<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <script type="application/javascript" src="pc.js"></script> <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/dom/canvas/test/captureStream_common.js"></script> </head> <body> <pre id="test"> <script type="application/javascript"> createHTML({ bug: "1166832", title: "Renegotiation: verify video after renegotiation" }); runNetworkTest(() => { var test = new PeerConnectionTest(); var h1 = new CaptureStreamTestHelper2D(50, 50); var canvas1 = h1.createAndAppendElement('canvas', 'source_canvas1'); var stream1; var vremote1; var h2 = new CaptureStreamTestHelper2D(50, 50); var canvas2; var stream2; var vremote2; test.setMediaConstraints([{video: true}], []); test.chain.replace("PC_LOCAL_GUM", [ function DRAW_INITIAL_LOCAL_GREEN(test) { h1.drawColor(canvas1, h1.green); }, function PC_LOCAL_CANVAS_CAPTURESTREAM(test) { stream1 = canvas1.captureStream(0); test.pcLocal.attachLocalStream(stream1); } ]); test.chain.append([ function FIND_REMOTE_VIDEO() { vremote1 = test.pcRemote.remoteMediaElements[0]; ok(!!vremote1, "Should have remote video element for pcRemote"); }, function WAIT_FOR_REMOTE_GREEN() { return h1.waitForPixelColor(vremote1, h1.green, 128, "pcRemote's remote should become green"); }, function DRAW_LOCAL_RED() { // After requesting a frame it will be captured at the time of next render. // Next render will happen at next stable state, at the earliest, // i.e., this order of `requestFrame(); draw();` should work. stream1.requestFrame(); h1.drawColor(canvas1, h1.red); }, function WAIT_FOR_REMOTE_RED() { return h1.waitForPixelColor(vremote1, h1.red, 128, "pcRemote's remote should become red"); } ]); addRenegotiation(test.chain, [ function PC_LOCAL_ADD_SECOND_STREAM(test) { canvas2 = h2.createAndAppendElement('canvas', 'source_canvas2'); h2.drawColor(canvas2, h2.blue); stream2 = canvas2.captureStream(0); // can't use test.pcLocal.getAllUserMedia([{video: true}]); // because it doesn't let us substitute the capture stream test.pcLocal.attachLocalStream(stream2); } ] ); test.chain.append([ function FIND_REMOTE2_VIDEO() { vremote2 = test.pcRemote.remoteMediaElements[1]; ok(!!vremote2, "Should have remote2 video element for pcRemote"); }, function WAIT_FOR_REMOTE2_BLUE() { return h2.waitForPixelColor(vremote2, h2.blue, 128, "pcRemote's remote2 should become blue"); }, function DRAW_NEW_LOCAL_GREEN(test) { stream1.requestFrame(); h1.drawColor(canvas1, h1.green); }, function WAIT_FOR_REMOTE1_GREEN() { return h1.waitForPixelColor(vremote1, h1.green, 128, "pcRemote's remote1 should become green"); } ]); test.run(); }); </script> </pre> </body> </html>