/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * vim: sw=4 ts=4 et : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef dom_plugins_PluginInstanceChild_h #define dom_plugins_PluginInstanceChild_h 1 #include "mozilla/EventForwards.h" #include "mozilla/plugins/PPluginInstanceChild.h" #include "mozilla/plugins/PluginScriptableObjectChild.h" #include "mozilla/plugins/StreamNotifyChild.h" #include "mozilla/plugins/PPluginSurfaceChild.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/CrossProcessMutex.h" #include "nsRefPtrHashtable.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "mozilla/gfx/SharedDIBWin.h" #elif defined(MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA) #include "PluginUtilsOSX.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/QuartzSupport.h" #include "base/timer.h" #endif #include "npfunctions.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "ChildAsyncCall.h" #include "ChildTimer.h" #include "nsRect.h" #include "nsTHashtable.h" #include "mozilla/PaintTracker.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h" #include <map> #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK #include "gtk2xtbin.h" #endif class gfxASurface; namespace mozilla { namespace plugins { class PBrowserStreamChild; class BrowserStreamChild; class StreamNotifyChild; class PluginInstanceChild : public PPluginInstanceChild { friend class BrowserStreamChild; friend class PluginStreamChild; friend class StreamNotifyChild; friend class PluginScriptableObjectChild; #ifdef OS_WIN friend LRESULT CALLBACK PluginWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static LRESULT CALLBACK PluginWindowProcInternal(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #endif protected: virtual bool AnswerCreateChildPluginWindow(NativeWindowHandle* aChildPluginWindow) override; virtual bool RecvCreateChildPopupSurrogate(const NativeWindowHandle& aNetscapeWindow) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_SetWindow(const NPRemoteWindow& window) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginWantsAllNetworkStreams(bool* wantsAllStreams, NPError* rv) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginNeedsXEmbed(bool* needs, NPError* rv) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject(PPluginScriptableObjectChild** value, NPError* result) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginNativeAccessibleAtkPlugId(nsCString* aPlugId, NPError* aResult) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_SetValue_NPNVprivateModeBool(const bool& value, NPError* result) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_SetValue_NPNVmuteAudioBool(const bool& value, NPError* result) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_SetValue_NPNVCSSZoomFactor(const double& value, NPError* result) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_HandleEvent(const NPRemoteEvent& event, int16_t* handled) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_HandleEvent_Shmem(const NPRemoteEvent& event, Shmem&& mem, int16_t* handled, Shmem* rtnmem) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_HandleEvent_IOSurface(const NPRemoteEvent& event, const uint32_t& surface, int16_t* handled) override; // Async rendering virtual bool RecvAsyncSetWindow(const gfxSurfaceType& aSurfaceType, const NPRemoteWindow& aWindow) override; virtual void DoAsyncSetWindow(const gfxSurfaceType& aSurfaceType, const NPRemoteWindow& aWindow, bool aIsAsync); virtual PPluginSurfaceChild* AllocPPluginSurfaceChild(const WindowsSharedMemoryHandle&, const gfx::IntSize&, const bool&) override { return new PPluginSurfaceChild(); } virtual bool DeallocPPluginSurfaceChild(PPluginSurfaceChild* s) override { delete s; return true; } virtual bool AnswerPaint(const NPRemoteEvent& event, int16_t* handled) override { PaintTracker pt; return AnswerNPP_HandleEvent(event, handled); } virtual bool RecvWindowPosChanged(const NPRemoteEvent& event) override; virtual bool RecvContentsScaleFactorChanged(const double& aContentsScaleFactor) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_Destroy(NPError* result) override; virtual