<!DOCTYPE html> <html><head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>MSE: |waiting| event when source data is missing</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="mediasource.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" /> </head> <body> <pre id="test"><script class="testbody" type="text/javascript"> SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); runWithMSE(function(ms, el) { once(ms, 'sourceopen').then(function() { ok(true, "Receive a sourceopen event"); var sb = ms.addSourceBuffer("video/webm"); fetchWithXHR("seek.webm", function(arrayBuffer) { sb.addEventListener('error', (e) => { ok(false, "Got Error: " + e); SimpleTest.finish(); }); loadSegment.bind(null, sb, new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, 0, 318))() .then(loadSegment.bind(null, sb, new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, 318, 25223-318))) .then(loadSegment.bind(null, sb, new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, 25223, 46712-25223))) /* Note - Missing |46712, 67833 - 46712| segment here */ .then(loadSegment.bind(null, sb, new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, 67833, 88966 - 67833))) .then(loadSegment.bind(null, sb, new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, 88966))) .then(function() { // HTMLMediaElement fires 'waiting' if somebody invokes |play()| before the MDSM // has notified it of available data. Make sure that we get 'playing' before // we starting waiting for 'waiting'. info("Invoking play()"); var p = once(el, 'playing'); el.play(); return p; }).then(function() { ok(true, "Video playing. It should play for a bit, then fire 'waiting'"); var p = once(el, 'waiting'); el.play(); return p; }).then(function() { // currentTime is based on the current video frame, so if the audio ends just before // the next video frame, currentTime can be up to 1 frame's worth earlier than // min(audioEnd, videoEnd). // 0.0465 is the length of the last audio frame. ok(el.currentTime >= (sb.buffered.end(0) - 0.0465), "Got a waiting event at " + el.currentTime); info("Loading more data"); var p = once(el, 'ended'); loadSegment(sb, new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer, 46712, 67833 - 46712)).then(() => ms.endOfStream()); return p; }).then(function() { // These fuzz factors are bigger than they should be. We should investigate // and fix them in bug 1137574. isfuzzy(el.duration, 4.001, 0.1, "Video has correct duration: " + el.duration); isfuzzy(el.currentTime, el.duration, 0.1, "Video has correct currentTime."); SimpleTest.finish(); }); }); }); }); </script> </pre> </body> </html>