/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 8 -*- */
/* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80 ft=cpp : */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

include protocol PBackground;
include protocol PBlob;
include protocol PBrowser;
include protocol PCompositorBridge;
include protocol PContentBridge;
include protocol PContentPermissionRequest;
include protocol PCycleCollectWithLogs;
include protocol PPSMContentDownloader;
include protocol PExternalHelperApp;
include protocol PHandlerService;
include protocol PFileDescriptorSet;
include protocol PHal;
include protocol PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelper;
include protocol PProcessHangMonitor;
include protocol PImageBridge;
include protocol PMedia;
include protocol PMemoryReportRequest;
include protocol PNecko;
// FIXME This is pretty ridiculous, but we have to keep the order of the
//       following 4 includes, or the parser is confused about PGMPContent
//       bridging PContent and PGMP. As soon as it registers the bridge between
//       PContent and PPluginModule it seems to think that PContent's parent and
//       child live in the same process!
include protocol PGMPContent;
include protocol PGMPService;
include protocol PPluginModule;
include protocol PGMP;
include protocol PPrinting;
include protocol PSendStream;
include protocol POfflineCacheUpdate;
include protocol PRenderFrame;
include protocol PScreenManager;
include protocol PSpeechSynthesis;
include protocol PStorage;
include protocol PTestShell;
include protocol PJavaScript;
include protocol PRemoteSpellcheckEngine;
include protocol PWebBrowserPersistDocument;
include protocol PWebrtcGlobal;
include protocol PPresentation;
include protocol PVideoDecoderManager;
include protocol PFlyWebPublishedServer;
include DOMTypes;
include JavaScriptTypes;
include InputStreamParams;
include PTabContext;
include URIParams;
include PluginTypes;
include ProtocolTypes;
include PBackgroundSharedTypes;
include PContentPermission;
include ServiceWorkerConfiguration;
include GraphicsMessages;
include ProfilerTypes;

// Workaround to prevent error if PContentChild.cpp & PContentBridgeParent.cpp
// are put into different UnifiedProtocolsXX.cpp files.
// XXX Remove this once bug 1069073 is fixed
include "mozilla/dom/PContentBridgeParent.h";

using GeoPosition from "nsGeoPositionIPCSerialiser.h";
using AlertNotificationType from "mozilla/AlertNotificationIPCSerializer.h";

using struct ChromePackage from "mozilla/chrome/RegistryMessageUtils.h";
using struct SubstitutionMapping from "mozilla/chrome/RegistryMessageUtils.h";
using struct OverrideMapping from "mozilla/chrome/RegistryMessageUtils.h";
using base::ChildPrivileges from "base/process_util.h";
using base::ProcessId from "base/process.h";
using struct IPC::Permission from "mozilla/net/NeckoMessageUtils.h";
using class IPC::Principal from "mozilla/dom/PermissionMessageUtils.h";
using struct mozilla::null_t from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h";
using struct mozilla::void_t from "ipc/IPCMessageUtils.h";
using mozilla::dom::NativeThreadId from "mozilla/dom/TabMessageUtils.h";
using mozilla::hal::ProcessPriority from "mozilla/HalTypes.h";
using mozilla::gfx::IntSize from "mozilla/gfx/2D.h";
using mozilla::dom::TabId from "mozilla/dom/ipc/IdType.h";
using mozilla::dom::ContentParentId from "mozilla/dom/ipc/IdType.h";
using mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntPoint from "Units.h";
using struct LookAndFeelInt from "mozilla/widget/WidgetMessageUtils.h";
using class mozilla::dom::MessagePort from "mozilla/dom/MessagePort.h";
using class mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData from "mozilla/dom/ipc/StructuredCloneData.h";
using mozilla::DataStorageType from "ipc/DataStorageIPCUtils.h";
using mozilla::DocShellOriginAttributes from "mozilla/ipc/BackgroundUtils.h";
using struct mozilla::layers::TextureFactoryIdentifier from "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h";
using struct mozilla::dom::FlyWebPublishOptions from "mozilla/dom/FlyWebPublishOptionsIPCSerializer.h";

union ChromeRegistryItem

namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {

struct FontListEntry {
    nsString  familyName;
    nsString  faceName;
    nsCString filepath;
    uint16_t  weight;
    int16_t   stretch;
    uint8_t   italic;
    uint8_t   index;
    bool      isHidden;

union PrefValue {

union MaybePrefValue {

struct PrefSetting {
  nsCString name;
  MaybePrefValue defaultValue;
  MaybePrefValue userValue;

struct DataStorageItem {
  nsCString key;
  nsCString value;
  DataStorageType type;

