/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIArray;
interface nsIInputStream;

[scriptable, uuid(ae318e05-2a4e-4f85-95c0-e8b191ad812c)]
interface nsIPresentationChannelDescription: nsISupports
  const unsigned short TYPE_TCP = 1;
  const unsigned short TYPE_DATACHANNEL = 2;

  // Type of transport channel.
  readonly attribute uint8_t type;

  // Addresses for TCP channel (as a list of nsISupportsCString).
  // Should only be used while type == TYPE_TCP.
  readonly attribute nsIArray tcpAddress;

  // Port number for TCP channel.
  // Should only be used while type == TYPE_TCP.
  readonly attribute uint16_t tcpPort;

  // SDP for Data Channel.
  // Should only be used while type == TYPE_DATACHANNEL.
  readonly attribute DOMString dataChannelSDP;

 * The callbacks for events on control channel.
[scriptable, uuid(96dd548f-7d0f-43c1-b1ad-28e666cf1e82)]
interface nsIPresentationControlChannelListener: nsISupports
   * Callback for receiving offer from remote endpoint.
   * @param offer The received offer.
  void onOffer(in nsIPresentationChannelDescription offer);

   * Callback for receiving answer from remote endpoint.
   * @param answer The received answer.
  void onAnswer(in nsIPresentationChannelDescription answer);

   * Callback for receiving ICE candidate from remote endpoint.
   * @param answer The received answer.
  void onIceCandidate(in DOMString candidate);

   * The callback for notifying channel connected. This should be async called
   * after nsIPresentationDevice::establishControlChannel.
  void notifyConnected();

   * The callback for notifying channel disconnected.
   * @param reason The reason of channel close, NS_OK represents normal close.
  void notifyDisconnected(in nsresult reason);

   * The callback for notifying the reconnect command is acknowledged.
  void notifyReconnected();

 * The control channel for establishing RTCPeerConnection for a presentation
 * session. SDP Offer/Answer will be exchanged through this interface. The
 * control channel should be in-order.
[scriptable, uuid(e60e208c-a9f5-4bc6-9a3e-47f3e4ae9c57)]
interface nsIPresentationControlChannel: nsISupports
  // The listener for handling events of this control channel.
  // All the events should be pending until listener is assigned.
  attribute nsIPresentationControlChannelListener listener;

   * Send offer to remote endpoint. |onOffer| should be invoked on remote
   * endpoint.
   * @param offer The offer to send.
   * @throws  NS_ERROR_FAILURE on failure
  void sendOffer(in nsIPresentationChannelDescription offer);

   * Send answer to remote endpoint. |onAnswer| should be invoked on remote
   * endpoint.
   * @param answer The answer to send.
   * @throws  NS_ERROR_FAILURE on failure
  void sendAnswer(in nsIPresentationChannelDescription answer);

   * Send ICE candidate to remote endpoint. |onIceCandidate| should be invoked
   * on remote endpoint.
   * @param candidate The candidate to send
   * @throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE on failure
  void sendIceCandidate(in DOMString candidate);

   * Launch a presentation on remote endpoint.
   * @param presentationId The Id for representing this session.
   * @param url The URL requested to open by remote device.
   * @throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE on failure
  void launch(in DOMString presentationId, in DOMString url);

   * Terminate a presentation on remote endpoint.
   * @param presentationId The Id for representing this session.
   * @throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE on failure
  void terminate(in DOMString presentationId);

   * Disconnect the control channel.
   * @param reason The reason of disconnecting channel; NS_OK represents normal.
  void disconnect(in nsresult reason);

   * Reconnect a presentation on remote endpoint.
   * Note that only controller is allowed to reconnect a session.
   * @param presentationId The Id for representing this session.
   * @param url The URL requested to open by remote device.
   * @throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE on failure
  void reconnect(in DOMString presentationId, in DOMString url);