Bug 1247685: Implement `applicationServerKey` for subscription association.

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  <title>Test for Bug 1247685</title>
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  <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/dom/push/test/test_utils.js"></script>
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  <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1247685">Mozilla Bug 1247685</a>
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<div id="content" style="display: none">

<pre id="test">

<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">

  var isTestingMismatchedKey = false;
  var subscriptions = 0;
  var testKey; // Generated in `start`.

  function generateKey() {
    return crypto.subtle.generateKey({
      name: "ECDSA",
      namedCurve: "P-256",
    }, true, ["sign", "verify"]).then(cryptoKey =>
      crypto.subtle.exportKey("raw", cryptoKey.publicKey)
    ).then(publicKey => new Uint8Array(publicKey));

  var registration;
  add_task(function* start() {
    yield setupPrefsAndReplaceService({
      register(pageRecord) {
        ok(pageRecord.appServerKey.length > 0,
          "App server key should not be empty");
        if (pageRecord.appServerKey.length != 65) {
          throw { result:
                  SpecialPowers.Cr.NS_ERROR_DOM_PUSH_INVALID_KEY_ERR };
        if (isTestingMismatchedKey) {
          throw { result:
                  SpecialPowers.Cr.NS_ERROR_DOM_PUSH_MISMATCHED_KEY_ERR };
        return {
          endpoint: "https://example.com/push/" + (++subscriptions),
          appServerKey: pageRecord.appServerKey,

      registration(pageRecord) {
        return {
          endpoint: "https://example.com/push/subWithKey",
          appServerKey: testKey,
    yield setPushPermission(true);
    testKey = yield generateKey();

    var url = "worker.js" + "?" + (Math.random());
    registration = yield navigator.serviceWorker.register(url, {scope: "."});
    yield waitForActive(registration);

  var controlledFrame;
  add_task(function* createControlledIFrame() {
    controlledFrame = yield injectControlledFrame();

  add_task(function* emptyKey() {
    try {
      yield registration.pushManager.subscribe({
        applicationServerKey: new ArrayBuffer(0),
      ok(false, "Should reject for empty app server keys");
    } catch (error) {
      ok(error instanceof DOMException,
        "Wrong exception type for empty key");
      is(error.name, "InvalidAccessError",
        "Wrong exception name for empty key");

  add_task(function* invalidKey() {
    try {
      yield registration.pushManager.subscribe({
        applicationServerKey: new Uint8Array([0]),
      ok(false, "Should reject for invalid app server keys");
    } catch (error) {
      ok(error instanceof DOMException,
        "Wrong exception type for invalid key");
      is(error.name, "InvalidAccessError",
        "Wrong exception name for invalid key");

  add_task(function* validKey() {
    var pushSubscription = yield registration.pushManager.subscribe({
      applicationServerKey: yield generateKey(),
    is(pushSubscription.endpoint, "https://example.com/push/1",
      "Wrong endpoint for subscription with key");
       "App server key getter should return the same object");

  add_task(function* retrieveKey() {
    var pushSubscription = yield registration.pushManager.getSubscription();
    is(pushSubscription.endpoint, "https://example.com/push/subWithKey",
      "Got wrong endpoint for subscription with key");
      new Uint8Array(pushSubscription.options.applicationServerKey),
      "Got wrong app server key"

  add_task(function* mismatchedKey() {
    isTestingMismatchedKey = true;
    try {
      yield registration.pushManager.subscribe({
        applicationServerKey: yield generateKey(),
      ok(false, "Should reject for mismatched app server keys");
    } catch (error) {
      ok(error instanceof DOMException,
        "Wrong exception type for mismatched key");
      is(error.name, "InvalidStateError",
        "Wrong exception name for mismatched key");
    } finally {
      isTestingMismatchedKey = false;

  add_task(function* emptyKeyInWorker() {
    var errorInfo = yield sendRequestToWorker({
      type: "subscribeWithKey",
      key: new ArrayBuffer(0),
      "Wrong exception type in worker for empty key");
    is(errorInfo.name, "InvalidAccessError",
      "Wrong exception name in worker for empty key");

  add_task(function* invalidKeyInWorker() {
    var errorInfo = yield sendRequestToWorker({
      type: "subscribeWithKey",
      key: new Uint8Array([1]),
      "Wrong exception type in worker for invalid key");
    is(errorInfo.name, "InvalidAccessError",
      "Wrong exception name in worker for invalid key");

  add_task(function* validKeyInWorker() {
    var key = yield generateKey();
    var data = yield sendRequestToWorker({
      type: "subscribeWithKey",
      key: key,
    is(data.endpoint, "https://example.com/push/2",
      "Wrong endpoint for subscription with key created in worker");
    isDeeply(new Uint8Array(data.key), key,
      "Wrong app server key for subscription created in worker");

  add_task(function* mismatchedKeyInWorker() {
    isTestingMismatchedKey = true;
    try {
      var errorInfo = yield sendRequestToWorker({
        type: "subscribeWithKey",
        key: yield generateKey(),
        "Wrong exception type in worker for mismatched key");
      is(errorInfo.name, "InvalidStateError",
        "Wrong exception name in worker for mismatched key");
    } finally {
      isTestingMismatchedKey = false;

  add_task(function* unsubscribe() {
    is(subscriptions, 2, "Wrong subscription count");

  add_task(function* unregister() {
    yield registration.unregister();
