<!doctype html>
  <title>Test for Bug 967694</title>
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  <script type="application/javascript" src="plugin-utils.js"></script>
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  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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// Touching a plugin from chrome scope should not spawn it, bug should
// synchronously spawn it from content scope


var plugin;
var spPlugin;

function recreatePlugin() {
  if (plugin) {
  plugin = document.createElement("embed");
  plugin.type = "application/x-test";

  // Plugin should now be queued for async spawning.
  spPlugin = SpecialPowers.wrap(plugin);

  is(spPlugin.displayedType, spPlugin.TYPE_PLUGIN, "Should be configured as plugin");
  ok(!spPlugin.hasRunningPlugin, "Should not be spawned yet");


// Try various JS operations with chrome context
var thrown = false;
// Get and set non-existent Property
var hi = spPlugin._testShouldntExist;
spPlugin._testShouldntExist = 5;
// Call some test-plugin function
try {
  var val = spPlugin.getObjectValue();
} catch (e) {
  thrown = true;

ok(thrown, "Function call should have thrown");
ok(!spPlugin.hasRunningPlugin, "Plugin should not have spawned");

// Try property access from content
var hi = plugin._testShouldntExistContent;
ok(spPlugin.hasRunningPlugin, "Should've caused plugin to spawn");

// Property set
plugin._testShouldntExistContent = 5;
ok(spPlugin.hasRunningPlugin, "Should've caused plugin to spawn");

// Call test plugin function. Should succeed.
thrown = false;
try {
  var value = plugin.getObjectValue();
} catch (e) {
  thrown = true;

ok(!thrown, "Call should have succeeded");
ok(spPlugin.hasRunningPlugin, "Call should have synchronously spawned plugin");
ok(plugin.checkObjectValue(value), "Plugin should recognize self");