PPluginScriptableObjectChild* AllocPPluginScriptableObjectChild() override; virtual bool DeallocPPluginScriptableObjectChild(PPluginScriptableObjectChild* aObject) override; virtual bool RecvPPluginScriptableObjectConstructor(PPluginScriptableObjectChild* aActor) override; virtual bool RecvPBrowserStreamConstructor(PBrowserStreamChild* aActor, const nsCString& aURL, const uint32_t& aLength, const uint32_t& aLastmodified, PStreamNotifyChild* aNotifyData, const nsCString& aHeaders) override; virtual bool AnswerNPP_NewStream( PBrowserStreamChild* actor, const nsCString& mimeType, const bool& seekable, NPError* rv, uint16_t* stype) override; virtual bool RecvAsyncNPP_NewStream( PBrowserStreamChild* actor, const nsCString& mimeType, const bool& seekable) override; virtual PBrowserStreamChild* AllocPBrowserStreamChild(const nsCString& url, const uint32_t& length, const uint32_t& lastmodified, PStreamNotifyChild* notifyData, const nsCString& headers) override; virtual bool DeallocPBrowserStreamChild(PBrowserStreamChild* stream) override; virtual PPluginStreamChild* AllocPPluginStreamChild(const nsCString& mimeType, const nsCString& target, NPError* result) override; virtual bool DeallocPPluginStreamChild(PPluginStreamChild* stream) override; virtual PStreamNotifyChild* AllocPStreamNotifyChild(const nsCString& url, const nsCString& target, const bool& post, const nsCString& buffer, const bool& file, NPError* result) override; virtual bool DeallocPStreamNotifyChild(PStreamNotifyChild* notifyData) override; virtual bool AnswerSetPluginFocus() override; virtual bool AnswerUpdateWindow() override; virtual bool RecvNPP_DidComposite() override; #if defined(MOZ_X11) && defined(XP_UNIX) && !defined(XP_MACOSX) bool CreateWindow(const NPRemoteWindow& aWindow); void DeleteWindow(); #endif public: PluginInstanceChild(const NPPluginFuncs* aPluginIface, const nsCString& aMimeType, const uint16_t& aMode, const InfallibleTArray<nsCString>& aNames, const InfallibleTArray<nsCString>& aValues); virtual ~PluginInstanceChild(); NPError DoNPP_New(); // Common sync+async implementation of NPP_NewStream NPError DoNPP_NewStream(BrowserStreamChild* actor, const nsCString& mimeType, const bool& seekable, uint16_t* stype); bool Initialize(); NPP GetNPP() { return &mData; } NPError NPN_GetValue(NPNVariable aVariable, void* aValue); NPError NPN_SetValue(NPPVariable aVariable, void* aValue); PluginScriptableObjectChild* GetActorForNPObject(NPObject* aObject); NPError NPN_NewStream(NPMIMEType aMIMEType, const char* aWindow, NPStream** aStream); void InvalidateRect(NPRect* aInvalidRect); #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA void Invalidate(); #endif // definied(MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA) uint32_t ScheduleTimer(uint32_t interval, bool repeat, TimerFunc func); void UnscheduleTimer(uint32_t id); void AsyncCall(PluginThreadCallback aFunc, void* aUserData); // This function is a more general version of AsyncCall void PostChildAsyncCall(already_AddRefed<ChildAsyncCall> aTask); int GetQuirks(); void NPN_URLRedirectResponse(void* notifyData, NPBool allow); NPError NPN_InitAsyncSurface(NPSize *size, NPImageFormat format, void *initData, NPAsyncSurface *surface); NPError NPN_FinalizeAsyncSurface(NPAsyncSurface *surface); void NPN_SetCurrentAsyncSurface(NPAsyncSurface *surface, NPRect *changed); void DoAsyncRedraw(); virtual bool RecvHandledWindowedPluginKeyEvent( const NativeEventData& aKeyEventData, const bool& aIsConsumed) override; #if defined(XP_WIN) NPError DefaultAudioDeviceChanged(NPAudioDeviceChangeDetails& details); #endif private: friend class PluginModuleChild; NPError InternalGetNPObjectForValue(NPNVariable aValue, NPObject** aObject); bool IsUsingDirectDrawing(); virtual bool RecvUpdateBackground(const SurfaceDescriptor& aBackground, const nsIntRect& aRect) override; virtual PPluginBackgroundDestroyerChild* AllocPPluginBackgroundDestroyerChild() override; virtual bool RecvPPluginBackgroundDestroyerConstructor(PPluginBackgroundDestroyerChild* aActor) override; virtual bool