<!-- Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ --> <html> <head> <title>Basic Promise Test</title> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/> </head> <body> <p id="display"></p> <div id="content" style="display: none"> </div> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"><!-- function promiseResolve() { ok(Promise, "Promise object should exist"); var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ok(resolve, "Promise.resolve exists"); ok(reject, "Promise.reject exists"); resolve(42); }).then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then - resolveCb has been called"); is(what, 42, "ResolveCb received 42"); runTest(); }, function() { ok(false, "Then - rejectCb has been called"); runTest(); }); } function promiseResolveNoArg() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ok(resolve, "Promise.resolve exists"); ok(reject, "Promise.reject exists"); resolve(); }).then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then - resolveCb has been called"); is(what, undefined, "ResolveCb received undefined"); runTest(); }, function() { ok(false, "Then - rejectCb has been called"); runTest(); }); } function promiseReject() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reject(42); }).then(function(what) { ok(false, "Then - resolveCb has been called"); runTest(); }, function(what) { ok(true, "Then - rejectCb has been called"); is(what, 42, "RejectCb received 42"); runTest(); }); } function promiseRejectNoHandler() { // This test only checks that the code that reports unhandled errors in the // Promises implementation does not crash or leak. var promise = new Promise(function(res, rej) { noSuchMethod(); }); runTest(); } function promiseRejectNoArg() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reject(); }).then(function(what) { ok(false, "Then - resolveCb has been called"); runTest(); }, function(what) { ok(true, "Then - rejectCb has been called"); is(what, undefined, "RejectCb received undefined"); runTest(); }); } function promiseException() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { throw 42; }).then(function(what) { ok(false, "Then - resolveCb has been called"); runTest(); }, function(what) { ok(true, "Then - rejectCb has been called"); is(what, 42, "RejectCb received 42"); runTest(); }); } function promiseGC() { var resolve; var promise = new Promise(function(r1, r2) { resolve = r1; }).then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then - promise is still alive"); runTest(); }); promise = null; SpecialPowers.gc(); SpecialPowers.forceGC(); SpecialPowers.forceCC(); resolve(42); } function promiseAsync_TimeoutResolveThen() { var handlerExecuted = false; setTimeout(function() { ok(handlerExecuted, "Handler should have been called before the timeout."); // Allow other assertions to run so the test could fail before the next one. setTimeout(runTest, 0); }, 0); Promise.resolve().then(function() { handlerExecuted = true; }); ok(!handlerExecuted, "Handlers are not called before 'then' returns."); } function promiseAsync_ResolveTimeoutThen() { var handlerExecuted = false; var promise = Promise.resolve(); setTimeout(function() { ok(handlerExecuted, "Handler should have been called before the timeout."); // Allow other assertions to run so the test could fail before the next one. setTimeout(runTest, 0); }, 0); promise.then(function() { handlerExecuted = true; }); ok(!handlerExecuted, "Handlers are not called before 'then' returns."); } function promiseAsync_ResolveThenTimeout() { var handlerExecuted = false; Promise.resolve().then(function() { handlerExecuted = true; }); setTimeout(function() { ok(handlerExecuted, "Handler should have been called before the timeout."); // Allow other assertions to run so the test could fail before the next one. setTimeout(runTest, 0); }, 0); ok(!handlerExecuted, "Handlers are not called before 'then' returns."); } function promiseAsync_SyncXHR() { var handlerExecuted = false; Promise.resolve().then(function() { handlerExecuted = true; // Allow other assertions to run so the test could fail before the next one. setTimeout(runTest, 0); }); ok(!handlerExecuted, "Handlers are not called until the next microtask."); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", "testXHR.txt", false); xhr.send(null); todo(!handlerExecuted, "Sync XHR should not trigger microtask execution."); } function promiseDoubleThen() { var steps = 0; var promise = new Promise(function(r1, r2) { r1(42); }); promise.then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); is(what, 42, "Value == 42"); steps++; }, function(what) { ok(false, "Then.reject has been called"); }); promise.then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); is(steps, 1, "Then.resolve - step == 1"); is(what, 42, "Value == 42"); runTest(); }, function(what) { ok(false, "Then.reject