<!doctype html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Test for Bug 948245</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=948245">Mozilla Bug 948245</a>
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content">
<svg id="svg" onload="this.pauseAnimations()">
  <rect fill="red" id="rect" x="0">
    <animate attributeName="x" to="100" id="animation" dur="100s" min="200s"/>
<pre id="test">
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
  // The 'min' attribute introduces a kind of additional state into the SMIL
  // model. If the 'min' attribute extends the active duration, the additional
  // time between the amount of time the animation normally runs for (called the
  // 'repeat duration') and the extended active duration is filled using the
  // fill mode.
  // Below we refer to this period of time between the end of the repeat
  // duration and the end of the active duration as the 'extended period'.
  // This test verifies that as we jump in and out of these states we produce
  // the correct values.
  // The test animation above produces an active interval that is longer than
  // the 'repeating duration' of the animation.
  var rect      = $('rect'),
      animation = $('animation');

  // Animation doesn't start until onload
  window.addEventListener("load", runTests, false);

  function runTests() {
    ok($('svg').animationsPaused(), "should be paused by <svg> load handler");

    // In the extended period (t=150s) we should not be animating or filling
    // since the default fill mode is "none".
    is(rect.x.animVal.value, 0,
       "Shouldn't fill in extended period with fill='none'");

    // If we set the fill mode we should start filling.
    animation.setAttribute("fill", "freeze");
    is(rect.x.animVal.value, 100,
       "Should fill in extended period with fill='freeze'");

    // If we unset the fill attribute we should stop filling.
    is(rect.x.animVal.value, 0, "Shouldn't fill after unsetting fill");

    // If we jump back into the repeated interval (at t=50s) we should be
    // animating.
    is(rect.x.animVal.value, 50, "Should be active in repeating interval");

    // If we jump to the boundary at the start of the extended period we should
    // not be filling (since we removed the fill attribute above).
    is(rect.x.animVal.value, 0,
       "Shouldn't fill after seeking to boundary of extended period");

    // If we apply a fill mode at this boundary point we should do regular fill
    // behavior of using the last value in the interpolation range.
    animation.setAttribute("fill", "freeze");
    is(rect.x.animVal.value, 100,
       "Should fill at boundary to extended period");

    // Check that if we seek past the interval we fill with the value at the end
    // of the _repeat_duration_ not the value at the end of the
    // _active_duration_.
    animation.setAttribute("repeatCount", "1.5");
    is(rect.x.animVal.value, 50,
       "Should fill with the end of the repeat duration value");