DeallocPPluginBackgroundDestroyerChild(PPluginBackgroundDestroyerChild* aActor) override; #if defined(OS_WIN) static bool RegisterWindowClass(); bool CreatePluginWindow(); void DestroyPluginWindow(); void SizePluginWindow(int width, int height); int16_t WinlessHandleEvent(NPEvent& event); void CreateWinlessPopupSurrogate(); void DestroyWinlessPopupSurrogate(); void InitPopupMenuHook(); void SetupFlashMsgThrottle(); void UnhookWinlessFlashThrottle(); void HookSetWindowLongPtr(); void SetUnityHooks(); void ClearUnityHooks(); void InitImm32Hook(); static inline bool SetWindowLongHookCheck(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG_PTR newLong); void FlashThrottleMessage(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, bool); static LRESULT CALLBACK DummyWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static LRESULT CALLBACK PluginWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static BOOL WINAPI TrackPopupHookProc(HMENU hMenu, UINT uFlags, int x, int y, int nReserved, HWND hWnd, CONST RECT *prcRect); static HWND WINAPI SetCaptureHook(HWND aHwnd); static LRESULT CALLBACK UnityGetMessageHookProc(int aCode, WPARAM aWparam, LPARAM aLParam); static LRESULT CALLBACK UnitySendMessageHookProc(int aCode, WPARAM aWparam, LPARAM aLParam); static BOOL CALLBACK EnumThreadWindowsCallback(HWND hWnd, LPARAM aParam); static LRESULT CALLBACK WinlessHiddenFlashWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #ifdef _WIN64 static LONG_PTR WINAPI SetWindowLongPtrAHook(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG_PTR newLong); static LONG_PTR WINAPI SetWindowLongPtrWHook(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG_PTR newLong); #else static LONG WINAPI SetWindowLongAHook(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG newLong); static LONG WINAPI SetWindowLongWHook(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG newLong); #endif static HIMC WINAPI ImmGetContextProc(HWND aWND); static BOOL WINAPI ImmReleaseContextProc(HWND aWND, HIMC aIMC); static LONG WINAPI ImmGetCompositionStringProc(HIMC aIMC, DWORD aIndex, LPVOID aBuf, DWORD aLen); static BOOL WINAPI ImmSetCandidateWindowProc(HIMC hIMC, LPCANDIDATEFORM plCandidate); static BOOL WINAPI ImmNotifyIME(HIMC aIMC, DWORD aAction, DWORD aIndex, DWORD aValue); class FlashThrottleAsyncMsg : public ChildAsyncCall { public: FlashThrottleAsyncMsg(); FlashThrottleAsyncMsg(PluginInstanceChild* aInst, HWND aWnd, UINT aMsg, WPARAM aWParam, LPARAM aLParam, bool isWindowed) : ChildAsyncCall(aInst, nullptr, nullptr), mWnd(aWnd), mMsg(aMsg), mWParam(aWParam), mLParam(aLParam), mWindowed(isWindowed) {} NS_IMETHOD Run() override; WNDPROC GetProc(); HWND GetWnd() { return mWnd; } UINT GetMsg() { return mMsg; } WPARAM GetWParam() { return mWParam; } LPARAM GetLParam() { return mLParam; } private: HWND mWnd; UINT mMsg; WPARAM mWParam; LPARAM mLParam; bool mWindowed; }; bool ShouldPostKeyMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); bool MaybePostKeyMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #endif // #if defined(OS_WIN) const NPPluginFuncs* mPluginIface; nsCString mMimeType; uint16_t mMode; InfallibleTArray<nsCString> mNames; InfallibleTArray<nsCString> mValues; NPP_t mData; NPWindow mWindow; #if defined(XP_DARWIN) || defined(XP_WIN) double mContentsScaleFactor; #endif double mCSSZoomFactor; uint32_t mPostingKeyEvents; uint32_t mPostingKeyEventsOutdated; int16_t mDrawingModel; NPAsyncSurface* mCurrentDirectSurface; // The surface hashtables below serve a few purposes. They let us verify // and retain extra information about plugin surfaces, and they let us // free shared memory that the plugin might forget to release. struct DirectBitmap { DirectBitmap(PluginInstanceChild* aOwner, const Shmem& shmem, const gfx::IntSize& size, uint32_t stride, SurfaceFormat format); private: ~DirectBitmap(); public: NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(DirectBitmap); PluginInstanceChild* mOwner; Shmem mShmem; gfx::SurfaceFormat mFormat; gfx::IntSize mSize; uint32_t mStride; }; nsRefPtrHashtable<nsPtrHashKey<NPAsyncSurface>, DirectBitmap> mDirectBitmaps; #if