has been called"); }); } function promiseThenException() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(42); }); promise.then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); throw "booh"; }).catch(function(e) { ok(true, "window.onerror has been called!"); runTest(); }); } function promiseThenCatchThen() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(42); }); var promise2 = promise.then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); is(what, 42, "Value == 42"); return what + 1; }, function(what) { ok(false, "Then.reject has been called"); }); isnot(promise, promise2, "These 2 promise objs are different"); promise2.then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); is(what, 43, "Value == 43"); return what + 1; }, function(what) { ok(false, "Then.reject has been called"); }).catch(function() { ok(false, "Catch has been called"); }).then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); is(what, 44, "Value == 44"); runTest(); }, function(what) { ok(false, "Then.reject has been called"); }); } function promiseThenNoArg() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(42); }); var clone = promise.then(); isnot(promise, clone, "These 2 promise objs are different"); promise.then(function(v) { clone.then(function(cv) { is(v, cv, "Both resolve to the same value"); runTest(); }); }); } function promiseThenUndefinedResolveFunction() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reject(42); }); try { promise.then(undefined, function(v) { is(v, 42, "Promise rejected with 42"); runTest(); }); } catch (e) { ok(false, "then should not throw on undefined resolve function"); } } function promiseThenNullResolveFunction() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reject(42); }); try { promise.then(null, function(v) { is(v, 42, "Promise rejected with 42"); runTest(); }); } catch (e) { ok(false, "then should not throw on null resolve function"); } } function promiseRejectThenCatchThen() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reject(42); }); var promise2 = promise.then(function(what) { ok(false, "Then.resolve has been called"); }, function(what) { ok(true, "Then.reject has been called"); is(what, 42, "Value == 42"); return what + 1; }); isnot(promise, promise2, "These 2 promise objs are different"); promise2.then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); is(what, 43, "Value == 43"); return what+1; }).catch(function(what) { ok(false, "Catch has been called"); }).then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); is(what, 44, "Value == 44"); runTest(); }); } function promiseRejectThenCatchThen2() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reject(42); }); promise.then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); is(what, 42, "Value == 42"); return what+1; }).catch(function(what) { is(what, 42, "Value == 42"); ok(true, "Catch has been called"); return what+1; }).then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); is(what, 43, "Value == 43"); runTest(); }); } function promiseRejectThenCatchExceptionThen() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reject(42); }); promise.then(function(what) { ok(false, "Then.resolve has been called"); }, function(what) { ok(true, "Then.reject has been called"); is(what, 42, "Value == 42"); throw(what + 1); }).catch(function(what) { ok(true, "Catch has been called"); is(what, 43, "Value == 43"); return what + 1; }).then(function(what) { ok(true, "Then.resolve has been called"); is(what, 44, "Value == 44"); runTest(); }); } function promiseThenCatchOrderingResolve() { var global = 0; var f = new Promise(function(r1, r2) { r1(42); }); f.then(function() { f.then(function() { global++; }); f.catch(function() { global++; }); f.then(function() { global++; }); setTimeout(function() { is(global, 2, "Many steps... should return 2"); runTest(); }, 0); }); } function promiseThenCatchOrderingReject() { var global = 0; var f = new Promise(function(r1, r2) { r2(42); }) f.then(function() {}, function() { f.then(function() { global++; }); f.catch(function() { global++; }); f.then(function() {}, function() { global++; }); setTimeout(function() { is(global, 2, "Many steps... should return 2"); runTest(); }, 0); }); } function promiseCatchNoArg() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { reject(42); }); var clone = promise.catch(); isnot(promise, clone, "These 2 promise objs are different"); promise.catch(function(v) { clone.catch(function(cv) { is(v, cv, "Both reject to the same value"); runTest(); }); }); } function promiseNestedPromise() { new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ok(true, "Nested promise is executed"); resolve(42); })); }).then(function(value) { is(value, 42, "Nested promise is executed and then == 42"); runTest(); }); } function