/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ 'use strict'; const {PushDB, PushService, PushServiceWebSocket} = serviceExports; const userAgentID = '8271186b-8073-43a3-adf6-225bd44a8b0a'; const channelID = '2d08571e-feab-48a0-9f05-8254c3c7e61f'; function run_test() { do_get_profile(); setPrefs({ requestTimeout: 1000, retryBaseInterval: 150 }); run_next_test(); } add_task(function* test_register_invalid_json() { let helloDone; let helloPromise = new Promise(resolve => helloDone = after(2, resolve)); let registers = 0; PushServiceWebSocket._generateID = () => channelID; PushService.init({ serverURI: "wss://push.example.org/", makeWebSocket(uri) { return new MockWebSocket(uri, { onHello(request) { this.serverSendMsg(JSON.stringify({ messageType: 'hello', status: 200, uaid: userAgentID })); helloDone(); }, onRegister(request) { equal(request.channelID, channelID, 'Register: wrong channel ID'); this.serverSendMsg(');alert(1);('); registers++; } }); } }); yield rejects( PushService.register({ scope: 'https://example.net/page/invalid-json', originAttributes: ChromeUtils.originAttributesToSuffix( { appId: Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.NO_APP_ID, inIsolatedMozBrowser: false }), }), 'Expected error for invalid JSON response' ); yield helloPromise; equal(registers, 1, 'Wrong register count'); });