/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "MediaTrackConstraints.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MediaStreamTrackBinding.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" #include <limits> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> namespace mozilla { template<class ValueType> template<class ConstrainRange> void NormalizedConstraintSet::Range<ValueType>::SetFrom(const ConstrainRange& aOther) { if (aOther.mIdeal.WasPassed()) { mIdeal.emplace(aOther.mIdeal.Value()); } if (aOther.mExact.WasPassed()) { mMin = aOther.mExact.Value(); mMax = aOther.mExact.Value(); } else { if (aOther.mMin.WasPassed()) { mMin = aOther.mMin.Value(); } if (aOther.mMax.WasPassed()) { mMax = aOther.mMax.Value(); } } } // The Range code works surprisingly well for bool, except when averaging ideals. template<> bool NormalizedConstraintSet::Range<bool>::Merge(const Range& aOther) { if (!Intersects(aOther)) { return false; } Intersect(aOther); // To avoid "unsafe use of type 'bool'", we keep counter in mMergeDenominator uint32_t counter = mMergeDenominator >> 16; uint32_t denominator = mMergeDenominator & 0xffff; if (aOther.mIdeal.isSome()) { if (mIdeal.isNothing()) { mIdeal.emplace(aOther.Get(false)); counter = aOther.Get(false); denominator = 1; } else { if (!denominator) { counter = Get(false); denominator = 1; } counter += aOther.Get(false); denominator++; } } mMergeDenominator = ((counter & 0xffff) << 16) + (denominator & 0xffff); return true; } template<> void NormalizedConstraintSet::Range<bool>::FinalizeMerge() { if (mMergeDenominator) { uint32_t counter = mMergeDenominator >> 16; uint32_t denominator = mMergeDenominator & 0xffff; *mIdeal = !!(counter / denominator); mMergeDenominator = 0; } } NormalizedConstraintSet::LongRange::LongRange( LongPtrType aMemberPtr, const char* aName, const dom::OwningLongOrConstrainLongRange& aOther, bool advanced, nsTArray<MemberPtrType>* aList) : Range<int32_t>((MemberPtrType)aMemberPtr, aName, 1 + INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, // +1 avoids Windows compiler bug aList) { if (aOther.IsLong()) { if (advanced) { mMin = mMax = aOther.GetAsLong(); } else { mIdeal.emplace(aOther.GetAsLong()); } } else { SetFrom(aOther.GetAsConstrainLongRange()); } } NormalizedConstraintSet::LongLongRange::LongLongRange( LongLongPtrType aMemberPtr, const char* aName, const long long& aOther, nsTArray<MemberPtrType>* aList) : Range<int64_t>((MemberPtrType)aMemberPtr, aName, 1 + INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX, // +1 avoids Windows compiler bug aList) { mIdeal.emplace(aOther); } NormalizedConstraintSet::DoubleRange::DoubleRange( DoublePtrType aMemberPtr, const char* aName, const dom::OwningDoubleOrConstrainDoubleRange& aOther, bool advanced, nsTArray<MemberPtrType>* aList) : Range<double>((MemberPtrType)aMemberPtr, aName, -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), aList) { if (aOther.IsDouble()) { if (advanced) { mMin = mMax = aOther.GetAsDouble(); } else { mIdeal.emplace(aOther.GetAsDouble()); } } else { SetFrom(aOther.GetAsConstrainDoubleRange()); } } NormalizedConstraintSet::BooleanRange::BooleanRange( BooleanPtrType aMemberPtr, const char* aName, const dom::OwningBooleanOrConstrainBooleanParameters& aOther, bool advanced, nsTArray<MemberPtrType>* aList) : Range<bool>((MemberPtrType)aMemberPtr, aName, false, true, aList) { if (aOther.IsBoolean()) { if (advanced) { mMin = mMax = aOther.GetAsBoolean(); } else { mIdeal.emplace(aOther.GetAsBoolean()); } } else { const dom::ConstrainBooleanParameters& r = aOther.GetAsConstrainBooleanParameters(); if (r.mIdeal.WasPassed()) { mIdeal.emplace(r.mIdeal.Value()); } if (r.mExact.WasPassed()) { mMin = r.mExact.Value(); mMax = r.mExact.Value(); } } } NormalizedConstraintSet::StringRange::StringRange( StringPtrType aMemberPtr, const char* aName, const dom::OwningStringOrStringSequenceOrConstrainDOMStringParameters& aOther, bool advanced, nsTArray<MemberPtrType>* aList) : BaseRange((MemberPtrType)aMemberPtr, aName, aList) { if (aOther.IsString()) { if (advanced) { mExact.insert(aOther.GetAsString()); } else { mIdeal.insert(aOther.GetAsString()); } } else if (aOther.IsStringSequence()) { if (advanced) { mExact.clear(); for (auto& str : aOther.GetAsStringSequence()) { mExact.insert(str); } } else { mIdeal.clear(); for (auto& str : aOther.GetAsStringSequence()) { mIdeal.insert(str); } } } else { SetFrom(aOther.GetAsConstrainDOMStringParameters()); } } void NormalizedConstraintSet::StringRange::SetFrom( const dom::ConstrainDOMStringParameters& aOther) { if (aOther.mIdeal.WasPassed()) { mIdeal.clear(); if (aOther.mIdeal.Value().IsString()) { mIdeal.insert(aOther.mIdeal.Value().GetAsString()); } else { for (auto& str : aOther.mIdeal.Value().GetAsStringSequence()) { mIdeal.insert(str); } } } if (aOther.mExact.WasPassed()) { mExact.clear(); if (aOther.mExact.Value().IsString()) { mExact.insert(aOther.mExact.Value().GetAsString()); } else { for (auto& str : aOther.mExact.Value().GetAsStringSequence()) { mIdeal.insert(str); } } } } auto NormalizedConstraintSet::StringRange::Clamp(const ValueType& n) const -> ValueType { if (!mExact.size()) { return n; } ValueType result; for (auto& entry : n) { if (mExact.find(entry) != mExact.end()) { result.insert(entry); } } return result; } bool NormalizedConstraintSet::StringRange::Intersects(const StringRange& aOther) const { if (!mExact.size() || !aOther.mExact.size()) { return true; } ValueType intersection; set_intersection(mExact.begin(), mExact.end(), aOther.mExact.begin(), aOther.mExact.end(), std::inserter(intersection, intersection.begin())); return !!intersection.size(); } void NormalizedConstraintSet::StringRange::Intersect(const StringRange& aOther) { if (!aOther.mExact.size()) { return; } ValueType intersection; set_intersection(mExact.begin(), mExact.end(), aOther.mExact.begin(), aOther.mExact.end(), std::inserter(intersection, intersection.begin())); mExact = intersection; } bool NormalizedConstraintSet::StringRange::Merge(const StringRange& aOther) { if (!Intersects(aOther)) { return false; } Intersect(aOther); ValueType unioned; set_union(mIdeal.begin(), mIdeal.end(), aOther.mIdeal.begin(), aOther.mIdeal.end(), std::inserter(unioned, unioned.begin())); mIdeal = unioned; return true; } NormalizedConstraints::NormalizedConstraints( const dom::MediaTrackConstraints& aOther, nsTArray<MemberPtrType>* aList) : NormalizedConstraintSet(aOther, false, aList) , mBadConstraint(nullptr) { if (aOther.mAdvanced.WasPassed()) { for (auto& entry : aOther.mAdvanced.Value()) { mAdvanced.push_back(NormalizedConstraintSet(entry, true)); } } } // Merge constructor. Create net constraints out of merging a set of others. // This is only used to resolve competing constraints from concurrent requests, // something the spec doesn't cover. NormalizedConstraints::NormalizedConstraints( const nsTArray<const NormalizedConstraints*>& aOthers) : NormalizedConstraintSet(*aOthers[0]) , mBadConstraint(nullptr) { for (auto& entry : aOthers[0]->mAdvanced) { mAdvanced.push_back(entry); } // Create a list of member pointers. nsTArray<MemberPtrType> list; NormalizedConstraints dummy(dom::MediaTrackConstraints(), &list); // Do intersection of all required constraints, and average of ideals, for (uint32_t i = 1; i < aOthers.Length(); i++) { auto& other = *aOthers[i]; for (auto& memberPtr : list) { auto& member = this->*memberPtr; auto& otherMember = other.*memberPtr; if (!member.Merge(otherMember)) { mBadConstraint = member.mName; return; } } for (auto& entry : other.mAdvanced) { mAdvanced.push_back(entry); } } for (auto& memberPtr : list) { (this->*memberPtr).FinalizeMerge(); } // ...except for resolution and frame rate where we take the highest ideal. // This is a bit of a hack based on the perception that people would be more // surprised if they were to get lower resolution than they ideally requested. // // The spec gives browsers leeway here, saying they "SHOULD use the one with // the smallest fitness distance", and also does not directly address the // problem of competing constraints at all. There is no real web interop issue // here since this