// Note: Any changes to this structure should also be changed in
// FileSystemUpdate below.
struct VolumeInfo {
  nsString name;
  nsString mountPoint;
  int32_t volState;
  int32_t mountGeneration;
  bool isMediaPresent;
  bool isSharing;
  bool isFormatting;
  bool isFake;
  bool isUnmounting;
  bool isRemovable;
  bool isHotSwappable;

struct ClipboardCapabilities {
  bool supportsSelectionClipboard;
  bool supportsFindClipboard;

union MaybeFileDesc {

union FileDescOrError {

struct DomainPolicyClone
    bool        active;
    URIParams[] blacklist;
    URIParams[] whitelist;
    URIParams[] superBlacklist;
    URIParams[] superWhitelist;

struct FrameScriptInfo
    nsString url;
    bool runInGlobalScope;

struct AndroidSystemInfo
    nsString device;
    nsString manufacturer;
    nsString release_version;
    nsString hardware;
    uint32_t sdk_version;
    bool     isTablet;

struct GetFilesResponseSuccess
  PBlob[] blobs;

struct GetFilesResponseFailure
  nsresult errorCode;

union GetFilesResponseResult

struct BlobURLRegistrationData
    nsCString url;
    PBlob blob;
    Principal principal;

struct GMPAPITags
    nsCString api;
    nsCString[] tags;

struct GMPCapabilityData
    nsCString name;
    nsCString version;
    GMPAPITags[] capabilities;

nested(upto inside_cpow) sync protocol PContent
    parent spawns PPluginModule;

    parent opens PProcessHangMonitor;
    parent opens PGMPService;
    child opens PBackground;

    manages PBlob;
    manages PBrowser;
    manages PContentPermissionRequest;
    manages PCycleCollectWithLogs;
    manages PPSMContentDownloader;
    manages PExternalHelperApp;
    manages PFileDescriptorSet;
    manages PHal;
    manages PHandlerService;
    manages PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelper;
    manages PMedia;
    manages PMemoryReportRequest;
    manages PNecko;
    manages POfflineCacheUpdate;
    manages PPrinting;
    manages PSendStream;
    manages PScreenManager;
    manages PSpeechSynthesis;
    manages PStorage;
    manages PTestShell;
    manages PJavaScript;
    manages PRemoteSpellcheckEngine;
    manages PWebBrowserPersistDocument;
    manages PWebrtcGlobal;
    manages PPresentation;
    manages PFlyWebPublishedServer;

    // Depending on exactly how the new browser is being created, it might be
    // created from either the child or parent process!
    // The child creates the PBrowser as part of
    // TabChild::BrowserFrameProvideWindow (which happens when the child's
    // content calls window.open()), and the parent creates the PBrowser as part
    // of ContentParent::CreateBrowserOrApp.
    // When the parent constructs a PBrowser, the child trusts the app token and
    // other attributes it receives from the parent.  In that case, the
    // context should be FrameIPCTabContext.
    // When the child constructs a PBrowser, the parent doesn't trust the app
    // token it receives from the child.  In this case, context must have type
    // PopupIPCTabContext.  The browser created using a PopupIPCTabContext has
    // the opener PBrowser's app-id and containing-app-id.  The parent checks
    // that if the opener is a browser element, the context is also for a
    // browser element.
    // This allows the parent to prevent a malicious child from escalating its
    // privileges by requesting a PBrowser corresponding to a highly-privileged
    // app; the child can only request privileges for an app which the child has
    // access to (in the form of a TabChild).
    // Keep the last 3 attributes in sync with GetProcessAttributes!
    async PBrowser(TabId tabId, IPCTabContext context, uint32_t chromeFlags,
                   ContentParentId cpId, bool isForApp, bool isForBrowser);

    async PBlob(BlobConstructorParams params);

    async PFileDescriptorSet(FileDescriptor fd);

