  <script type="application/javascript" src="pc.js"></script>
<pre id="test">
<script type="application/javascript">
    bug: "825703",
    title: "RTCConfiguration valid/invalid permutations"

// ^^^ Don't insert data above this line without adjusting line number below!
var lineNumberAndFunction = {
// <--- 16 is the line this must be.
  line: 17, func: () => new RTCPeerConnection().onaddstream = () => {}

var makePC = (config, expected_error) => {
  var exception;
  try {
    new RTCPeerConnection(config).close();
  } catch (e) {
    exception = e;
  is((exception? exception.name : "success"), expected_error || "success",
     "RTCPeerConnection(" + JSON.stringify(config) + ")");

// The order of properties in objects is not guaranteed in JavaScript, so this
// transform produces json-comparable dictionaries. The resulting copy is only
// meant to be used in comparisons (e.g. array-ness is not preserved).

var toComparable = o =>
    (typeof o != 'object' || !o)? o : Object.keys(o).sort().reduce((co, key) => {
  co[key] = toComparable(o[key]);
  return co;
}, {});

// This is a test of the iceServers parsing code + readable errors
runNetworkTest(() => {
  var exception = null;

  try {
    new RTCPeerConnection().close();
  } catch (e) {
    exception = e;
  ok(!exception, "RTCPeerConnection() succeeds");
  exception = null;


  makePC(1, "TypeError");


  makePC({ iceServers: [] });

  makePC({ iceServers: [{ urls:"" }] }, "SyntaxError");

  makePC({ iceServers: [
    { urls:"stun:" },
    { urls:"stun:localhost", foo:"" },
    { urls: ["stun:", "stun:localhost"] },
    { urls:"stuns:localhost", foo:"" },
    { urls:"turn:[::1]:3478", username:"p", credential:"p" },
    { urls:"turn:[::1]:3478", username:"", credential:"" },
    { urls:"turns:[::1]:3478", username:"", credential:"" },
    { urls:"turn:localhost:3478?transport=udp", username:"p", credential:"p" },
    { urls: ["turn:[::1]:3478", "turn:localhost"], username:"p", credential:"p" },
    { urls:"turns:localhost:3478?transport=udp", username:"p", credential:"p" },
    { url:"stun:localhost", foo:"" },
    { url:"turn:localhost", username:"p", credential:"p" }

  makePC({ iceServers: [{ urls: ["stun:", ""] }] }, "SyntaxError");

  makePC({ iceServers: [{ urls:"turns:localhost:3478", username:"p" }] }, "InvalidAccessError");

  makePC({ iceServers: [{ url:"turns:localhost:3478", credential:"p" }] }, "InvalidAccessError");

  makePC({ iceServers: [{ urls:"http:" }] }, "SyntaxError");

  try {
    new RTCPeerConnection({ iceServers: [{ url:"http:" }] }).close();
  } catch (e) {
    ok(e.message.indexOf("http") > 0,
       "RTCPeerConnection() constructor has readable exceptions");

  // Test getConfiguration
  var config = {
    bundlePolicy: "max-bundle",
    iceTransportPolicy: "relay",
    peerIdentity: null,
    iceServers: [
      { urls: ["stun:", "stun:localhost"], credentialType:"password" },
      { urls: ["turn:[::1]:3478"], username:"p", credential:"p", credentialType:"token" },
  var pc = new RTCPeerConnection(config);
     JSON.stringify(toComparable(config)), "getConfiguration");

  var push = prefs => new Promise(resolve =>
      SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv(prefs, resolve));

  // This set of tests are setting the about:config User preferences for default
  // ice servers and checking the outputs when RTCPeerConnection() is
  // invoked. See Bug 1167922 for more information.
  .then(() => push({ set: [['media.peerconnection.default_iceservers', ""]] })
    .then(() => makePC())
    .then(() => push({ set: [['media.peerconnection.default_iceservers', "k"]] }))
    .then(() => makePC())
    .then(() => push({ set: [['media.peerconnection.default_iceservers', "[{\"urls\": [\"stun:stun.services.mozilla.com\"]}]"]] }))
    .then(() => makePC()))
  // This set of tests check that warnings work. See Bug 1254839 for more.
  .then(() => {
    var consoleService = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]
    var warning = "";
    var listener = SpecialPowers.wrapCallbackObject({
      QueryInterface(iid) {
        if (![SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIConsoleListener,
              SpecialPowers.Ci.nsISupports].some(i => iid.equals(i))) {
          throw SpecialPowers.Cr.NS_NOINTERFACE;
        return this;

      observe(msg) {
        if (msg.message.includes("JavaScript Warning")) {
          warning = msg.message;
    // Console output is asynchronous, so we must queue a task.
    return wait(0).then(() => {
         "onaddstream is deprecated! Use peerConnection.ontrack instead.",
         "warning logged");
      var remainder = warning.split('"').slice(2).join('"');
      ok(remainder.includes('file: "' + window.location + '"'),
         "warning has this file");
      ok(remainder.includes('line: ' + lineNumberAndFunction.line),
         "warning has correct line number");