defined(XP_WIN) nsDataHashtable<nsPtrHashKey<NPAsyncSurface>, WindowsHandle> mDxgiSurfaces; #endif mozilla::Mutex mAsyncInvalidateMutex; CancelableRunnable *mAsyncInvalidateTask; // Cached scriptable actors to avoid IPC churn PluginScriptableObjectChild* mCachedWindowActor; PluginScriptableObjectChild* mCachedElementActor; #if defined(MOZ_X11) && defined(XP_UNIX) && !defined(XP_MACOSX) NPSetWindowCallbackStruct mWsInfo; #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK bool mXEmbed; XtClient mXtClient; #endif #elif defined(OS_WIN) HWND mPluginWindowHWND; WNDPROC mPluginWndProc; HWND mPluginParentHWND; int mNestedEventLevelDepth; HWND mCachedWinlessPluginHWND; HWND mWinlessPopupSurrogateHWND; nsIntPoint mPluginSize; WNDPROC mWinlessThrottleOldWndProc; HWND mWinlessHiddenMsgHWND; HHOOK mUnityGetMessageHook; HHOOK mUnitySendMessageHook; #endif friend class ChildAsyncCall; Mutex mAsyncCallMutex; nsTArray<ChildAsyncCall*> mPendingAsyncCalls; nsTArray<nsAutoPtr<ChildTimer> > mTimers; /** * During destruction we enumerate all remaining scriptable objects and * invalidate/delete them. Enumeration can re-enter, so maintain a * hash separate from PluginModuleChild.mObjectMap. */ nsAutoPtr< nsTHashtable<DeletingObjectEntry> > mDeletingHash; #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA) private: #if defined(__i386__) NPEventModel mEventModel; #endif CGColorSpaceRef mShColorSpace; CGContextRef mShContext; RefPtr<nsCARenderer> mCARenderer; void *mCGLayer; // Core Animation drawing model requires a refresh timer. uint32_t mCARefreshTimer; public: const NPCocoaEvent* getCurrentEvent() { return mCurrentEvent; } bool CGDraw(CGContextRef ref, nsIntRect aUpdateRect); #if defined(__i386__) NPEventModel EventModel() { return mEventModel; } #endif private: const NPCocoaEvent *mCurrentEvent; #endif bool CanPaintOnBackground(); bool IsVisible() { #ifdef XP_MACOSX return mWindow.clipRect.top != mWindow.clipRect.bottom && mWindow.clipRect.left != mWindow.clipRect.right; #else return mWindow.clipRect.top != 0 || mWindow.clipRect.left != 0 || mWindow.clipRect.bottom != 0 || mWindow.clipRect.right != 0; #endif } // ShowPluginFrame - in general does four things: // 1) Create mCurrentSurface optimized for rendering to parent process // 2) Updated mCurrentSurface to be a complete copy of mBackSurface // 3) Draw the invalidated plugin area into mCurrentSurface // 4) Send it to parent process. bool ShowPluginFrame(void); // If we can read back safely from mBackSurface, copy // mSurfaceDifferenceRect from mBackSurface to mFrontSurface. // @return Whether the back surface could be read. bool ReadbackDifferenceRect(const nsIntRect& rect); // Post ShowPluginFrame task void AsyncShowPluginFrame(void); // In the PaintRect functions, aSurface is the size of the full plugin // window. Each PaintRect function renders into the subrectangle aRect of // aSurface (possibly more if we're working around a Flash bug). // Paint plugin content rectangle to surface with bg color filling void PaintRectToSurface(const nsIntRect& aRect, gfxASurface* aSurface, const gfx::Color& aColor); // Render plugin content to surface using // white/black image alpha extraction algorithm void PaintRectWithAlphaExtraction(const nsIntRect& aRect, gfxASurface* aSurface); // Call plugin NPAPI function to render plugin content to surface // @param - aSurface - should be compatible with current platform plugin rendering // @return - FALSE if plugin not painted to surface void PaintRectToPlatformSurface(const nsIntRect& aRect, gfxASurface* aSurface); // Update NPWindow platform attributes and call plugin "setwindow" // @param - aForceSetWindow - call setwindow even if platform attributes are the same void UpdateWindowAttributes(bool aForceSetWindow = false); // Create optimized mCurrentSurface for parent process rendering // @return FALSE if optimized surface not created bool CreateOptSurface(void); // Create mHelperSurface if mCurrentSurface non compatible with plugins // @return TRUE if helper surface created successfully, or not needed bool MaybeCreatePlatformHelperSurface(void); // Make sure that we