    // For parent->child, aBrowser must be non-null; aOuterWindowID can
    // be 0 to indicate the browser's current root document, or nonzero
    // to persist a subdocument.  For child->parent, arguments are
    // ignored and should be null/zero.
    async PWebBrowserPersistDocument(nullable PBrowser aBrowser,
                                     uint64_t aOuterWindowID);

    // Give the content process its endpoints to the compositor.
    async InitRendering(
      Endpoint<PCompositorBridgeChild> compositor,
      Endpoint<PImageBridgeChild> imageBridge,
      Endpoint<PVideoDecoderManagerChild> video);

    // Re-create the rendering stack using the given endpoints. This is sent
    // after the compositor process has crashed. The new endpoints may be to a
    // newly launched GPU process, or the compositor thread of the UI process.
    async ReinitRendering(
      Endpoint<PCompositorBridgeChild> compositor,
      Endpoint<PImageBridgeChild> bridge,
      Endpoint<PVideoDecoderManagerChild> video);

     * Enable system-level sandboxing features, if available.  Can
     * usually only be performed zero or one times.  The child may
     * abnormally exit if this fails; the details are OS-specific.
    async SetProcessSandbox(MaybeFileDesc aBroker);

    async PMemoryReportRequest(uint32_t generation, bool anonymize,
                               bool minimizeMemoryUsage, MaybeFileDesc DMDFile);

     * Sent to notify that aTabId has been allocated aLayersId
    async NotifyLayerAllocated(TabId aTabId, uint64_t aLayersId);

    async SpeakerManagerNotify();

     * Communication between the PuppetBidiKeyboard and the actual
     * BidiKeyboard hosted by the parent
    async BidiKeyboardNotify(bool isLangRTL, bool haveBidiKeyboards);

     * Dump this process's GC and CC logs to the provided files.
     * For documentation on the other args, see dumpGCAndCCLogsToFile in
     * nsIMemoryInfoDumper.idl
    async PCycleCollectWithLogs(bool dumpAllTraces,
                                FileDescriptor gcLog,
                                FileDescriptor ccLog);

    async PTestShell();

    async RegisterChrome(ChromePackage[] packages, SubstitutionMapping[] substitutions,
                         OverrideMapping[] overrides, nsCString locale, bool reset);
    async RegisterChromeItem(ChromeRegistryItem item);

    async ClearImageCache(bool privateLoader, bool chrome);

    async SetOffline(bool offline);
    async SetConnectivity(bool connectivity);
    async SetCaptivePortalState(int32_t aState);

    async NotifyVisited(URIParams uri);

    async PreferenceUpdate(PrefSetting pref);
    async VarUpdate(GfxVarUpdate var);

    async DataStoragePut(nsString aFilename, DataStorageItem aItem);
    async DataStorageRemove(nsString aFilename, nsCString aKey, DataStorageType aType);
    async DataStorageClear(nsString aFilename);

    async NotifyAlertsObserver(nsCString topic, nsString data);

    async GeolocationUpdate(GeoPosition somewhere);

    async GeolocationError(uint16_t errorCode);

    async UpdateDictionaryList(nsString[] dictionaries);

    // nsIPermissionManager messages
    async AddPermission(Permission permission);

    async Volumes(VolumeInfo[] volumes);

    async FlushMemory(nsString reason);

    async GarbageCollect();
    async CycleCollect();

     * Start accessibility engine in content process.
     * @param aMsaaID is an a11y-specific unique id for the content process
     *                that is generated by the chrome process. Only used on
     *                Windows; pass 0 on other platforms.
    async ActivateA11y(uint32_t aMsaaID);

     * Shutdown accessibility engine in content process (if not in use).
    async ShutdownA11y();

    async AppInfo(nsCString version, nsCString buildID, nsCString name, nsCString UAName,
                  nsCString ID, nsCString vendor);
    async AppInit();

     * Send ServiceWorkerRegistrationData to child process.
    async InitServiceWorkers(ServiceWorkerConfiguration aConfig);