promiseNestedNestedPromise() { new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { ok(true, "Nested promise is executed"); resolve(42); }).then(function(what) { return what+1; })); }).then(function(value) { is(value, 43, "Nested promise is executed and then == 43"); runTest(); }); } function promiseWrongNestedPromise() { new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(new Promise(function(r, r2) { ok(true, "Nested promise is executed"); r(42); })); reject(42); }).then(function(value) { is(value, 42, "Nested promise is executed and then == 42"); runTest(); }, function(value) { ok(false, "This is wrong"); }); } function promiseLoop() { new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(new Promise(function(r1, r2) { ok(true, "Nested promise is executed"); r1(new Promise(function(r1, r2) { ok(true, "Nested nested promise is executed"); r1(42); })); })); }).then(function(value) { is(value, 42, "Nested nested promise is executed and then == 42"); runTest(); }, function(value) { ok(false, "This is wrong"); }); } function promiseStaticReject() { var promise = Promise.reject(42).then(function(what) { ok(false, "This should not be called"); }, function(what) { is(what, 42, "Value == 42"); runTest(); }); } function promiseStaticResolve() { var promise = Promise.resolve(42).then(function(what) { is(what, 42, "Value == 42"); runTest(); }, function() { ok(false, "This should not be called"); }); } function promiseResolveNestedPromise() { var promise = Promise.resolve(new Promise(function(r, r2) { ok(true, "Nested promise is executed"); r(42); }, function() { ok(false, "This should not be called"); })).then(function(what) { is(what, 42, "Value == 42"); runTest(); }, function() { ok(false, "This should not be called"); }); } function promiseSimpleThenableResolve() { var thenable = { then: function(resolve) { resolve(5); } }; var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(thenable); }); promise.then(function(v) { ok(v === 5, "promiseSimpleThenableResolve"); runTest(); }, function(e) { ok(false, "promiseSimpleThenableResolve: Should not reject"); }); } function promiseSimpleThenableReject() { var thenable = { then: function(resolve, reject) { reject(5); } }; var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(thenable); }); promise.then(function() { ok(false, "promiseSimpleThenableReject: Should not resolve"); runTest(); }, function(e) { ok(e === 5, "promiseSimpleThenableReject"); runTest(); }); } function promiseThenableThrowsBeforeCallback() { var thenable = { then: function(resolve) { throw new TypeError("Hi there"); resolve(5); }}; var promise = Promise.resolve(thenable); promise.then(function(v) { ok(false, "promiseThenableThrowsBeforeCallback: Should've rejected"); runTest(); }, function(e) { ok(e instanceof TypeError, "promiseThenableThrowsBeforeCallback"); runTest(); }); } function promiseThenableThrowsAfterCallback() { var thenable = { then: function(resolve) { resolve(5); throw new TypeError("Hi there"); }}; var promise = Promise.resolve(thenable); promise.then(function(v) { ok(v === 5, "promiseThenableThrowsAfterCallback"); runTest(); }, function(e) { ok(false, "promiseThenableThrowsAfterCallback: Should've resolved"); runTest(); }); } function promiseThenableRejectThenResolve() { var thenable = { then: function(resolve, reject) { reject(new TypeError("Hi there")); resolve(5); }}; var promise = Promise.resolve(thenable); promise.then(function(v) { ok(false, "promiseThenableRejectThenResolve should have rejected"); runTest(); }, function(e) { ok(e instanceof TypeError, "promiseThenableRejectThenResolve"); runTest(); }); } function promiseWithThenReplaced() { // Ensure that we call the 'then' on the promise and not the internal then. var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(5); }); // Rogue `then` always rejects. promise.then = function(onFulfill, onReject) { onReject(new TypeError("Foo")); } var promise2 = Promise.resolve(promise); promise2.then(function(v) { ok(false, "promiseWithThenReplaced: Should've rejected"); runTest(); }, function(e) { ok(e instanceof TypeError, "promiseWithThenReplaced"); runTest(); }); } function promiseStrictHandlers() { var promise = Promise.resolve(5); promise.then(function() { "use strict"; ok(this === undefined, "Strict mode callback should have this === undefined."); runTest(); }); } function promiseStrictExecutorThisArg() { var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { "use strict"; ok(this === undefined, "thisArg should be undefined."); runTest(); }); } function promiseResolveArray() { var p = Promise.resolve([1,2,3]); ok(p instanceof Promise, "Should return a Promise."); p.then(function(v) { ok(Array.isArray(v), "Resolved value should be an Array"); is(v.length, 3, "Length should match"); is(v[0], 1, "Resolved