is more about interop with other tabs on the same browser. // // We should revisit this logic once we support downscaling of resolutions and // decimating of frame rates, per track. for (auto& other : aOthers) { mWidth.TakeHighestIdeal(other->mWidth); mHeight.TakeHighestIdeal(other->mHeight); // Consider implicit 30 fps default in comparison of competing constraints. // Avoids 160x90x10 and 640x480 becoming 1024x768x10 (fitness distance flaw) // This pretty much locks in 30 fps or higher, except for single-tab use. auto frameRate = other->mFrameRate; if (frameRate.mIdeal.isNothing()) { frameRate.mIdeal.emplace(30); } mFrameRate.TakeHighestIdeal(frameRate); } } FlattenedConstraints::FlattenedConstraints(const NormalizedConstraints& aOther) : NormalizedConstraintSet(aOther) { for (auto& set : aOther.mAdvanced) { // Must only apply compatible i.e. inherently non-overconstraining sets // This rule is pretty much why this code is centralized here. if (mWidth.Intersects(set.mWidth) && mHeight.Intersects(set.mHeight) && mFrameRate.Intersects(set.mFrameRate)) { mWidth.Intersect(set.mWidth); mHeight.Intersect(set.mHeight); mFrameRate.Intersect(set.mFrameRate); } if (mEchoCancellation.Intersects(set.mEchoCancellation)) { mEchoCancellation.Intersect(set.mEchoCancellation); } if (mMozNoiseSuppression.Intersects(set.mMozNoiseSuppression)) { mMozNoiseSuppression.Intersect(set.mMozNoiseSuppression); } if (mMozAutoGainControl.Intersects(set.mMozAutoGainControl)) { mMozAutoGainControl.Intersect(set.mMozAutoGainControl); } } } // MediaEngine helper // // The full algorithm for all devices. Sources that don't list capabilities // need to fake it and hardcode some by populating mHardcodedCapabilities above. // // Fitness distance returned as integer math * 1000. Infinity = UINT32_MAX // First, all devices have a minimum distance based on their deviceId. // If you have no other constraints, use this one. Reused by all device types. uint32_t MediaConstraintsHelper::GetMinimumFitnessDistance( const NormalizedConstraintSet &aConstraints, const nsString& aDeviceId) { return FitnessDistance(aDeviceId, aConstraints.mDeviceId); } template<class ValueType, class NormalizedRange> /* static */ uint32_t MediaConstraintsHelper::FitnessDistance(ValueType aN, const NormalizedRange& aRange) { if (aRange.mMin > aN || aRange.mMax < aN) { return UINT32_MAX; } if (aN == aRange.mIdeal.valueOr(aN)) { return 0; } return uint32_t(ValueType((std::abs(aN - aRange.mIdeal.value()) * 1000) / std::max(std::abs(aN), std::abs(aRange.mIdeal.value())))); } // Fitness distance returned as integer math * 1000. Infinity = UINT32_MAX /* static */ uint32_t MediaConstraintsHelper::FitnessDistance( nsString aN, const NormalizedConstraintSet::StringRange& aParams) { if (aParams.mExact.size() && aParams.mExact.find(aN) == aParams.mExact.end()) { return UINT32_MAX; } if (aParams.mIdeal.size() && aParams.mIdeal.find(aN) == aParams.mIdeal.end()) { return 1000; } return 0; } template<class MediaEngineSourceType> const char* MediaConstraintsHelper::FindBadConstraint( const NormalizedConstraints& aConstraints, const MediaEngineSourceType& aMediaEngineSource, const nsString& aDeviceId) { class MockDevice { public: NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(MockDevice); explicit MockDevice(const MediaEngineSourceType* aMediaEngineSource, const nsString& aDeviceId) : mMediaEngineSource(aMediaEngineSource), // The following dud code exists to avoid 'unused typedef' error on linux. mDeviceId(MockDevice::HasThreadSafeRefCnt::value ? aDeviceId : nsString()) {} uint32_t GetBestFitnessDistance( const nsTArray<const NormalizedConstraintSet*>& aConstraintSets, bool aIsChrome) { return mMediaEngineSource->GetBestFitnessDistance(aConstraintSets, mDeviceId); } private: ~MockDevice() {} const MediaEngineSourceType* mMediaEngineSource; nsString mDeviceId; }; Unused << typename MockDevice::HasThreadSafeRefCnt(); nsTArray<RefPtr<MockDevice>> devices; devices.AppendElement(new MockDevice(&aMediaEngineSource, aDeviceId)); return FindBadConstraint(aConstraints, devices); } }