     * Send BlobURLRegistrationData to child process.
    async InitBlobURLs(BlobURLRegistrationData[] registrations);

    // Notify child that last-pb-context-exited notification was observed
    async LastPrivateDocShellDestroyed();

    // Note: Any changes to this structure should also be changed in
    // VolumeInfo above.
    async FileSystemUpdate(nsString fsName, nsString mountPoint, int32_t fsState,
                           int32_t mountGeneration, bool isMediaPresent,
                           bool isSharing, bool isFormatting, bool isFake,
                           bool isUnmounting, bool isRemovable, bool isHotSwappable);

    // Notify volume is removed.
    async VolumeRemoved(nsString fsName);

    async NotifyProcessPriorityChanged(ProcessPriority priority);
    async MinimizeMemoryUsage();

     * Used to manage nsIStyleSheetService across processes.
    async LoadAndRegisterSheet(URIParams uri, uint32_t type);
    async UnregisterSheet(URIParams uri, uint32_t type);

    async NotifyPhoneStateChange(nsString newState);

     * Notify idle observers in the child
    async NotifyIdleObserver(uint64_t observerId, nsCString topic, nsString str);

     * Called during plugin initialization to map a plugin id to a child process
     * id.
    async AssociatePluginId(uint32_t aPluginId, ProcessId aProcessId);

     * This call is used by async plugin initialization to notify the
     * PluginModuleContentParent that the PluginModuleChromeParent's async
     * init has completed.
    async LoadPluginResult(uint32_t aPluginId, bool aResult);

    async InvokeDragSession(IPCDataTransfer[] transfers, uint32_t action);

    async EndDragSession(bool aDoneDrag, bool aUserCancelled,
                         LayoutDeviceIntPoint aDragEndPoint);

    async DomainSetChanged(uint32_t aSetType, uint32_t aChangeType, OptionalURIParams aDomain);

     * Notify the child to shutdown. The child will in turn call FinishShutdown
     * and let the parent close the channel.
    async Shutdown();

    async LoadProcessScript(nsString url);

     * Requests a full native update of a native plugin child window. This is
     * a Windows specific call.
    async UpdateWindow(uintptr_t aChildId);

     * Notify the child that presentation receiver has been launched with the
     * correspondent iframe.
    async NotifyPresentationReceiverLaunched(PBrowser aIframe, nsString aSessionId);

     * Notify the child that the info about a presentation receiver needs to be
     * cleaned up.
    async NotifyPresentationReceiverCleanUp(nsString aSessionId);

     * Notify the child that cache is emptied.
    async NotifyEmptyHTTPCache();

     * Send a `push` event without data to a service worker in the child.
    async Push(nsCString scope, Principal principal, nsString messageId);

     * Send a `push` event with data to a service worker in the child.
    async PushWithData(nsCString scope, Principal principal,
                       nsString messageId, uint8_t[] data);

     * Send a `pushsubscriptionchange` event to a service worker in the child.
    async PushSubscriptionChange(nsCString scope, Principal principal);

     * Send a Push error message to all service worker clients in the child.
    async PushError(nsCString scope, Principal principal, nsString message,
                    uint32_t flags);

     * Windows specific: associate this content process with the browsers
     * audio session.
    async SetAudioSessionData(nsID aID,
                              nsString aDisplayName,
                              nsString aIconPath);

    async GetFilesResponse(nsID aID, GetFilesResponseResult aResult);

    async BlobURLRegistration(nsCString aURI, PBlob aBlob,
                              Principal aPrincipal);

    async BlobURLUnregistration(nsCString aURI);

    async GMPsChanged(GMPCapabilityData[] capabilities);

