/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 4 -*- */
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/* testcase data for paced-mode animations of CSS properties */

// Lists of testcases for re-use across multiple properties of the same type
var _pacedTestLists =
  color: [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("rgb(2,  4,  6); " +
                          "rgb(4,  8, 12); " +
                          "rgb(8, 16, 24)",
                          { comp0: "rgb(2, 4, 6)",
                            comp1_6: "rgb(3, 6, 9)",
                            comp1_3: "rgb(4, 8, 12)",
                            comp2_3: "rgb(6, 12, 18)",
                            comp1:   "rgb(8, 16, 24)"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("rgb(10, 10, 10); " +
                          "rgb(20, 10, 8); " +
                          "rgb(20, 30, 4)",
                          { comp0:   "rgb(10, 10, 10)",
                            comp1_6: "rgb(15, 10, 9)",
                            comp1_3: "rgb(20, 10, 8)",
                            comp2_3: "rgb(20, 20, 6)",
                            comp1:   "rgb(20, 30, 4)"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("olive; " +        // rgb(128, 128, 0)
                          "currentColor; " + // rgb(50, 50, 50)
                          "rgb(206, 150, 206)",
                          { comp0:   "rgb(128, 128, 0)",
                            comp1_6: "rgb(89, 89, 25)",
                            comp1_3: "rgb(50, 50, 50)",
                            comp2_3: "rgb(128, 100, 128)",
                            comp1:   "rgb(206, 150, 206)"
                          // Use the same RGB component values to make
                          // premultication effect easier to compute.
    new AnimTestcasePaced("rgba(20, 40, 60, 0.2); " +
                          "rgba(20, 40, 60, 0.4); " +
                          "rgba(20, 40, 60, 0.8)",
                          { comp0: "rgba(20, 40, 60, 0.2)",
                            comp1_6: "rgba(20, 40, 60, 0.3)",
                            comp1_3: "rgba(20, 40, 60, 0.4)",
                            comp2_3: "rgba(20, 40, 60, 0.6)",
                            comp1:   "rgba(20, 40, 60, 0.8)"
  paintServer : [
    // Sanity check: These aren't interpolatable -- they should end up
    // ignoring the calcMode="paced" and falling into discrete-mode.
    new AnimTestcasePaced("url(#gradA); url(#gradB)",
            comp0:   "url(\"" + document.URL + "#gradA\") rgb(0, 0, 0)",
            comp1_6: "url(\"" + document.URL + "#gradA\") rgb(0, 0, 0)",
            comp1_3: "url(\"" + document.URL + "#gradA\") rgb(0, 0, 0)",
            comp2_3: "url(\"" + document.URL + "#gradB\") rgb(0, 0, 0)",
            comp1:   "url(\"" + document.URL + "#gradB\") rgb(0, 0, 0)"
          "need support for URI-based paints"),
    new AnimTestcasePaced("url(#gradA); url(#gradB); url(#gradC)",
            comp0:   "url(\"" + document.URL + "#gradA\") rgb(0, 0, 0)",
            comp1_6: "url(\"" + document.URL + "#gradA\") rgb(0, 0, 0)",
            comp1_3: "url(\"" + document.URL + "#gradB\") rgb(0, 0, 0)",
            comp2_3: "url(\"" + document.URL + "#gradC\") rgb(0, 0, 0)",
            comp1:   "url(\"" + document.URL + "#gradC\") rgb(0, 0, 0)"
          "need support for URI-based paints"),
  lengthNoUnits : [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("2; 0; 4",
                          { comp0:   "2px",
                            comp1_6: "1px",
                            comp1_3: "0px",
                            comp2_3: "2px",
                            comp1:   "4px"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("10; 12; 8",
                          { comp0:   "10px",
                            comp1_6: "11px",
                            comp1_3: "12px",
                            comp2_3: "10px",
                            comp1:    "8px"
  lengthNoUnitsSVG : [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("2; 0; 4",
                          { comp0:   "2",
                            comp1_6: "1",
                            comp1_3: "0",
                            comp2_3: "2",
                            comp1:   "4"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("10; 12; 8",
                          { comp0:   "10",
                            comp1_6: "11",
                            comp1_3: "12",
                            comp2_3: "10",
                            comp1:   "8"
  lengthPx : [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("0px; 2px; 6px",
                          { comp0:   "0px",
                            comp1_6: "1px",
                            comp1_3: "2px",
                            comp2_3: "4px",
                            comp1:   "6px"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("10px; 12px; 8px",
                          { comp0:   "10px",
                            comp1_6: "11px",
                            comp1_3: "12px",
                            comp2_3: "10px",
                            comp1:   "8px"
  lengthPxSVG : [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("0px; 2px; 6px",
                          { comp0:   "0",
                            comp1_6: "1",
                            comp1_3: "2",
                            comp2_3: "4",
                            comp1:   "6"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("10px; 12px; 8px",
                          { comp0:   "10",
                            comp1_6: "11",
                            comp1_3: "12",
                            comp2_3: "10",
                            comp1:   "8"
  lengthPctSVG : [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("5%; 6%; 4%",
                          { comp0:   "5%",
                            comp1_6: "5.5%",
                            comp1_3: "6%",
                            comp2_3: "5%",
                            comp1:   "4%"
  lengthPxPctSVG : [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("0px; 1%; 6px",
                          { comp0:   "0px",
                            comp1_6: "1px",
                            comp1_3: "1%",
                            comp2_3: "4px",
                            comp1:   "6px"
                          "need support for interpolating between " +
                          "px and percent values"),
  opacity : [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("0; 0.2; 0.6",
                          { comp0:   "0",
                            comp1_6: "0.1",
                            comp1_3: "0.2",
                            comp2_3: "0.4",
                            comp1:   "0.6"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("0.7; 1.0; 0.4",
