/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 8 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

include protocol PPluginBackgroundDestroyer;
include protocol PPluginModule;
include protocol PPluginScriptableObject;
include protocol PBrowserStream;
include protocol PPluginStream;
include protocol PStreamNotify;
include protocol PPluginSurface;

include "mozilla/GfxMessageUtils.h";

using NPError from "npapi.h";
using struct mozilla::plugins::NPRemoteWindow from "mozilla/plugins/PluginMessageUtils.h";
using struct mozilla::plugins::NPRemoteEvent from "mozilla/plugins/PluginMessageUtils.h";
using NPRect from "npapi.h";
using NPNURLVariable from "npapi.h";
using NPCoordinateSpace from "npapi.h";
using NPNVariable from "npapi.h";
using mozilla::plugins::NativeWindowHandle from "mozilla/plugins/PluginMessageUtils.h";
using gfxSurfaceType from "gfxTypes.h";
using mozilla::gfx::IntSize from "mozilla/gfx/2D.h";
using mozilla::gfx::IntRect from "mozilla/gfx/2D.h";
using struct mozilla::null_t from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h";
using mozilla::WindowsHandle from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h";
using mozilla::plugins::WindowsSharedMemoryHandle from "mozilla/plugins/PluginMessageUtils.h";
using mozilla::layers::SurfaceDescriptorX11 from "gfxipc/ShadowLayerUtils.h";
using nsIntRect from "nsRect.h";
using mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat from "mozilla/gfx/Types.h";
using struct DxgiAdapterDesc from "mozilla/D3DMessageUtils.h";
using struct mozilla::widget::CandidateWindowPosition from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";
using class mozilla::NativeEventData from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h";

namespace mozilla {
namespace plugins {

struct IOSurfaceDescriptor {
  uint32_t surfaceId;
  double contentsScaleFactor;

union SurfaceDescriptor {
  PPluginSurface; // used on Windows
  IOSurfaceDescriptor; // used on OSX 10.5+
  // Descriptor can be null here in case
  // 1) of first Show call (prevSurface is null)
  // 2) when child is going to destroy
  //    and it just want to grab prevSurface
  //     back without giving new surface

union OptionalShmem {

intr protocol PPluginInstance
  manager PPluginModule;

  manages PPluginBackgroundDestroyer;
  manages PPluginScriptableObject;
  manages PBrowserStream;
  manages PPluginStream;
  manages PStreamNotify;
  manages PPluginSurface;

  intr __delete__();

  // This is only used on Windows and, for windowed plugins, must be called
  // before the first call to NPP_SetWindow.
  intr CreateChildPluginWindow()
    returns (NativeWindowHandle childPluginWindow);

  // This is only used on Windows and, for windowless plugins.
  async CreateChildPopupSurrogate(NativeWindowHandle netscapeWindow);

  intr NPP_SetWindow(NPRemoteWindow window);

  intr NPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginWantsAllNetworkStreams()
    returns (bool value, NPError result);

  // this message is not used on non-X platforms
  intr NPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginNeedsXEmbed()
    returns (bool value, NPError result);

  intr NPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject()
    returns (nullable PPluginScriptableObject value, NPError result);

  intr NPP_SetValue_NPNVprivateModeBool(bool value) returns (NPError result);
  intr NPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginNativeAccessibleAtkPlugId()
    returns (nsCString plug_id, NPError result);

  intr NPP_SetValue_NPNVCSSZoomFactor(double value) returns (NPError result);

  intr NPP_SetValue_NPNVmuteAudioBool(bool muted) returns (NPError result);

  intr NPP_HandleEvent(NPRemoteEvent event)
    returns (int16_t handled);
  // special cases where we need to a shared memory buffer
  intr NPP_HandleEvent_Shmem(NPRemoteEvent event, Shmem buffer)
    returns (int16_t handled, Shmem rtnbuffer);
  // special cases where we need an iosurface
  intr NPP_HandleEvent_IOSurface(NPRemoteEvent event, uint32_t surfaceid)
    returns (int16_t handled);
  // special cases of HandleEvent to make mediating races simpler
  intr Paint(NPRemoteEvent event)
    returns (int16_t handled);
  // this is only used on windows to forward WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGE
  async WindowPosChanged(NPRemoteEvent event);
  // used on OS X to tell the child the contents scale factor
  // of its parent has changed
  async ContentsScaleFactorChanged(double aContentsScaleFactor);

