/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "AudioBuffer.h" #include "mozilla/dom/AudioBufferBinding.h" #include "jsfriendapi.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h" #include "AudioSegment.h" #include "AudioChannelFormat.h" #include "mozilla/PodOperations.h" #include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "AudioNodeEngine.h" namespace mozilla { namespace dom { NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(AudioBuffer) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_BEGIN(AudioBuffer) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mJSChannels) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_PRESERVED_WRAPPER tmp->ClearJSChannels(); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_BEGIN(AudioBuffer) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_BEGIN(AudioBuffer) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_PRESERVED_WRAPPER for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tmp->mJSChannels.Length(); ++i) { NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_JS_MEMBER_CALLBACK(mJSChannels[i]) } NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_ROOT_NATIVE(AudioBuffer, AddRef) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNROOT_NATIVE(AudioBuffer, Release) /** * AudioBuffers can be shared between AudioContexts, so we need a separate * mechanism to track their memory usage. This thread-safe class keeps track of * all the AudioBuffers, and gets called back by the memory reporting system * when a memory report is needed, reporting how much memory is used by the * buffers backing AudioBuffer objects. */ class AudioBufferMemoryTracker : public nsIMemoryReporter { NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIMEMORYREPORTER private: AudioBufferMemoryTracker(); virtual ~AudioBufferMemoryTracker(); public: /* Those methods can be called on any thread. */ static void RegisterAudioBuffer(const AudioBuffer* aAudioBuffer); static void UnregisterAudioBuffer(const AudioBuffer* aAudioBuffer); private: static AudioBufferMemoryTracker* GetInstance(); /* Those methods must be called with the lock held. */ void RegisterAudioBufferInternal(const AudioBuffer* aAudioBuffer); /* Returns the number of buffers still present in the hash table. */ uint32_t UnregisterAudioBufferInternal(const AudioBuffer* aAudioBuffer); void Init(); /* This protects all members of this class. */ static StaticMutex sMutex; static StaticRefPtr sSingleton; nsTHashtable> mBuffers; }; StaticRefPtr AudioBufferMemoryTracker::sSingleton; StaticMutex AudioBufferMemoryTracker::sMutex; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(AudioBufferMemoryTracker, nsIMemoryReporter); AudioBufferMemoryTracker* AudioBufferMemoryTracker::GetInstance() { sMutex.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); if (!sSingleton) { sSingleton = new AudioBufferMemoryTracker(); sSingleton->Init(); } return sSingleton; } AudioBufferMemoryTracker::AudioBufferMemoryTracker() { } void AudioBufferMemoryTracker::Init() { RegisterWeakMemoryReporter(this); } AudioBufferMemoryTracker::~AudioBufferMemoryTracker() { UnregisterWeakMemoryReporter(this); } void AudioBufferMemoryTracker::RegisterAudioBuffer(const AudioBuffer* aAudioBuffer) { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); AudioBufferMemoryTracker* tracker = AudioBufferMemoryTracker::GetInstance(); tracker->RegisterAudioBufferInternal(aAudioBuffer); } void AudioBufferMemoryTracker::UnregisterAudioBuffer(const AudioBuffer* aAudioBuffer) { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sMutex); AudioBufferMemoryTracker* tracker = AudioBufferMemoryTracker::GetInstance(); uint32_t count; count = tracker->UnregisterAudioBufferInternal(aAudioBuffer); if (count == 0) { sSingleton = nullptr; } } void AudioBufferMemoryTracker::RegisterAudioBufferInternal(const AudioBuffer* aAudioBuffer) { sMutex.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); mBuffers.PutEntry(aAudioBuffer); } uint32_t AudioBufferMemoryTracker::UnregisterAudioBufferInternal(const AudioBuffer* aAudioBuffer) { sMutex.