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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */


#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"

 * Struct: nsSMILTargetIdentifier
 * Tuple of: { Animated Element, Attribute Name, Attribute Type (CSS vs. XML) }
 * Used in nsSMILAnimationController as hash key for mapping an animation
 * target to the nsSMILCompositor for that target.
 * NOTE: Need a nsRefPtr for the element & attribute name, because
 * nsSMILAnimationController retain its hash table for one sample into the
 * future, and we need to make sure their target isn't deleted in that time.

struct nsSMILTargetIdentifier
    : mElement(nullptr), mAttributeName(nullptr),
      mAttributeNamespaceID(kNameSpaceID_Unknown), mIsCSS(false) {}

  inline bool Equals(const nsSMILTargetIdentifier& aOther) const
    return (aOther.mElement              == mElement &&
            aOther.mAttributeName        == mAttributeName &&
            aOther.mAttributeNamespaceID == mAttributeNamespaceID &&
            aOther.mIsCSS                == mIsCSS);

  RefPtr<mozilla::dom::Element> mElement;
  RefPtr<nsIAtom>    mAttributeName;
  int32_t              mAttributeNamespaceID;
  bool                 mIsCSS;

 * Class: nsSMILWeakTargetIdentifier
 * Version of the above struct that uses non-owning pointers.  These are kept
 * private, to ensure that they aren't ever dereferenced (or used at all,
 * outside of Equals()).
 * This is solely for comparisons to determine if a target has changed
 * from one sample to the next.
class nsSMILWeakTargetIdentifier
  // Trivial constructor
    : mElement(nullptr), mAttributeName(nullptr), mIsCSS(false) {}

  // Allow us to update a weak identifier to match a given non-weak identifier
    operator=(const nsSMILTargetIdentifier& aOther)
    mElement = aOther.mElement;
    mAttributeName = aOther.mAttributeName;
    mIsCSS = aOther.mIsCSS;
    return *this;

  // Allow for comparison vs. non-weak identifier
  inline bool Equals(const nsSMILTargetIdentifier& aOther) const
    return (aOther.mElement       == mElement &&
            aOther.mAttributeName == mAttributeName &&
            aOther.mIsCSS         == mIsCSS);

  const nsIContent* mElement;
  const nsIAtom*    mAttributeName;
  bool              mIsCSS;