  // ********************** Async plugins rendering
  // see https://wiki.mozilla.org/Gecko:AsyncPluginPainting
  // **********************

  // Async version of SetWindow call
  // @param surfaceType - gfxASurface::gfxSurfaceType
  //        plugin child must create offscreen buffer
  //        with type equals to surfaceType
  async AsyncSetWindow(gfxSurfaceType surfaceType, NPRemoteWindow window);

  // There is now an opaque background behind this instance (or the
  // background was updated).  The changed area is |rect|.  The
  // browser owns the background surface, and it's read-only from
  // within the plugin process.  |background| is either null_t to
  // refer to the existing background or a fresh descriptor.
  async UpdateBackground(SurfaceDescriptor background, nsIntRect rect);

  async NPP_DidComposite();

  intr NPP_Destroy()
    returns (NPError rv);

  // HandledWindowedPluginKeyEvent() is always called after posting a native
  // key event with OnWindowedPluginKeyEvent().
  // @param aKeyEventData      The key event which was posted to the parent
  //                           process.
  // @param aIsConsumed        true if aKeyEventData is consumed in the
  //                           parent process.  Otherwise, false.
  async HandledWindowedPluginKeyEvent(NativeEventData aKeyEventData,
                                      bool aIsConsumed);

  intr NPN_GetValue_NPNVWindowNPObject()
    returns (nullable PPluginScriptableObject value, NPError result);
  intr NPN_GetValue_NPNVPluginElementNPObject()
    returns (nullable PPluginScriptableObject value, NPError result);
  intr NPN_GetValue_NPNVprivateModeBool()
    returns (bool value, NPError result);
  intr NPN_GetValue_NPNVnetscapeWindow()
    returns (NativeWindowHandle value, NPError result);
  intr NPN_GetValue_NPNVdocumentOrigin()
    returns (nsCString value, NPError result);
  intr NPN_GetValue_DrawingModelSupport(NPNVariable model)
    returns (bool value);
  intr NPN_GetValue_SupportsAsyncBitmapSurface()
    returns (bool value);
  intr NPN_GetValue_SupportsAsyncDXGISurface()
    returns (bool value);
  intr NPN_GetValue_PreferredDXGIAdapter()
    returns (DxgiAdapterDesc desc);

  intr NPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginWindow(bool windowed)
    returns (NPError result);
  intr NPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginTransparent(bool transparent)
    returns (NPError result);
  intr NPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginUsesDOMForCursor(bool useDOMForCursor)
    returns (NPError result);
  intr NPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginDrawingModel(int drawingModel)
    returns (NPError result);
  intr NPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginEventModel(int eventModel)
    returns (NPError result);
  intr NPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginIsPlayingAudio(bool isAudioPlaying)
    returns (NPError result);

  intr NPN_GetURL(nsCString url, nsCString target)
    returns (NPError result);
  intr NPN_PostURL(nsCString url, nsCString target, nsCString buffer, bool file)
    returns (NPError result);

   * Covers both NPN_GetURLNotify and NPN_PostURLNotify.
   * @TODO This would be more readable as an overloaded method,
   *       but IPDL doesn't allow that for constructors.
  intr PStreamNotify(nsCString url, nsCString target, bool post,
                    nsCString buffer, bool file)
    returns (NPError result);

  async NPN_InvalidateRect(NPRect rect);

  // Clear the current plugin image.
  sync RevokeCurrentDirectSurface();

  // Create a new DXGI shared surface with the given format and size. The
  // returned handle, on success, can be opened as an ID3D10Texture2D or
  // ID3D11Texture2D on a corresponding device.
  sync InitDXGISurface(SurfaceFormat format, IntSize size)
    returns (WindowsHandle handle, NPError result);

  // Destroy a surface previously allocated with InitDXGISurface().
  sync FinalizeDXGISurface(WindowsHandle handle);