have surface for rendering bool EnsureCurrentBuffer(void); // Helper function for delayed InvalidateRect call // non null mCurrentInvalidateTask will call this function void InvalidateRectDelayed(void); // Clear mCurrentSurface/mCurrentSurfaceActor/mHelperSurface void ClearCurrentSurface(); // Swap mCurrentSurface/mBackSurface and their associated actors void SwapSurfaces(); // Clear all surfaces in response to NPP_Destroy void ClearAllSurfaces(); void Destroy(); void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) override; // Set as true when SetupLayer called // and go with different path in InvalidateRect function bool mLayersRendering; // Current surface available for rendering RefPtr<gfxASurface> mCurrentSurface; // Back surface, just keeping reference to // surface which is on ParentProcess side RefPtr<gfxASurface> mBackSurface; #ifdef XP_MACOSX // Current IOSurface available for rendering // We can't use thebes gfxASurface like other platforms. PluginUtilsOSX::nsDoubleBufferCARenderer mDoubleBufferCARenderer; #endif // (Not to be confused with mBackSurface). This is a recent copy // of the opaque pixels under our object frame, if // |mIsTransparent|. We ask the plugin render directly onto a // copy of the background pixels if available, and fall back on // alpha recovery otherwise. RefPtr<gfxASurface> mBackground; #ifdef XP_WIN // These actors mirror mCurrentSurface/mBackSurface PPluginSurfaceChild* mCurrentSurfaceActor; PPluginSurfaceChild* mBackSurfaceActor; #endif // Accumulated invalidate rect, while back buffer is not accessible, // in plugin coordinates. nsIntRect mAccumulatedInvalidRect; // Plugin only call SetTransparent // and does not remember their transparent state // and p->getvalue return always false bool mIsTransparent; // Surface type optimized of parent process gfxSurfaceType mSurfaceType; // Keep InvalidateRect task pointer to be able Cancel it on Destroy RefPtr<CancelableRunnable> mCurrentInvalidateTask; // Keep AsyncSetWindow task pointer to be able to Cancel it on Destroy RefPtr<CancelableRunnable> mCurrentAsyncSetWindowTask; // True while plugin-child in plugin call // Use to prevent plugin paint re-enter bool mPendingPluginCall; // On some platforms, plugins may not support rendering to a surface with // alpha, or not support rendering to an image surface. // In those cases we need to draw to a temporary platform surface; we cache // that surface here. RefPtr<gfxASurface> mHelperSurface; // true when plugin does not support painting to ARGB32 // surface this is false if plugin supports // NPPVpluginTransparentAlphaBool (which is not part of // NPAPI yet) bool mDoAlphaExtraction; // true when the plugin has painted at least once. We use this to ensure // that we ask a plugin to paint at least once even if it's invisible; // some plugin (instances) rely on this in order to work properly. bool mHasPainted; // Cached rectangle rendered to previous surface(mBackSurface) // Used for reading back to current surface and syncing data, // in plugin coordinates. nsIntRect mSurfaceDifferenceRect; // Has this instance been destroyed, either by ActorDestroy or NPP_Destroy? bool mDestroyed; #ifdef XP_WIN // WM_*CHAR messages are never consumed by chrome process's widget. // So, if preceding keydown or keyup event is consumed by reserved // shortcut key in the chrome process, we shouldn't send the following // WM_*CHAR messages to the plugin. bool mLastKeyEventConsumed; #endif // #ifdef XP_WIN // While IME in the process has composition, this is set to true. // Otherwise, false. static bool sIsIMEComposing; // A counter is incremented by AutoStackHelper to indicate that there is an // active plugin call which should be preventing shutdown. public: class AutoStackHelper { public: explicit AutoStackHelper(PluginInstanceChild* instance) : mInstance(instance) { ++mInstance->mStackDepth; } ~AutoStackHelper() { --mInstance->mStackDepth; } private: PluginInstanceChild *const mInstance; }; private: int32_t mStackDepth; }; } // namespace plugins } // namespace mozilla #endif // ifndef dom_plugins_PluginInstanceChild_h