/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIArray;
interface nsIPresentationDeviceProvider;

#define PRESENTATION_DEVICE_MANAGER_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/presentation-device/manager;1"
#define PRESENTATION_DEVICE_CHANGE_TOPIC "presentation-device-change"

 * Manager for the device availability. User can observe "presentation-device-change"
 * for any update of the available devices.
[scriptable, uuid(beb61db5-3d5f-454f-a15a-dbfa0337c569)]
interface nsIPresentationDeviceManager : nsISupports
  // true if there is any device available.
  readonly attribute boolean deviceAvailable;

   * Register a device provider manually.
   * @param provider The device provider to add.
  void addDeviceProvider(in nsIPresentationDeviceProvider provider);

   * Unregister a device provider manually.
   * @param provider The device provider to remove.
  void removeDeviceProvider(in nsIPresentationDeviceProvider provider);

   * Force all registered device providers to update device information.
  void forceDiscovery();

   * Retrieve all available devices or all available devices that supports
   * designated presentation URLs, return a list of nsIPresentationDevice.
   * The returned list is a cached device list and could be out-of-date.
   * Observe device change events to get following updates.
   * @param presentationUrls the target presentation URLs for device filtering
  nsIArray getAvailableDevices([optional] in nsIArray presentationUrls);