/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WAVDecoder.h" #include "AudioSampleFormat.h" #include "mozilla/SyncRunnable.h" using mp4_demuxer::ByteReader; namespace mozilla { int16_t DecodeALawSample(uint8_t aValue) { aValue = aValue ^ 0x55; int8_t sign = (aValue & 0x80) ? -1 : 1; uint8_t exponent = (aValue & 0x70) >> 4; uint8_t mantissa = aValue & 0x0F; int16_t sample = mantissa << 4; switch (exponent) { case 0: sample += 8; break; case 1: sample += 0x108; break; default: sample += 0x108; sample <<= exponent - 1; } return sign * sample; } int16_t DecodeULawSample(uint8_t aValue) { aValue = aValue ^ 0xFF; int8_t sign = (aValue & 0x80) ? -1 : 1; uint8_t exponent = (aValue & 0x70) >> 4; uint8_t mantissa = aValue & 0x0F; int16_t sample = (33 + 2 * mantissa) * (2 << (exponent + 1)) - 33; return sign * sample; } WaveDataDecoder::WaveDataDecoder(const CreateDecoderParams& aParams) : mInfo(aParams.AudioConfig()) , mCallback(aParams.mCallback) { } void WaveDataDecoder::Shutdown() { } RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder::InitPromise> WaveDataDecoder::Init() { return InitPromise::CreateAndResolve(TrackInfo::kAudioTrack, __func__); } void WaveDataDecoder::Input(MediaRawData* aSample) { MediaResult rv = DoDecode(aSample); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { mCallback->Error(rv); } else { mCallback->InputExhausted(); } } MediaResult WaveDataDecoder::DoDecode(MediaRawData* aSample) { size_t aLength = aSample->Size(); ByteReader aReader(aSample->Data(), aLength); int64_t aOffset = aSample->mOffset; uint64_t aTstampUsecs = aSample->mTime; int32_t frames = aLength * 8 / mInfo.mBitDepth / mInfo.mChannels; AlignedAudioBuffer buffer(frames * mInfo.mChannels); if (!buffer) { return MediaResult(NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, __func__); } for (int i = 0; i < frames; ++i) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mInfo.mChannels; ++j) { if (mInfo.mProfile == 6) { //ALAW Data uint8_t v = aReader.ReadU8(); int16_t decoded = DecodeALawSample(v); buffer[i * mInfo.mChannels + j] = IntegerToAudioSample<AudioDataValue>(decoded); } else if (mInfo.mProfile == 7) { //ULAW Data uint8_t v = aReader.ReadU8(); int16_t decoded = DecodeULawSample(v); buffer[i * mInfo.mChannels + j] = IntegerToAudioSample<AudioDataValue>(decoded); } else { //PCM Data if (mInfo.mBitDepth == 8) { uint8_t v = aReader.ReadU8(); buffer[i * mInfo.mChannels + j] = UInt8bitToAudioSample<AudioDataValue>(v); } else if (mInfo.mBitDepth == 16) { int16_t v = aReader.ReadLE16(); buffer[i * mInfo.mChannels + j] = IntegerToAudioSample<AudioDataValue>(v); } else if (mInfo.mBitDepth == 24) { int32_t v = aReader.ReadLE24(); buffer[i * mInfo.mChannels + j] = Int24bitToAudioSample<AudioDataValue>(v); } } } } int64_t duration = frames / mInfo.mRate; mCallback->Output(new AudioData(aOffset, aTstampUsecs, duration, frames, Move(buffer), mInfo.mChannels, mInfo.mRate)); return NS_OK; } void WaveDataDecoder::Drain() { mCallback->DrainComplete(); } void WaveDataDecoder::Flush() { } /* static */ bool WaveDataDecoder::IsWave(const nsACString& aMimeType) { // Some WebAudio uses "audio/x-wav", // WAVdemuxer uses "audio/wave; codecs=aNum". return aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/x-wav") || aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=1") || aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=6") || aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=7") || aMimeType.EqualsLiteral("audio/wave; codecs=65534"); } } // namespace mozilla #undef LOG