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); mBuffers.RemoveEntry(aAudioBuffer); return mBuffers.Count(); } MOZ_DEFINE_MALLOC_SIZE_OF(AudioBufferMemoryTrackerMallocSizeOf) NS_IMETHODIMP AudioBufferMemoryTracker::CollectReports(nsIHandleReportCallback* aHandleReport, nsISupports* aData, bool) { size_t amount = 0; for (auto iter = mBuffers.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { amount += iter.Get()->GetKey()->SizeOfIncludingThis(AudioBufferMemoryTrackerMallocSizeOf); } MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT( "explicit/webaudio/audiobuffer", KIND_HEAP, UNITS_BYTES, amount, "Memory used by AudioBuffer objects (Web Audio)."); return NS_OK; } AudioBuffer::AudioBuffer(AudioContext* aContext, uint32_t aNumberOfChannels, uint32_t aLength, float aSampleRate, already_AddRefed aInitialContents) : mOwnerWindow(do_GetWeakReference(aContext->GetOwner())), mSharedChannels(aInitialContents), mLength(aLength), mSampleRate(aSampleRate) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mSharedChannels || mSharedChannels->GetChannels() == aNumberOfChannels); mJSChannels.SetLength(aNumberOfChannels); mozilla::HoldJSObjects(this); AudioBufferMemoryTracker::RegisterAudioBuffer(this); } AudioBuffer::~AudioBuffer() { AudioBufferMemoryTracker::UnregisterAudioBuffer(this); ClearJSChannels(); mozilla::DropJSObjects(this); } void AudioBuffer::ClearJSChannels() { mJSChannels.Clear(); } /* static */ already_AddRefed AudioBuffer::Create(AudioContext* aContext, uint32_t aNumberOfChannels, uint32_t aLength, float aSampleRate, already_AddRefed aInitialContents, ErrorResult& aRv) { // Note that a buffer with zero channels is permitted here for the sake of // AudioProcessingEvent, where channel counts must match parameters passed // to createScriptProcessor(), one of which may be zero. if (aSampleRate < WebAudioUtils::MinSampleRate || aSampleRate > WebAudioUtils::MaxSampleRate || aNumberOfChannels > WebAudioUtils::MaxChannelCount || !aLength || aLength > INT32_MAX) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return nullptr; } RefPtr buffer = new AudioBuffer(aContext, aNumberOfChannels, aLength, aSampleRate, Move(aInitialContents)); return buffer.forget(); } JSObject* AudioBuffer::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aGivenProto) { return AudioBufferBinding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto); } bool AudioBuffer::RestoreJSChannelData(JSContext* aJSContext) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mJSChannels.Length(); ++i) { if (mJSChannels[i]) { // Already have data in JS array. continue; } // The following code first zeroes the array and then copies our data // into it. We could avoid this with additional JS APIs to construct // an array (or ArrayBuffer) containing initial data. JS::Rooted array(aJSContext, JS_NewFloat32Array(aJSContext, mLength)); if (!array) { return false; } if (mSharedChannels) { // "4. Attach ArrayBuffers containing copies of the data to the // AudioBuffer, to be returned by the next call to getChannelData." const float* data = mSharedChannels->GetData(i); JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; bool isShared; mozilla::PodCopy(JS_GetFloat32ArrayData(array, &isShared, nogc), data, mLength); MOZ_ASSERT(!isShared); // Was created as unshared above } mJSChannels[i] = array; } mSharedChannels = nullptr; return true; } void AudioBuffer::CopyFromChannel(const Float32Array& aDestination, uint32_t aChannelNumber, uint32_t aStartInChannel, ErrorResult& aRv) { uint32_t length = aDestination.Length(); CheckedInt end = aStartInChannel; end += length; if (aChannelNumber >= NumberOfChannels() || !end.isValid() || end.value() > mLength) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return; } JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; aDestination.ComputeLengthAndData(); JSObject* channelArray = mJSChannels[aChannelNumber]; const float* sourceData = nullptr; if (channelArray) { if (JS_GetTypedArrayLength(channelArray) != mLength) { // The array's buffer was detached. aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return; } bool isShared = false; sourceData = JS_GetFloat32ArrayData(channelArray, &isShared, nogc); // The