                          { comp0:   "0.7",
                            comp1_6: "0.85",
                            comp1_3: "1",
                            comp2_3: "0.7",
                            comp1:   "0.4"
  rect : [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("rect(2px, 4px, 6px, 8px); " +
                          "rect(4px, 8px, 12px, 16px); " +
                          "rect(8px, 16px, 24px, 32px)",
                          { comp0:   "rect(2px, 4px, 6px, 8px)",
                            comp1_6: "rect(3px, 6px, 9px, 12px)",
                            comp1_3: "rect(4px, 8px, 12px, 16px)",
                            comp2_3: "rect(6px, 12px, 18px, 24px)",
                            comp1:   "rect(8px, 16px, 24px, 32px)"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px); " +
                          "rect(20px, 10px, 50px, 8px); " +
                          "rect(20px, 30px, 130px, 4px)",
                          { comp0:   "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)",
                            comp1_6: "rect(15px, 10px, 30px, 9px)",
                            comp1_3: "rect(20px, 10px, 50px, 8px)",
                            comp2_3: "rect(20px, 20px, 90px, 6px)",
                            comp1:   "rect(20px, 30px, 130px, 4px)"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("rect(10px, auto, 10px, 10px); " +
                          "rect(20px, auto, 50px, 8px); " +
                          "rect(40px, auto, 130px, 4px)",
                          { comp0:   "rect(10px, auto, 10px, 10px)",
                            comp1_6: "rect(15px, auto, 30px, 9px)",
                            comp1_3: "rect(20px, auto, 50px, 8px)",
                            comp2_3: "rect(30px, auto, 90px, 6px)",
                            comp1:   "rect(40px, auto, 130px, 4px)"
    // Paced-mode animation is not supported in these next few cases
    // (Can't compute subcomponent distance between 'auto' & px-values)
    new AnimTestcasePaced("rect(10px, 10px, 10px, auto); " +
                          "rect(20px, 10px, 50px, 8px); " +
                          "rect(20px, 30px, 130px, 4px)",
                          { comp0:   "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, auto)",
                            comp1_6: "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, auto)",
                            comp1_3: "rect(20px, 10px, 50px, 8px)",
                            comp2_3: "rect(20px, 30px, 130px, 4px)",
                            comp1:   "rect(20px, 30px, 130px, 4px)"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px); " +
                          "rect(20px, 10px, 50px, 8px); " +
                          { comp0:   "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)",
                            comp1_6: "rect(10px, 10px, 10px, 10px)",
                            comp1_3: "rect(20px, 10px, 50px, 8px)",
                            comp2_3: "auto",
                            comp1:   "auto"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("auto; " +
                          "auto; " +
                          "rect(20px, 30px, 130px, 4px)",
                          { comp0:   "auto",
                            comp1_6: "auto",
                            comp1_3: "auto",
                            comp2_3: "rect(20px, 30px, 130px, 4px)",
                            comp1:   "rect(20px, 30px, 130px, 4px)"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("auto; auto; auto",
                          { comp0:   "auto",
                            comp1_6: "auto",
                            comp1_3: "auto",
                            comp2_3: "auto",
                            comp1:   "auto"

// TODO: test more properties here.
var gPacedBundles =
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.clip,  _pacedTestLists.rect),
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.color, _pacedTestLists.color),
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.direction, [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("rtl; ltr; rtl")
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.fill,
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font_size,
                               _pacedTestLists.lengthPx, [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("20%; 24%; 16%",
                          { comp0:   "10px",
                            comp1_6: "11px",
                            comp1_3: "12px",
                            comp2_3: "10px",
                            comp1:   "8px"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("0px; 4%; 6px",
                          { comp0:   "0px",
                            comp1_6: "1px",
                            comp1_3: "2px",
                            comp2_3: "4px",
                            comp1:   "6px"
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font_size_adjust, [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("0.2; 0.6; 0.8",
                          { comp0:   "0.2",
                            comp1_6: "0.3",
                            comp1_3: "0.4",
                            comp2_3: "0.6",
                            comp1:   "0.8"
    new AnimTestcasePaced("none; none; 0.5",
                          { comp0:   "none",
                            comp1_6: "none",
                            comp1_3: "none",
                            comp2_3: "0.5",
                            comp1:   "0.5"
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.font_family, [
    // Sanity check: 'font-family' isn't interpolatable.  It should end up
    // ignoring the calcMode="paced" and falling into discrete-mode.
    new AnimTestcasePaced("serif; sans-serif; monospace",
                          { comp0:   "serif",
                            comp1_6: "serif",
                            comp1_3: "sans-serif",
                            comp2_3: "monospace",
                            comp1:   "monospace"
                          "need support for more font properties"),
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.opacity, _pacedTestLists.opacity),
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke_dasharray,
                     [].concat(_pacedTestLists.lengthPctSVG, [
    new AnimTestcasePaced("7, 7, 7; 7, 10, 3; 1, 2, 3",
                          { comp0:   "7, 7, 7",
                            comp1_6: "7, 8.5, 5",
                            comp1_3: "7, 10, 3",
                            comp2_3: "4, 6, 3",
                            comp1:   "1, 2, 3"
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke_dashoffset,
  new TestcaseBundle(gPropList.stroke_width,
  // XXXdholbert TODO: test 'stroke-dasharray' once we support animating it