/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

 * MozTCPSocket exposes a TCP client and server sockets
 * to highly privileged apps. It provides a buffered, non-blocking
 * interface for sending. For receiving, it uses an asynchronous,
 * event handler based interface.

#include "domstubs.idl"

#include "nsTArrayForwardDeclare.h"
[ref] native nsUint8TArrayRef(InfallibleTArray<uint8_t>);
[ptr] native JSContextPtr(JSContext);

 * This interface is implemented in TCPSocket.cpp as an internal interface
 * for use in cross-process socket implementation.
 * Needed to account for multiple possible types that can be provided to
 * the socket callbacks as arguments.
[scriptable, uuid(ac2c4b69-cb79-4767-b1ce-bcf62945cd39)]
interface nsITCPSocketCallback : nsISupports {
  // Limitation of TCPSocket's buffer size.
  const unsigned long BUFFER_SIZE = 65536;

  // Dispatch an "error" event at this object with the given name and type.
  void fireErrorEvent(in AString name, in AString type);

  // Dispatch a "data" event at this object with a string
  void fireDataStringEvent(in DOMString type, in ACString data);

  // Dispatch a "data" event at this object with an Array
  void fireDataArrayEvent(in DOMString type, [const] in nsUint8TArrayRef data);

  // Dispatch an event of the given type at this object.
  void fireEvent(in DOMString type);

  // Update the DOM object's readyState.
  // @param readyState
  //        new ready state
  void updateReadyState(in unsigned long readystate);

  // Update the DOM object's bufferedAmount value with a tracking number to
  // to allow tracking of which writes are "in-flight"
  // @param bufferedAmount
  //        TCPSocket parent's bufferedAmount.
  // @param trackingNumber
  //        A number to ensure the bufferedAmount is updated after data
  //        from child are sent to parent.
  void updateBufferedAmount(in uint32_t bufferedAmount,
                            in uint32_t trackingNumber);