/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef __NS_SVGVIEWBOX_H__
#define __NS_SVGVIEWBOX_H__

#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
#include "nsError.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/SVGAnimatedRect.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/SVGIRect.h"
#include "nsISMILAttr.h"
#include "nsSVGElement.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "nsSVGAttrTearoffTable.h"

class nsSMILValue;

namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class SVGAnimationElement;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla

struct nsSVGViewBoxRect
  float x, y;
  float width, height;
  bool none;

  nsSVGViewBoxRect() : none(true) {}
  nsSVGViewBoxRect(float aX, float aY, float aWidth, float aHeight) :
    x(aX), y(aY), width(aWidth), height(aHeight), none(false) {}
  nsSVGViewBoxRect(const nsSVGViewBoxRect& rhs) :
    x(rhs.x), y(rhs.y), width(rhs.width), height(rhs.height), none(rhs.none) {}
  bool operator==(const nsSVGViewBoxRect& aOther) const;

class nsSVGViewBox

  void Init();

   * Returns true if the corresponding "viewBox" attribute defined a rectangle
   * with finite values and nonnegative width/height.
   * Returns false if the viewBox was set to an invalid
   * string, or if any of the four rect values were too big to store in a
   * float, or the width/height are negative.
  bool HasRect() const;

   * Returns true if the corresponding "viewBox" attribute either defined a
   * rectangle with finite values or the special "none" value.
  bool IsExplicitlySet() const
      if (mAnimVal || mHasBaseVal) {
        const nsSVGViewBoxRect& rect = GetAnimValue();
        return rect.none || (rect.width >= 0 && rect.height >= 0);
      return false;

  const nsSVGViewBoxRect& GetBaseValue() const
    { return mBaseVal; }
  void SetBaseValue(const nsSVGViewBoxRect& aRect,
                    nsSVGElement *aSVGElement);
  const nsSVGViewBoxRect& GetAnimValue() const
    { return mAnimVal ? *mAnimVal : mBaseVal; }
  void SetAnimValue(const nsSVGViewBoxRect& aRect,
                    nsSVGElement *aSVGElement);

  nsresult SetBaseValueString(const nsAString& aValue,
                              nsSVGElement *aSVGElement,
                              bool aDoSetAttr);
  void GetBaseValueString(nsAString& aValue) const;

  ToSVGAnimatedRect(nsSVGElement *aSVGElement);

  ToDOMBaseVal(nsSVGElement* aSVGElement);

  ToDOMAnimVal(nsSVGElement* aSVGElement);

  // Returns a new nsISMILAttr object that the caller must delete
  nsISMILAttr* ToSMILAttr(nsSVGElement* aSVGElement);


  nsSVGViewBoxRect mBaseVal;
  nsAutoPtr<nsSVGViewBoxRect> mAnimVal;
  bool mHasBaseVal;

  struct DOMBaseVal final : public mozilla::dom::SVGIRect

    DOMBaseVal(nsSVGViewBox *aVal, nsSVGElement *aSVGElement)
      : mozilla::dom::SVGIRect()
      , mVal(aVal)
      , mSVGElement(aSVGElement)

    nsSVGViewBox* mVal; // kept alive because it belongs to content
    RefPtr<nsSVGElement> mSVGElement;

    float X() const override final
      return mVal->GetBaseValue().x;

    float Y() const override final
      return mVal->GetBaseValue().y;

    float Width() const override final
      return mVal->GetBaseValue().width;

    float Height() const override final
      return mVal->GetBaseValue().height;

    void SetX(float aX, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv) final override;
    void SetY(float aY, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv) final override;
    void SetWidth(float aWidth, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv) final override;
    void SetHeight(float aHeight, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv) final override;

    virtual nsIContent* GetParentObject() const override
      return mSVGElement;

    virtual ~DOMBaseVal();

  struct DOMAnimVal final : public mozilla::dom::SVGIRect

    DOMAnimVal(nsSVGViewBox *aVal, nsSVGElement *aSVGElement)
      : mozilla::dom::SVGIRect()
      , mVal(aVal)
      , mSVGElement(aSVGElement)

    nsSVGViewBox* mVal; // kept alive because it belongs to content
    RefPtr<nsSVGElement> mSVGElement;

    // Script may have modified animation parameters or timeline -- DOM getters
    // need to flush any resample requests to reflect these modifications.
    float X() const override final
      return mVal->GetAnimValue().x;

    float Y() const override final
      return mVal->GetAnimValue().y;

    float Width() const override final
      return mVal->GetAnimValue().width;

    float Height() const override final
      return mVal->GetAnimValue().height;

    void SetX(float aX, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv) final override

    void SetY(float aY, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv) final override

    void SetWidth(float aWidth, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv) final override

    void SetHeight(float aHeight, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv) final override

    virtual nsIContent* GetParentObject() const override
      return mSVGElement;

    virtual ~DOMAnimVal();


  struct SMILViewBox : public nsISMILAttr
    SMILViewBox(nsSVGViewBox* aVal, nsSVGElement* aSVGElement)
      : mVal(aVal), mSVGElement(aSVGElement) {}

    // These will stay alive because a nsISMILAttr only lives as long
    // as the Compositing step, and DOM elements don't get a chance to
    // die during that.
    nsSVGViewBox* mVal;
    nsSVGElement* mSVGElement;

    // nsISMILAttr methods
    virtual nsresult ValueFromString(const nsAString& aStr,
                                     const mozilla::dom::SVGAnimationElement* aSrcElement,
                                     nsSMILValue& aValue,
                                     bool& aPreventCachingOfSandwich) const override;
    virtual nsSMILValue GetBaseValue() const override;
    virtual void ClearAnimValue() override;
    virtual nsresult SetAnimValue(const nsSMILValue& aValue) override;

  static nsSVGAttrTearoffTable<nsSVGViewBox, mozilla::dom::SVGAnimatedRect>

#endif // __NS_SVGVIEWBOX_H__