  <title>MSE: basic functionality</title>
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  <script type="text/javascript" src="mediasource.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<pre id="test">
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// Avoid making trouble for people who fix rounding bugs.
function fuzzyEquals(a, b) {
  return Math.abs(a - b) < 0.01;

runWithMSE(function(ms, el) {
  el.controls = true;
  once(ms, 'sourceopen').then(function() {
    ok(true, "Receive a sourceopen event");
    var audiosb = ms.addSourceBuffer("audio/mp4");
    var videosb = ms.addSourceBuffer("video/mp4");
    fetchAndLoad(audiosb, 'bipbop/bipbop_audio', ['init'], '.mp4')
    .then(fetchAndLoad.bind(null, audiosb, 'bipbop/bipbop_audio', range(1, 5), '.m4s'))
    .then(fetchAndLoad.bind(null, audiosb, 'bipbop/bipbop_audio', range(6, 12), '.m4s'))
    .then(fetchAndLoad.bind(null, videosb, 'bipbop/bipbop_video', ['init'], '.mp4'))
    .then(fetchAndLoad.bind(null, videosb, 'bipbop/bipbop_video', range(1, 6), '.m4s'))
    .then(fetchAndLoad.bind(null, videosb, 'bipbop/bipbop_video', range(7, 14), '.m4s'))
    .then(function() {
      var p = once(el, 'seeking');
      el.currentTime = 4.5; // Seek to a gap in the video
      return p;
    }).then(function() {
      ok(true, "Got seeking event");
      var p = once(el, 'seeked');
      el.currentTime = 6; // Seek past the gap.
      return p;
    }).then(function() {
      ok(true, "Got seeked event");
      ok(el.currentTime >= 6, "Time >= 6");
      once(el, 'ended').then(SimpleTest.finish.bind(SimpleTest));