value should match original"); is(v[1], 2, "Resolved value should match original"); is(v[2], 3, "Resolved value should match original"); runTest(); }); } function promiseResolveThenable() { var p = Promise.resolve({ then: function(onFulfill, onReject) { onFulfill(2); } }); ok(p instanceof Promise, "Should cast to a Promise."); p.then(function(v) { is(v, 2, "Should resolve to 2."); runTest(); }, function(e) { ok(false, "promiseResolveThenable should've resolved"); runTest(); }); } function promiseResolvePromise() { var original = Promise.resolve(true); var cast = Promise.resolve(original); ok(cast instanceof Promise, "Should cast to a Promise."); is(cast, original, "Should return original Promise."); cast.then(function(v) { is(v, true, "Should resolve to true."); runTest(); }); } // Bug 1009569. // Ensure that thenables are run on a clean stack asynchronously. // Test case adopted from // https://gist.github.com/getify/d64bb01751b50ed6b281#file-bug1-js. function promiseResolveThenableCleanStack() { function immed(s) { x++; s(); } function incX(){ x++; } var x = 0; var thenable = { then: immed }; var results = []; var p = Promise.resolve(thenable).then(incX); results.push(x); // check what happens after all "next cycle" steps // have had a chance to complete setTimeout(function(){ // Result should be [0, 2] since `thenable` will be called async. is(results[0], 0, "Expected thenable to be called asynchronously"); // See Bug 1023547 comment 13 for why this check has to be gated on p. p.then(function() { results.push(x); is(results[1], 2, "Expected thenable to be called asynchronously"); runTest(); }); },1000); } // Bug 1008467 - Promise fails with "too much recursion". // The bug was that the callbacks passed to a thenable would resolve the // promise synchronously when the fulfill handler returned a non-thenable. // // For example: // var p = new Promise(function(resolve) { // resolve(5); // }); // var m = Promise.resolve(p); // // At this point `m` is a Promise that is resolved with a thenable `p`, so it // calls `p.then()` with two callbacks, both of which would synchronously resolve // `m` when `p` invoked them (on account of itself being resolved, possibly // synchronously. A chain of these 'Promise resolved by a Promise' would lead to // stack overflow. function promiseTestAsyncThenableResolution() { var k = 3000; Promise.resolve().then(function next() { k--; if (k > 0) return Promise.resolve().then(next); }).then(function () { ok(true, "Resolution of a chain of thenables should not be synchronous."); runTest(); }); } // Bug 1062323 function promiseWrapperAsyncResolution() { var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ resolve(); }); var results = []; var q = p.then(function () { results.push("1-1"); }).then(function () { results.push("1-2"); }).then(function () { results.push("1-3"); }); var r = p.then(function () { results.push("2-1"); }).then(function () { results.push("2-2"); }).then(function () { results.push("2-3"); }); Promise.all([q, r]).then(function() { var match = results[0] == "1-1" && results[1] == "2-1" && results[2] == "1-2" && results[3] == "2-2" && results[4] == "1-3" && results[5] == "2-3"; info(results); ok(match, "Chained promises should resolve asynchronously."); runTest(); }, function() { ok(false, "promiseWrapperAsyncResolution: One of the promises failed."); runTest(); }); } var tests = [ promiseResolve, promiseReject, promiseException, promiseGC, promiseAsync_TimeoutResolveThen, promiseAsync_ResolveTimeoutThen, promiseAsync_ResolveThenTimeout, promiseAsync_SyncXHR, promiseDoubleThen, promiseThenException, promiseThenCatchThen, promiseRejectThenCatchThen, promiseRejectThenCatchThen2, promiseRejectThenCatchExceptionThen, promiseThenCatchOrderingResolve, promiseThenCatchOrderingReject, promiseNestedPromise, promiseNestedNestedPromise, promiseWrongNestedPromise, promiseLoop, promiseStaticReject, promiseStaticResolve, promiseResolveNestedPromise, promiseResolveNoArg, promiseRejectNoArg, promiseThenNoArg, promiseThenUndefinedResolveFunction, promiseThenNullResolveFunction, promiseCatchNoArg, promiseRejectNoHandler, promiseSimpleThenableResolve, promiseSimpleThenableReject, promiseThenableThrowsBeforeCallback, promiseThenableThrowsAfterCallback, promiseThenableRejectThenResolve, promiseWithThenReplaced, promiseStrictHandlers, promiseStrictExecutorThisArg, promiseResolveArray, promiseResolveThenable, promiseResolvePromise, promiseResolveThenableCleanStack, promiseTestAsyncThenableResolution, promiseWrapperAsyncResolution, ]; function runTest() { if (!tests.length) { SimpleTest.finish(); return; } var test = tests.shift(); test(); } SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); SimpleTest.requestFlakyTimeout("untriaged"); runTest(); // --> </script> </pre> </body> </html>