVGTransform:
  // read-only attributes are tested in test_transform.xhtml. Here we are
  // concerned with methods that throw because this *object* is read-only
  // (since it belongs to a read-only transform list)
  var roTransform = roList.getItem(0);
  // setMatrix
  threw = false;
  try {
    var m = createMatrix(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
  } catch (e) {
    is(e.name, "NoModificationAllowedError",
      "Got unexpected exception " + e +
      ", expected NoModificationAllowedError");
    is(e.code, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR,
      "Got unexpected exception " + e +
      ", expected NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR");
    threw = true;
  ok(threw, "Failed to throw exception when calling setMatrix on read-only"
            + " transform");
  // setTranslate
  threw = false;
  try {
    roTransform.setTranslate(2, 3);
  } catch(e) {
    threw = true;
  ok(threw, "Failed to throw when calling setTranslate on read-only"
             + " transform");
  // setScale
  threw = false;
  try {
    roTransform.setScale(2, 3);
  } catch(e) {
    threw = true;
  ok(threw, "Failed to throw when calling setScale on read-only transform");
  // setRotate
  threw = false;
  try {
    roTransform.setRotate(1, 2, 3);
  } catch(e) {
    threw = true;
  ok(threw, "Failed to throw when calling setRotate on read-only transform");
  // setSkewX
  threw = false;
  try {
  } catch(e) {
    threw = true;
  ok(threw, "Failed to throw when calling setSkewX on read-only transform");
  // setSkewY
  threw = false;
  try {
  } catch(e) {
    threw = true;
  ok(threw, "Failed to throw when calling setSkewY on read-only transform");

  // Read-only SVGMatrix
  var roMatrix = roTransform.matrix;
  threw = false;
  try {
    roMatrix.a = 1;
  } catch (e) {
    is(e.name, "NoModificationAllowedError",
      "Got unexpected exception " + e +
      ", expected NoModificationAllowedError");
    is(e.code, DOMException.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR,
      "Got unexpected exception " + e +
      ", expected NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR");
    threw = true;
  ok(threw, "Failed to throw exception when modifying read-only matrix");

function testOrphan(g)
  // Although this isn't defined, if a read-only object becomes orphaned
  // (detached from it's parent), then presumably it should become editable
  // again.

  // As with the read-only test set a value to test with
  g.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 90)");

  var roList = g.transform.animVal;
  var roTransform = roList.getItem(0);
  var roMatrix = roTransform.matrix;

  // Orphan transform list contents by re-setting transform attribute
  g.setAttribute("transform", "");

  // Transform should now be editable
  var exception = null;
  try {
    roTransform.setTranslate(5, 3);
  } catch(e) {
    exception = e;
     "Unexpected exception " + exception + " modifying orphaned transform");
  uexception = null;

  // So should matrix
  exception = null;
  try {
    roMatrix.a = 1;
  } catch(e) {
    exception = e;
     "Unexpected exception " + exception + " modifying orphaned matrix");

function testFailedSet(g)
  // Check that a parse failure results in the attribute being empty

  // Set initial value
  g.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 90)");
  var list = g.transform.baseVal;
  is(list.numberOfItems, 1, "Unexpected initial length of list");

  // Attempt to set bad value
  g.setAttribute("transform", "translate(40 50) scale(a)");
  is(list.numberOfItems, 0,
     "Transform list should be empty after setting bad value");
  is(g.transform.animVal.numberOfItems, 0,
     "Animated transform list should also be empty after setting bad value");

function testMutationEvents(g)
  // Check mutation events

  // Set initial value
  g.setAttribute("transform", "translate(50 90)");
  var list = g.transform.baseVal;
  is(list.numberOfItems, 1, "Unexpected initial length of list");
  eventChecker = new MutationEventChecker;
  eventChecker.watchAttr(g, "transform");

  // consolidate
  // Consolidate happens to generate two modification events in our
  // implementation--it's not ideal but it's better than none
  eventChecker.expect("modify modify modify");
  g.setAttribute("transform", "translate(10 10) translate(10 10)");

  // In the following, each of the operations is performed twice but only one
  // mutation event is expected. This is to check that redundant mutation
  // events are not sent.

  // transform.setMatrix
  var mx = $('svg').createSVGMatrix();

  // transform.setTranslate
  list[0].setTranslate(10, 10);
  list[0].setTranslate(10, 10);

  // transform.setScale
  list[0].setScale(2, 2);
  list[0].setScale(2, 2);

  // transform.setRotate
  list[0].setRotate(45, 1, 2);
  list[0].setRotate(45, 1, 2);

  // transform.setSkewX

  // transform.setSkewY

  // transform.matrix
  eventChecker.expect("modify modify");
  list[0].matrix.a = 1;
  list[0].matrix.a = 1;
  list[0].matrix.e = 5;
  list[0].matrix.e = 5;

  // setAttribute interaction
  g.setAttribute("transform", "matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)");

  // Attribute removal

  // Non-existent attribute removal
  g.removeAttributeNS(null, "transform");


window.addEventListener("load", main, false);
