  <title>Test for Bug 548193</title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">

<iframe style="width:200px;height:200px;" id='cspframe'></iframe>
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">

 * Description of the test:
 * We try to load an inline-src using a policy that constrains
 * all scripts from running (default-src 'none'). We verify that
 * the generated csp-report contains the expceted values. If any
 * of the JSON is not formatted properly (e.g. not properly escaped)
 * then JSON.parse will fail, which allows to pinpoint such errors
 * in the catch block, and the test will fail. Since we use an
 * observer, we can set the actual report-uri to a foo value.

const testfile = "tests/dom/security/test/csp/file_report.html";
const reportURI = "http://mochi.test:8888/foo.sjs";
const policy = "default-src 'none'; report-uri " + reportURI;
const docUri = "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/security/test/csp/file_testserver.sjs" +
               "?file=tests/dom/security/test/csp/file_report.html" +

window.checkResults = function(reportObj) {
  var cspReport = reportObj["csp-report"];

  // The following uris' fragments should be stripped before reporting:
  //    * document-uri
  //    * blocked-uri
  //    * source-file
  // see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP11/#violation-reports
  is(cspReport["document-uri"], docUri, "Incorrect document-uri");

  // we can not test for the whole referrer since it includes platform specific information
     "Incorrect referrer");

  is(cspReport["blocked-uri"], "self", "Incorrect blocked-uri");

  is(cspReport["violated-directive"], "default-src 'none'", "Incorrect violated-directive");

  is(cspReport["original-policy"], "default-src 'none'; report-uri http://mochi.test:8888/foo.sjs",
     "Incorrect original-policy");

  is(cspReport["source-file"], docUri, "Incorrect source-file");

  is(cspReport["script-sample"], "\n    var foo = \"propEscFoo\";\n    var bar...",
     "Incorrect script-sample");

  is(cspReport["line-number"], 7, "Incorrect line-number");

var chromeScriptUrl = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL("file_report_chromescript.js");
var script = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(chromeScriptUrl);

script.addMessageListener('opening-request-completed', function ml(msg) {
  if (msg.error) {
    ok(false, "Could not query report (exception: " + msg.error + ")");
  } else {
    try {
      var reportObj = JSON.parse(msg.report);
    } catch (e) {
      ok(false, "Could not parse JSON (exception: " + e + ")");
    try {
      // test for the proper values in the report object
    } catch (e) {
      ok(false, "Could not query report (exception: " + e + ")");

  script.removeMessageListener('opening-request-completed', ml);


// load the resource which will generate a CSP violation report
// save this for last so that our listeners are registered.
var src = "file_testserver.sjs";
// append the file that should be served
src += "?file=" + escape(testfile);
// append the CSP that should be used to serve the file
src += "&csp=" + escape(policy);
// appending a fragment so we can test that it's correctly stripped
// for document-uri and source-file.
src += "#foo";
document.getElementById("cspframe").src = src;
