/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Returns the contents of a blob as text * * @param {Blob} blob The blob to retrieve the contents from */ function getBlobContent(blob) { return new Promise(resolve => { var reader = new FileReader(); // Listen for 'onloadend' which will always be called after a success or failure reader.onloadend = event => resolve(event.target.result); reader.readAsText(blob); }); } var commandsCreateDataChannel = [ function PC_REMOTE_EXPECT_DATA_CHANNEL(test) { test.pcRemote.expectDataChannel(); }, function PC_LOCAL_CREATE_DATA_CHANNEL(test) { var channel = test.pcLocal.createDataChannel({}); is(channel.binaryType, "blob", channel + " is of binary type 'blob'"); is(channel.readyState, "connecting", channel + " is in state: 'connecting'"); is(test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "Create datachannel does not change signaling state"); return test.pcLocal.observedNegotiationNeeded; } ]; var commandsWaitForDataChannel = [ function PC_LOCAL_VERIFY_DATA_CHANNEL_STATE(test) { return test.pcLocal.dataChannels[0].opened; }, function PC_REMOTE_VERIFY_DATA_CHANNEL_STATE(test) { return test.pcRemote.nextDataChannel.then(channel => channel.opened); }, ]; var commandsCheckDataChannel = [ function SEND_MESSAGE(test) { var message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"; return test.send(message).then(result => { is(result.data, message, "Message correctly transmitted from pcLocal to pcRemote."); }); }, function SEND_BLOB(test) { var contents = "At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum."; var blob = new Blob([contents], { "type" : "text/plain" }); return test.send(blob).then(result => { ok(result.data instanceof Blob, "Received data is of instance Blob"); is(result.data.size, blob.size, "Received data has the correct size."); return getBlobContent(result.data); }).then(recv_contents => is(recv_contents, contents, "Received data has the correct content.")); }, function CREATE_SECOND_DATA_CHANNEL(test) { return test.createDataChannel({ }).then(result => { var sourceChannel = result.local; var targetChannel = result.remote; is(sourceChannel.readyState, "open", sourceChannel + " is in state: 'open'"); is(targetChannel.readyState, "open", targetChannel + " is in state: 'open'"); is(targetChannel.binaryType, "blob", targetChannel + " is of binary type 'blob'"); }); }, function SEND_MESSAGE_THROUGH_LAST_OPENED_CHANNEL(test) { var channels = test.pcRemote.dataChannels; var message = "I am the Omega"; return test.send(message).then(result => { is(channels.indexOf(result.channel), channels.length - 1, "Last channel used"); is(result.data, message, "Received message has the correct content."); }); }, function SEND_MESSAGE_THROUGH_FIRST_CHANNEL(test) { var message = "Message through 1st channel"; var options = { sourceChannel: test.pcLocal.dataChannels[0], targetChannel: test.pcRemote.dataChannels[0] }; return test.send(message, options).then(result => { is(test.pcRemote.dataChannels.indexOf(result.channel), 0, "1st channel used"); is(result.data, message, "Received message has the correct content."); }); }, function SEND_MESSAGE_BACK_THROUGH_FIRST_CHANNEL(test) { var message = "Return a message also through 1st channel"; var options = { sourceChannel: test.pcRemote.dataChannels[0], targetChannel: test.pcLocal.dataChannels[0] }; return test.send(message, options).then(result => { is(test.pcLocal.dataChannels.indexOf(result.channel), 0, "1st channel used"); is(result.data, message, "Return message has the correct content."); }); }, function CREATE_NEGOTIATED_DATA_CHANNEL(test) { var options = { negotiated:true, id: 5, protocol: "foo/bar", ordered: false, maxRetransmits: 500 }; return test.createDataChannel(options).then(result => { var sourceChannel2 = result.local; var targetChannel2 = result.remote; is(sourceChannel2.readyState, "open", sourceChannel2 + " is in state: 'open'"); is(targetChannel2.readyState, "open", targetChannel2 + " is in state: 'open'"); is(targetChannel2.binaryType, "blob", targetChannel2 + " is of binary type 'blob'"); is(sourceChannel2.id, options.id, sourceChannel2 + " id is:" + sourceChannel2.id); var reliable = !options.ordered ? false : (options.maxRetransmits || options.maxRetransmitTime); is(sourceChannel2.protocol, options.protocol, sourceChannel2 + " protocol is:" + sourceChannel2.protocol); is(sourceChannel2.reliable, reliable, sourceChannel2 + " reliable is:" + sourceChannel2.reliable); /* These aren't exposed by IDL yet is(sourceChannel2.ordered, options.ordered, sourceChannel2 + " ordered is:" + sourceChannel2.ordered); is(sourceChannel2.maxRetransmits, options.maxRetransmits, sourceChannel2 + " maxRetransmits is:" + sourceChannel2.maxRetransmits); is(sourceChannel2.maxRetransmitTime, options.maxRetransmitTime, sourceChannel2 + " maxRetransmitTime is:" + sourceChannel2.maxRetransmitTime); */ is(targetChannel2.id, options.id, targetChannel2 + " id is:" + targetChannel2.id); is(targetChannel2.protocol, options.protocol, targetChannel2 + " protocol is:" + targetChannel2.protocol); is(targetChannel2.reliable, reliable, targetChannel2 + " reliable is:" + targetChannel2.reliable); /* These aren't exposed by IDL yet is(targetChannel2.ordered, options.ordered, targetChannel2 + " ordered is:" + targetChannel2.ordered); is(targetChannel2.maxRetransmits, options.maxRetransmits, targetChannel2 + " maxRetransmits is:" + targetChannel2.maxRetransmits); is(targetChannel2.maxRetransmitTime, options.maxRetransmitTime, targetChannel2 + " maxRetransmitTime is:" + targetChannel2.maxRetransmitTime); */ }); }, function SEND_MESSAGE_THROUGH_LAST_OPENED_CHANNEL2(test) { var channels = test.pcRemote.dataChannels; var message = "I am the walrus; Goo goo g'joob"; return test.send(message).then(result => { is(channels.indexOf(result.channel), channels.length - 1, "Last channel used"); is(result.data, message, "Received message has the correct content."); }); } ]; var commandsCheckLargeXfer = [ function SEND_BIG_BUFFER(test) { var size = 512*1024; // SCTP internal buffer is 256K, so we'll have ~256K queued var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(size); // note: type received is always blob for binary data var options = {}; options.bufferedAmountLowThreshold = 64*1024; return test.send(buffer, options).then(result => { ok(result.data instanceof Blob, "Received data is of instance Blob"); is(result.data.size, size, "Received data has the correct size."); }); }, ]; function addInitialDataChannel(chain) { chain.insertBefore('PC_LOCAL_CREATE_OFFER', commandsCreateDataChannel); chain.insertBefore('PC_LOCAL_WAIT_FOR_MEDIA_FLOW', commandsWaitForDataChannel); chain.removeAfter('PC_REMOTE_CHECK_ICE_CONNECTIONS'); chain.append(commandsCheckLargeXfer); chain.append(commandsCheckDataChannel); }