  // Set the current plugin image to the bitmap in the given shmem buffer. The
  // format must be B8G8R8A8 or B8G8R8X8.
  sync ShowDirectBitmap(Shmem buffer,
                        SurfaceFormat format,
                        uint32_t stride,
                        IntSize size,
                        IntRect dirty);

  // Set the current plugin image to the DXGI surface in |handle|.
  sync ShowDirectDXGISurface(WindowsHandle handle,
                              IntRect dirty);

  // Give |newSurface|, containing this instance's updated pixels, to
  // the browser for compositing.  When this method returns, any surface
  // previously passed to Show may be destroyed.
  // @param rect - actually updated rectangle, comparing to prevSurface content
  //               could be used for partial render of layer to topLevel context
  // @param newSurface - remotable surface
  // @param prevSurface - if the previous surface was shared-memory, returns
  //                      the shmem for reuse
  sync Show(NPRect updatedRect, SurfaceDescriptor newSurface)
    returns (SurfaceDescriptor prevSurface);

  async PPluginSurface(WindowsSharedMemoryHandle handle,
                       IntSize size,
                       bool transparent);

  intr NPN_PushPopupsEnabledState(bool aState);

  intr NPN_PopPopupsEnabledState();

  intr NPN_GetValueForURL(NPNURLVariable variable, nsCString url)
    returns (nsCString value, NPError result);

  intr NPN_SetValueForURL(NPNURLVariable variable, nsCString url,
                         nsCString value)
    returns (NPError result);

  intr NPN_GetAuthenticationInfo(nsCString protocol_, nsCString host,
                                int32_t port, nsCString scheme,
                                nsCString realm)
    returns (nsCString username, nsCString password, NPError result);

  intr NPN_ConvertPoint(double sourceX, bool ignoreDestX, double sourceY, bool ignoreDestY, NPCoordinateSpace sourceSpace,
                       NPCoordinateSpace destSpace)
    returns (double destX, double destY, bool result);

  async RedrawPlugin();

  // Send notification that a plugin tried to negotiate Carbon NPAPI so that
  // users can be notified that restarting the browser in i386 mode may allow
  // them to use the plugin.
  sync NegotiatedCarbon();

  // Notifies the parent of its NPP_New result code.
  async AsyncNPP_NewResult(NPError aResult);

  // Sends a native window to be adopted by the native window that would be
  // returned by NPN_GetValue_NPNVnetscapeWindow. Only used on Windows.
  async SetNetscapeWindowAsParent(NativeWindowHandle childWindow);

  sync GetCompositionString(uint32_t aType)
                            returns (uint8_t[] aDist, int32_t aLength);
  // Set candidate window position.
  // @param aPosition  position information of candidate window
  async SetCandidateWindow(CandidateWindowPosition aPosition);
  async RequestCommitOrCancel(bool aCommitted);

  // Notifies the parent process of a plugin instance receiving key event
  // directly.
  // @param aKeyEventData       The native key event which will be sent to
  //                            plugin from native event handler.
  async OnWindowedPluginKeyEvent(NativeEventData aKeyEventData);

  async PPluginScriptableObject();

  /* NPP_NewStream */
  async PBrowserStream(nsCString url,
                       uint32_t length,
                       uint32_t lastmodified,
                       nullable PStreamNotify notifyData,
                       nsCString headers);

  // Implements the legacy (synchronous) version of NPP_NewStream for when
  // async plugin init is preffed off.
  intr NPP_NewStream(PBrowserStream actor, nsCString mimeType, bool seekable)
    returns (NPError rv,
             uint16_t stype);

  // Implements the async plugin init version of NPP_NewStream.
  async AsyncNPP_NewStream(PBrowserStream actor, nsCString mimeType, bool seekable);

  /* NPN_NewStream */
  intr PPluginStream(nsCString mimeType,
                    nsCString target)
    returns (NPError result);

  intr PluginFocusChange(bool gotFocus);

  intr SetPluginFocus();
  intr UpdateWindow();

  async PPluginBackgroundDestroyer();

} // namespace plugins
} // namespace mozilla