<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <title>Tests updated intervals</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<svg id="svg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="120px" height="120px"
  <circle cx="20" cy="20" r="15" fill="blue" id="circle">
    <animate attributeName="cx" from="0" to="100" begin="2s" dur="4s"
             id="anim1" attributeType="XML"/>
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
/** Tests for updated intervals  **/

/* Global Variables */

function main() {
  var svg = document.getElementById("svg");
  ok(svg.animationsPaused(), "should be paused by <svg> load handler");
  is(svg.getCurrentTime(), 0, "should be paused at 0 in <svg> load handler");

  var anim = document.getElementById("anim1");

  // Check regular operation
  is(anim.getStartTime(), 2, "Unexpected initial start time");

  // Add an instance time before the current interval at t=1s

  // We shouldn't change the begin time
  is(anim.getStartTime(), 2, "Start time shouldn't have changed");

  // Or the end--that is, if we go to t=5.5 we should still be running
  try {
    is(anim.getSimpleDuration(), 4, "Simple duration shouldn't have changed");
    is(anim.getStartTime(), 2, "Start time shouldn't have changed after seek");
  } catch (e) {
    if (e.name != "InvalidStateError" ||
        e.code != DOMException.INVALID_STATE_ERR)
      throw e;
    ok(false, "Animation ended too early, even though begin time and " +
      "simple duration didn't change");


window.addEventListener("load", main, false);