     * Tell the content process some attributes of itself.  This is
     * among the first information queried by content processes after
     * startup.  (The message is sync to allow the content process to
     * control when it receives the information.)
     * |id| is a unique ID among all subprocesses.  When |isForApp &&
     * isForBrowser|, we're loading <browser> for an app.  When
     * |isForBrowser|, we're loading <browser>.  When |!isForApp &&
     * !isForBrowser|, we're probably loading <xul:browser remote>.
     * Keep the return values in sync with PBrowser()!
    sync GetProcessAttributes()
        returns (ContentParentId cpId, bool isForApp, bool isForBrowser);
    sync GetXPCOMProcessAttributes()
        returns (bool isOffline, bool isConnected, int32_t captivePortalState,
                 bool isLangRTL,
                 bool haveBidiKeyboards, nsString[] dictionaries,
                 ClipboardCapabilities clipboardCaps,
                 DomainPolicyClone domainPolicy,
                 StructuredCloneData initialData,
                 OptionalURIParams userContentSheetURL);

    sync CreateChildProcess(IPCTabContext context,
                            ProcessPriority priority,
                            TabId openerTabId)
        returns (ContentParentId cpId, bool isForApp, bool isForBrowser, TabId tabId);
    sync BridgeToChildProcess(ContentParentId cpId);

    async CreateGMPService();

     * This call connects the content process to a plugin process. While this
     * call runs, a new PluginModuleParent will be created in the ContentChild
     * via bridging. The corresponding PluginModuleChild will live in the plugin
     * process.
    sync LoadPlugin(uint32_t aPluginId) returns (nsresult aResult, uint32_t aRunID);

     * This call is used by asynchronous plugin instantiation to notify the
     * content parent that it is now safe to initiate the plugin bridge for
     * the specified plugin id. When this call returns, the requested bridge
     * connection has been made.
    sync ConnectPluginBridge(uint32_t aPluginId) returns (nsresult rv);

     * Return the current blocklist state for a particular plugin.
    sync GetBlocklistState(uint32_t aPluginId) returns (uint32_t aState);

     * This call returns the set of plugins loaded in the chrome
     * process. However, in many cases this set will not have changed since the
     * last FindPlugins message. Consequently, the chrome process increments an
     * epoch number every time the set of plugins changes. The content process
     * sends up the last epoch it observed. If the epochs are the same, the
     * chrome process returns no plugins. Otherwise it returns a complete list.
     * |pluginEpoch| is the epoch last observed by the content
     * process. |newPluginEpoch| is the current epoch in the chrome process. If
     * |pluginEpoch == newPluginEpoch|, then |plugins| will be left empty.
    sync FindPlugins(uint32_t pluginEpoch) returns (nsresult aResult, PluginTag[] plugins, uint32_t newPluginEpoch);

    async PJavaScript();

    async PRemoteSpellcheckEngine();

     * Is this token compatible with the provided version?
     * |version| The offered version to test
     * Returns |True| if the offered version is compatible
    sync NSSU2FTokenIsCompatibleVersion(nsString version)
        returns (bool result);

     * Return whether the provided KeyHandle belongs to this Token
     * |keyHandle| Key Handle to evaluate.
     * Returns |True| if the Key Handle is ours.
    sync NSSU2FTokenIsRegistered(uint8_t[] keyHandle)
        returns (bool isValidKeyHandle);

     * Generates a public/private keypair for the provided application
     * and challenge, returning the pubkey, challenge response, and
     * key handle in the registration data.
     * |application| The FIDO Application data to associate with the key.
     * |challenge| The Challenge to satisfy in the response.
     * |registration| An array containing the pubkey, challenge response,
     *                     and key handle.
    sync NSSU2FTokenRegister(uint8_t[] application, uint8_t[] challenge)
        returns (uint8_t[] registration);

     * Creates a signature over the "param" arguments using the private key
     * provided in the key handle argument.
     * |application| The FIDO Application data to associate with the key.
     * |challenge| The Challenge to satisfy in the response.
     * |keyHandle| The Key Handle opaque object to use.
     * |signature| The resulting signature.
    sync NSSU2FTokenSign(uint8_t[] application, uint8_t[] challenge,
                         uint8_t[] keyHandle)
        returns (uint8_t[] signature);

    sync IsSecureURI(uint32_t type, URIParams uri, uint32_t flags)
        returns (bool isSecureURI);

    sync GetLookAndFeelCache()
        returns (LookAndFeelInt[] lookAndFeelIntCache);

    nested(inside_cpow) async PHal();

    async PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelper();

    async PNecko();

    async PPrinting();

    async PSendStream();

    nested(inside_sync) sync PScreenManager()
        returns (uint32_t numberOfScreens,
                 float systemDefaultScale,
                 bool success);

    async PSpeechSynthesis();

    nested(inside_cpow) async PStorage();

    async PMedia();

    async PWebrtcGlobal();

    async PPresentation();

    async PFlyWebPublishedServer(nsString name, FlyWebPublishOptions params);

    // Services remoting

    async StartVisitedQuery(URIParams uri);
    async VisitURI(URIParams uri, OptionalURIParams referrer, uint32_t flags);
    async SetURITitle(URIParams uri, nsString title);

    async LoadURIExternal(URIParams uri, PBrowser windowContext);
    async ExtProtocolChannelConnectParent(uint32_t registrarId);

    // PrefService message
    sync ReadPrefsArray() returns (PrefSetting[] prefs) verify;
    sync GetGfxVars() returns (GfxVarUpdate[] vars);

    sync ReadFontList() returns (FontListEntry[] retValue);

    sync ReadDataStorageArray(nsString aFilename)
      returns (DataStorageItem[] retValue);

    sync SyncMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData,
                     CpowEntry[] aCpows, Principal aPrincipal)
      returns (StructuredCloneData[] retval);

    nested(inside_sync) sync RpcMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData,
                                        CpowEntry[] aCpows, Principal aPrincipal)
      returns (StructuredCloneData[] retval);

    async ShowAlert(AlertNotificationType alert);

    async CloseAlert(nsString name, Principal principal);

    async DisableNotifications(Principal principal);

    async OpenNotificationSettings(Principal principal);

    async PPSMContentDownloader(uint32_t aCertType);

    async PExternalHelperApp(OptionalURIParams uri,
                             nsCString aMimeContentType,
                             nsCString aContentDisposition,
                             uint32_t aContentDispositionHint,
                             nsString aContentDispositionFilename,
                             bool aForceSave,
                             int64_t aContentLength,
                             bool aWasFileChannel,
                             OptionalURIParams aReferrer,
                             nullable PBrowser aBrowser);

    async PHandlerService();

    async AddGeolocationListener(Principal principal, bool highAccuracy);
    async RemoveGeolocationListener();
    async SetGeolocationHigherAccuracy(bool enable);

    async ConsoleMessage(nsString message);
    async ScriptError(nsString message, nsString sourceName, nsString sourceLine,
                      uint32_t lineNumber, uint32_t colNumber, uint32_t flags,
                      nsCString category);

    // nsIPermissionManager messages
    sync ReadPermissions() returns (Permission[] permissions);

    // Places the items within dataTransfer on the clipboard.
    async SetClipboard(IPCDataTransfer aDataTransfer,
                       bool aIsPrivateData,
                       Principal aRequestingPrincipal,
                       int32_t aWhichClipboard);

    // Given a list of supported types, returns the clipboard data for the
    // first type that matches.
    sync GetClipboard(nsCString[] aTypes, int32_t aWhichClipboard)
        returns (IPCDataTransfer dataTransfer);

    // Clears the clipboard.
    async EmptyClipboard(int32_t aWhichClipboard);

    // Returns true if data of one of the specified types is on the clipboard.
    sync ClipboardHasType(nsCString[] aTypes, int32_t aWhichClipboard)
        returns (bool hasType);

    sync GetSystemColors(uint32_t colorsCount)
        returns (uint32_t[] colors);

    sync GetIconForExtension(nsCString aFileExt, uint32_t aIconSize)
        returns (uint8_t[] bits);

    sync GetShowPasswordSetting()
        returns (bool showPassword);

    // Notify the parent of the presence or absence of private docshells
    async PrivateDocShellsExist(bool aExist);

    // Tell the parent that the child has gone idle for the first time
    async FirstIdle();

    async AudioChannelServiceStatus(bool aActiveTelephonyChannel,
                                    bool aContentOrNormalChannel,
                                    bool aAnyActiveChannel);

    async AudioChannelChangeDefVolChannel(int32_t aChannel, bool aHidden);

