/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

[scriptable, function, uuid(2a3ad56c-edc0-439f-8aae-900b331ddf49)]
interface nsIEthernetManagerCallback : nsISupports
   * Callback function used to report the success of different operations.
   * @param success
   *        Boolean value indicates the success of an operation.
   * @prarm message
   *        Message reported in the end of operation.
  void notify(in boolean success, in DOMString message);

[scriptable, function, uuid(1746e7dd-92d4-43fa-8ef4-bc13d0b60353)]
interface nsIEthernetManagerScanCallback : nsISupports
   * Callback function used to report the result of scan function.
   * @param list
   *        List of available ethernet interfaces.
  void notify(in jsval list);

 * An internal idl provides control to ethernet interfaces.
[scriptable, uuid(81750c87-bb3b-4724-b955-834eafa53fd1)]
interface nsIEthernetManager : nsISupports
   * List of exisiting interface name.
  readonly attribute jsval interfaceList;

   * Scan available ethernet interfaces on device.
   * @param callback
   *        Callback function.
  void scan(in nsIEthernetManagerScanCallback callback);

   * Add a new interface to the interface list.
   * @param ifname
   *        Interface name. Should be the form of "eth*".
   * @param callback
   *        Callback function.
  void addInterface(in DOMString ifname,
                    in nsIEthernetManagerCallback callback);

   * Remove an existing interface from the interface list.
   * @param ifname
   *        Interface name.
   * @param Callback
   *        Callback function.
  void removeInterface(in DOMString ifname,
                       in nsIEthernetManagerCallback callback);

   * Update a conifg of an existing interface in the interface list.
   * @param ifname
   *        Interface name.
   * @param config
   *        .ip: IP address.
   *        .prefixLength: Mask length.
   *        .gateway: Gateway.
   *        .dnses: DNS addresses.
   *        .httpProxyHost: HTTP proxy host.
   *        .httpProxyPort: HTTP proxy port.
   *        .ipMode: IP mode, can be 'dhcp' or 'static'.
   * @param callback
   *        Callback function.
  void updateInterfaceConfig(in DOMString ifname,
                             in jsval config,
                             in nsIEthernetManagerCallback callback);

   * Enable networking of an existing interface in the interface list.
   * @param ifname
   *        Interface name.
   * @param callback
   *        Callback function.
  void enable(in DOMString ifname,
              in nsIEthernetManagerCallback callback);

   * Disable networking of an existing interface in the interface list.
   * @param ifname
   *        Interface name.
   * @param callback
   *        Callback function.
  void disable(in DOMString ifname,
               in nsIEthernetManagerCallback callback);

   * Make an existing interface connect to network.
   * @param ifname
   *        Interface name.
   * @param callback
   *        Callback function.
  void connect(in DOMString ifname,
               in nsIEthernetManagerCallback callback);

   * Disconnect a connected interface in the interface list.
   * @param ifname
   *        Interface name.
   * @param callback
   *        Callback function.
  void disconnect(in DOMString ifname,
                  in nsIEthernetManagerCallback callback);