<html class="reftest-wait"> <audio id="testAudio" controls></audio> <script type="text/javascript"> navigator.mozGetUserMedia({audio: true, fake: true}, function(stream) { stream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled = false; var testAudio = document.getElementById('testAudio'); // Wait some time for good measure var eventReceived = 0; testAudio.addEventListener("timeupdate", function() { if (++eventReceived == 3) { document.querySelector("html").className = ""; } }) testAudio.mozSrcObject = stream; testAudio.play(); }, function(err) { // Don't go orange if we can't get an audio input stream, // as this is not what we are trying to test and can happen on Windows. document.querySelector("html").className = ""; }); </script> </html>