<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Test playback of media files that should play OK</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="manifest.js"></script> </head> <body> <pre id="test"> <script class="testbody" type="text/javascript"> var manager = new MediaTestManager; function startTest(test, token) { var v = document.createElement('video'); v.token = token; manager.started(token); v.src = test.name; v.name = test.name; v.playingCount = 0; v._playedOnce = false; var check = function(test, v) { return function() { checkMetadata(test.name, v, test); }}(test, v); var noLoad = function(test, v) { return function() { ok(false, test.name + " should not fire 'load' event"); }}(test, v); function finish(v) { removeNodeAndSource(v); manager.finished(v.token); } function mayFinish(v) { if (v.seenEnded && v.seenSuspend) { finish(v); } } var checkEnded = function(test, v) { return function() { if (test.duration) { ok(Math.abs(v.currentTime - test.duration) < 0.1, test.name + " current time at end: " + v.currentTime); } is(v.readyState, v.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA, test.name + " checking readyState"); ok(v.ended, test.name + " checking playback has ended"); ok(v.playingCount > 0, "Expect at least one playing event"); v.playingCount = 0; if (v._playedOnce) { v.seenEnded = true; mayFinish(v); } else { v._playedOnce = true; v.play(); } }}(test, v); var checkSuspended = function(test, v) { return function() { if (v.seenSuspend) { return; } v.seenSuspend = true; ok(true, test.name + " got suspend"); mayFinish(v); }}(test, v); var checkPlaying = function(test, v) { return function() { is(test.name, v.name, "Should be testing file we think we're testing..."); v.playingCount++; }}(test, v); v.addEventListener("load", noLoad, false); v.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", check, false); v.addEventListener("playing", checkPlaying, false); // We should get "ended" and "suspend" events for every resource v.addEventListener("ended", checkEnded, false); v.addEventListener("suspend", checkSuspended, false); document.body.appendChild(v); v.play(); } manager.runTests(gReplayTests, startTest); </script> </pre> </body> </html>