sourceData arrays should all have originated in // RestoreJSChannelData, where they are created unshared. MOZ_ASSERT(!isShared); } else if (mSharedChannels) { sourceData = mSharedChannels->GetData(aChannelNumber); } if (sourceData) { PodMove(aDestination.Data(), sourceData + aStartInChannel, length); } else { PodZero(aDestination.Data(), length); } } void AudioBuffer::CopyToChannel(JSContext* aJSContext, const Float32Array& aSource, uint32_t aChannelNumber, uint32_t aStartInChannel, ErrorResult& aRv) { uint32_t length = aSource.Length(); CheckedInt end = aStartInChannel; end += length; if (aChannelNumber >= NumberOfChannels() || !end.isValid() || end.value() > mLength) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return; } if (!RestoreJSChannelData(aJSContext)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return; } JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; JSObject* channelArray = mJSChannels[aChannelNumber]; if (JS_GetTypedArrayLength(channelArray) != mLength) { // The array's buffer was detached. aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR); return; } aSource.ComputeLengthAndData(); bool isShared = false; float* channelData = JS_GetFloat32ArrayData(channelArray, &isShared, nogc); // The channelData arrays should all have originated in // RestoreJSChannelData, where they are created unshared. MOZ_ASSERT(!isShared); PodMove(channelData + aStartInChannel, aSource.Data(), length); } void AudioBuffer::GetChannelData(JSContext* aJSContext, uint32_t aChannel, JS::MutableHandle aRetval, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (aChannel >= NumberOfChannels()) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR); return; } if (!RestoreJSChannelData(aJSContext)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); return; } aRetval.set(mJSChannels[aChannel]); } already_AddRefed AudioBuffer::StealJSArrayDataIntoSharedChannels(JSContext* aJSContext) { // "1. If any of the AudioBuffer's ArrayBuffer have been detached, abort // these steps, and return a zero-length channel data buffers to the // invoker." for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mJSChannels.Length(); ++i) { JSObject* channelArray = mJSChannels[i]; if (!channelArray || mLength != JS_GetTypedArrayLength(channelArray)) { // Either empty buffer or one of the arrays' buffers was detached. return nullptr; } } // "2. Detach all ArrayBuffers for arrays previously returned by // getChannelData on this AudioBuffer." // "3. Retain the underlying data buffers from those ArrayBuffers and return // references to them to the invoker." RefPtr result = new ThreadSharedFloatArrayBufferList(mJSChannels.Length()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mJSChannels.Length(); ++i) { JS::Rooted arrayBufferView(aJSContext, mJSChannels[i]); bool isSharedMemory; JS::Rooted arrayBuffer(aJSContext, JS_GetArrayBufferViewBuffer(aJSContext, arrayBufferView, &isSharedMemory)); // The channel data arrays should all have originated in // RestoreJSChannelData, where they are created unshared. MOZ_ASSERT(!isSharedMemory); auto stolenData = arrayBuffer ? static_cast(JS_StealArrayBufferContents(aJSContext, arrayBuffer)) : nullptr; if (stolenData) { result->SetData(i, stolenData, js_free, stolenData); } else { NS_ASSERTION(i == 0, "some channels lost when contents not acquired"); return nullptr; } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mJSChannels.Length(); ++i) { mJSChannels[i] = nullptr; } return result.forget(); } ThreadSharedFloatArrayBufferList* AudioBuffer::GetThreadSharedChannelsForRate(JSContext* aJSContext) { if (!mSharedChannels) { mSharedChannels = StealJSArrayDataIntoSharedChannels(aJSContext); } return mSharedChannels; } size_t AudioBuffer::SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { size_t amount = aMallocSizeOf(this); amount += mJSChannels.ShallowSizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); if (mSharedChannels) { amount += mSharedChannels->SizeOfIncludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } return amount; } } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla