/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIArray;
interface nsIDOMEventTarget;
interface nsIPresentationDevice;
interface nsIPrincipal;

#define PRESENTATION_DEVICE_PROMPT_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/presentation-device/prompt;1"

 * The information and callbacks for device selection
[scriptable, uuid(b2aa7f6a-9448-446a-bba4-9c29638b0ed4)]
interface nsIPresentationDeviceRequest : nsISupports
  // The origin which initiate the request.
  readonly attribute DOMString origin;

  // The array of candidate URLs.
  readonly attribute nsIArray requestURLs;

  // The XUL browser element that the request was originated in.
  readonly attribute nsIDOMEventTarget chromeEventHandler;

  // The principal of the request.
  readonly attribute nsIPrincipal principal;

   * Callback after selecting a device
   * @param device The selected device.
  void select(in nsIPresentationDevice device);

   * Callback after selection failed or canceled by user.
   * @param reason The error cause for canceling this request.
  void cancel(in nsresult reason);

 * UI prompt for device selection.
[scriptable, uuid(ac1a7e44-de86-454f-a9f1-276de2539831)]
interface nsIPresentationDevicePrompt : nsISupports
   * Request a device selection.
   * @param request The information and callbacks of this selection request.
  void promptDeviceSelection(in nsIPresentationDeviceRequest request);