<html> <head> <title>NPN_Invoke_Default Tests</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="plugin-utils.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" /> </head> <body onload="runTests()"> <script class="testbody" type="application/javascript"> SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); setTestPluginEnabledState(SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIPluginTag.STATE_ENABLED); // global test function function testMe(arg) { var result = arg+arg; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { result += arguments[i] + arguments[i]; } return result; } //// // This test exercises NPN_InvokeDefault using the test plugin's // npnInvokeDefaultTest method. This method invokes an object // with a single parameter, and returns the result of the invocation. // The test list below is used to drive the tests. Each member of the // array contains three members: the object to invoke, an argument to // invoke it with, and the expected result of the invocation. // var tests = [ // Number object ["Number", 3, 3], ["Number", "3", 3], ["Number", "0x20", 32], ["Number", "three", Number.NaN], ["Number", "1e+3", 1000], ["Number", 5.6612, 5.6612], // Array object ["Array", 3, Array(3)], // Boolean object ["Boolean", 0, false], ["Boolean", null, false], ["Boolean", "", false], ["Boolean", false, false], ["Boolean", true, true], ["Boolean", "true", true], ["Boolean", "false", true], ["Boolean", new Boolean(false), true], ["Boolean", { "value": false }, true], // Function object ["Function", "return 3", Function("return 3")], ["Function", "window.alert('test')", Function("window.alert('test')")], // Object object ["Object", undefined, Object()], ["Object", null, Object()], ["Object", true, new Boolean(true)], ["Object", Boolean(), new Boolean(false)], ["Object", "a string", new String("a string")], ["Object", 3.14, new Number(3.14)], ["Object", { "key1": "test", "key2": 15 }, { "key1": "test", "key2": 15 }], ["Object", [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17], [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17]], // RegExp object ["RegExp", "...", RegExp("...")], // String object ["String", "testing", "testing"], ["String", "test\u0020me", "test me"], ["String", "314", "314"], ["String", "true", "true"], ["String", "null", "null"], ["String", "2 + 2", String("2 + 2")], ["String", ""], // global functions ["testMe", 3, 6], ["testMe", "string", [1,2], "stringstring1,21,2"], ["testMe", "me", "meme"], ["testMe", undefined, Number.NaN], ["testMe", [1, 2], "1,21,2"], ["testMe", 3, 4, 14], ["isNaN", "junk", true], ["parseInt", "156", 156], ["encodeURI", "a = b", "a%20=%20b"], ]; function runTests() { var plugin = document.getElementById("plugin1"); // Test calling NPN_InvokeDefault from within plugin code. for (var test of tests) { var result; var expected = test[test.length - 1]; switch (test.length) { case 2: result = plugin.npnInvokeDefaultTest(test[0]); break; case 3: result = plugin.npnInvokeDefaultTest(test[0], test[1]); break; case 4: result = plugin.npnInvokeDefaultTest(test[0], test[1], test[2]); break; } // serialize the two values for easy var json_expected = JSON.stringify(expected); var json_result = JSON.stringify(result); if (typeof(result) == "function") json_result = result.toString(); if (typeof(test[2]) == "function") json_expected = expected.toString(); is(json_result, json_expected, "npnInvokeDefault returned an unexpected value"); is(typeof(result), typeof(expected), "npnInvokeDefaultTest return value was of unexpected type"); var success = (json_result == json_expected && typeof(result) == typeof(expected)); $("verbose").appendChild( createEl('span', null, ((success ? "pass" : "fail") + ": " + test[0] + "("))); for (var i = 1; i < test.length - 1; i++) { $("verbose").appendChild( createEl('span', null, (JSON.stringify(test[i]) + (i < test.length - 2 ? "," : "")))); } $("verbose").appendChild( createEl('span', null, (") == " + json_result + "(" + typeof(result) + "), expected " + json_expected + "(" + typeof(expected) + ")"))); $("verbose").appendChild(createEl('br')); } // Test calling the invokedefault method of plugin-defined object is(plugin(), "Test Plug-in", "calling NPN_InvokeDefault on plugin-defined Object doesn't work"); is(plugin(1), "Test Plug-in;1", "calling NPN_InvokeDefault on plugin-defined Object doesn't work"); is(plugin("test"), "Test Plug-in;test", "calling NPN_InvokeDefault on plugin-defined Object doesn't work"); is(plugin(undefined, -1, null), "Test Plug-in;undefined;-1;null", "calling NPN_InvokeDefault on plugin-defined Object doesn't work"); SimpleTest.finish(); } </script> <p id="display"></p> <embed id="plugin1" type="application/x-test" width="400" height="100"> </embed> <div id="verbose"> </div> </body> </html>