    // called by the child (test code only) to propagate volume changes to the parent
    async CreateFakeVolume(nsString fsName, nsString mountPoint);
    async SetFakeVolumeState(nsString fsName, int32_t fsState);
    async RemoveFakeVolume(nsString fsName);

    sync KeywordToURI(nsCString keyword)
        returns (nsString providerName, OptionalInputStreamParams postData, OptionalURIParams uri);

    sync NotifyKeywordSearchLoading(nsString providerName, nsString keyword);

    async CopyFavicon(URIParams oldURI, URIParams newURI, Principal aLoadingPrincipal, bool isPrivate);

    // Tell the compositor to allocate a layer tree id for nested remote mozbrowsers.
    sync AllocateLayerTreeId(ContentParentId cpId, TabId tabId)
        returns (uint64_t id);
    async DeallocateLayerTreeId(uint64_t id);

    sync SpeakerManagerForceSpeaker(bool aEnable);

    sync SpeakerManagerGetSpeakerStatus()
        returns (bool value);

     * Notifies the parent about a recording device is starting or shutdown.
     * @param recordingStatus starting or shutdown
     * @param pageURL URL that request that changing the recording status
     * @param isAudio recording start with microphone
     * @param isVideo recording start with camera
    async RecordingDeviceEvents(nsString recordingStatus,
                                nsString pageURL,
                                bool isAudio,
                                bool isVideo);

    sync GetGraphicsFeatureStatus(int32_t aFeature) returns (int32_t aStatus, nsCString aFailureCode,
                                                             bool aSuccess);

    // Graphics errors
    async GraphicsError(nsCString aError);

    // Driver crash guards. aGuardType must be a member of CrashGuardType.
    sync BeginDriverCrashGuard(uint32_t aGuardType) returns (bool crashDetected);
    sync EndDriverCrashGuard(uint32_t aGuardType);

    async AddIdleObserver(uint64_t observerId, uint32_t idleTimeInS);
    async RemoveIdleObserver(uint64_t observerId, uint32_t idleTimeInS);

     * This message is only used on X11 platforms.
     * Send a dup of the plugin process's X socket to the parent
     * process.  In theory, this scheme keeps the plugin's X resources
     * around until after both the plugin process shuts down *and* the
     * parent process closes the dup fd.  This is used to prevent the
     * parent process from crashing on X errors if, e.g., the plugin
     * crashes *just before* a repaint and the parent process tries to
     * use the newly-invalid surface.
    async BackUpXResources(FileDescriptor aXSocketFd);

    sync OpenAnonymousTemporaryFile() returns (FileDescOrError aFD);

     * Keygen requires us to call it after a <keygen> element is parsed and
     * before one is submitted. This is urgent because an extension might use
     * a CPOW to synchronously submit a keygen element.
    nested(inside_cpow) sync KeygenProcessValue(nsString oldValue,
                                                nsString challenge,
                                                nsString keytype,
                                                nsString keyparams)
        returns (nsString newValue);

     * Called to provide the options for <keygen> elements.
    sync KeygenProvideContent()
        returns (nsString aAttribute, nsString[] aContent);

     * Tell the chrome process there is an creation of PBrowser.
     * return a system-wise unique Id.
    sync AllocateTabId(TabId openerTabId, IPCTabContext context, ContentParentId cpId)
        returns (TabId tabId);
    async DeallocateTabId(TabId tabId,
                          ContentParentId cpId,
                          bool aMarkedDestroying);

     * Tell the chrome process there is a destruction of PBrowser(Tab)
    async NotifyTabDestroying(TabId tabId,
                              ContentParentId cpId);
     * Starts an offline application cache update.
     * @param manifestURI
     *   URI of the manifest to fetch, the application cache group ID
     * @param documentURI
     *   URI of the document that referred the manifest
     * @param loadingPrincipal
     *   Principal of the document that referred the manifest
     * @param stickDocument
     *   True if the update was initiated by a document load that referred
     *   a manifest.
     *   False if the update was initiated by applicationCache.update() call.
     *   Tells the update to carry the documentURI to a potential separate
     *   update of implicit (master) items.
     *   Why this argument? If the document was not found in an offline cache
     *   before load and refers a manifest and this manifest itself has not
     *   been changed since the last fetch, we will not do the application
     *   cache group update. But we must cache the document (identified by the
     *   documentURI). This argument will ensure that a previously uncached
     *   document will get cached and that we don't re-cache a document that
     *   has already been cached (stickDocument=false).
     * @param tabId
     *   To identify which tab owns the app.
    async POfflineCacheUpdate(URIParams manifestURI, URIParams documentURI,
                              PrincipalInfo loadingPrincipal, bool stickDocument);

     * Sets "offline-app" permission for the principal.  Called when we hit
     * a web app with the manifest attribute in <html> and
     * offline-apps.allow_by_default is set to true.
    async SetOfflinePermission(Principal principal);

     * Notifies the parent to continue shutting down after the child performs
     * its shutdown tasks.
    async FinishShutdown();

    async UpdateDropEffect(uint32_t aDragAction, uint32_t aDropEffect);

     * Initiates an asynchronous request for permission for the
     * provided principal.
     * @param aRequests
     *   The array of permissions to request.
     * @param aPrincipal
     *   The principal of the request.
     * @param tabId
     *   To identify which tab issues this request.
     * NOTE: The principal is untrusted in the parent process. Only
     *       principals that can live in the content process should
     *       provided.
    async PContentPermissionRequest(PermissionRequest[] aRequests, Principal aPrincipal,
                                    TabId tabId);

     * Request graphics initialization information from the parent.
    sync GetGraphicsDeviceInitData()
        returns (ContentDeviceData aData);

    sync CreateWindow(nullable PBrowser aThisTab,
                      PBrowser aNewTab,
                      PRenderFrame aRenderFrame,
                      uint32_t aChromeFlags,
                      bool aCalledFromJS,
                      bool aPositionSpecified,
                      bool aSizeSpecified,
                      nsCString aFeatures,
                      nsCString aBaseURI,
                      DocShellOriginAttributes aOpenerOriginAttributes,
                      float aFullZoom)
      returns (nsresult rv,
               bool windowOpened,
               FrameScriptInfo[] frameScripts,
               nsCString urlToLoad,
               TextureFactoryIdentifier textureFactoryIdentifier,
               uint64_t layersId);

    sync GetAndroidSystemInfo()
        returns (AndroidSystemInfo info);

     * Tells the parent to ungrab the pointer on the default display.
     * This is for GTK platforms where we have to ensure the pointer ungrab happens in the
     * chrome process as that's the process that receives the pointer event.
    sync UngrabPointer(uint32_t time);

    sync RemovePermission(Principal principal, nsCString permissionType) returns (nsresult rv);

     * Tell the parent that a decoder's' benchmark has been completed.
     * The result can then be stored in permanent storage.
    async NotifyBenchmarkResult(nsString aCodecName, uint32_t aDecodeFPS);

     * Notify `push-message` observers without data in the parent.
    async NotifyPushObservers(nsCString scope, Principal principal,
                              nsString messageId);

     * Notify `push-message` observers with data in the parent.
    async NotifyPushObserversWithData(nsCString scope, Principal principal,
                                      nsString messageId, uint8_t[] data);

     * Notify `push-subscription-change` observers in the parent.
    async NotifyPushSubscriptionChangeObservers(nsCString scope,
                                                Principal principal);

     * Tell the parent process that the child process is low on memory. This
     * allows the parent process to save a memory report that can potentially be
     * sent with a crash report from the content process.
     async NotifyLowMemory();

     async GetFilesRequest(nsID aID, nsString aDirectory, bool aRecursiveFlag);
     async DeleteGetFilesRequest(nsID aID);

     async StoreAndBroadcastBlobURLRegistration(nsCString url, PBlob blob,
                                                Principal principal);

     async UnstoreAndBroadcastBlobURLUnregistration(nsCString url);

    sync GetA11yContentId() returns (uint32_t aContentId);

     async AsyncMessage(nsString aMessage, CpowEntry[] aCpows,
                        Principal aPrincipal, ClonedMessageData aData);

     * Notify `push-subscription-modified` observers in the parent and child.
    async NotifyPushSubscriptionModifiedObservers(nsCString scope,
                                                  Principal principal);
