/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#ifndef mozilla_dom_CrashReporterParent_h
#define mozilla_dom_CrashReporterParent_h

#include "mozilla/dom/PCrashReporterParent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/TabMessageUtils.h"
#include "nsIFile.h"
#include "nsExceptionHandler.h"
#include "nsDataHashtable.h"

namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {

class CrashReporterParent : public PCrashReporterParent
  typedef CrashReporter::AnnotationTable AnnotationTable;
  virtual ~CrashReporterParent();


   * Attempt to create a bare-bones crash report, along with extra process-
   * specific annotations present in the given AnnotationTable. Calls
   * GenerateChildData and FinalizeChildData.
   * @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
  template<class Toplevel>
  GenerateCrashReport(Toplevel* t, const AnnotationTable* processNotes);

   * Attempt to generate a parent/child pair of minidumps from the given
   * toplevel actor. This calls CrashReporter::CreateMinidumpsAndPair to
   * generate the minidumps. Crash reporter annotations set prior to this
   * call will be saved via PairedDumpCallbackExtra into an .extra file
   * under the proper crash id. AnnotateCrashReport annotations are not
   * set in this call and the report is not finalized.
   * @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
  template<class Toplevel>
  GeneratePairedMinidump(Toplevel* t);

   * Attempts to take a minidump of the current process and pair that with
   * a named minidump handed in by the caller.
   * @param aTopLevel - top level actor this reporter is associated with.
   * @param aMinidump - the minidump to associate with.
   * @param aPairName - the name of the additional minidump.
   * @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
  template<class Toplevel>
  GenerateMinidumpAndPair(Toplevel* aTopLevel, nsIFile* aMinidump,
                          const nsACString& aPairName);

   * Apply child process annotations to an existing paired mindump generated
   * with GeneratePairedMinidump.
   * Be careful about calling generate apis immediately after this call,
   * see FinalizeChildData.
   * @param processNotes (optional) - Additional notes to append. Annotations
   *   stored in mNotes will also be applied. processNotes can be null.
   * @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
  GenerateChildData(const AnnotationTable* processNotes);

   * Handles main thread finalization tasks after a report has been
   * generated. Does the following:
   *  - register the finished report with the crash service manager
   *  - records telemetry related data about crashes
   * Be careful about calling generate apis immediately after this call,
   * if this api is called on a non-main thread it will fire off a runnable
   * to complete its work async.

   * Attempt to generate a full paired dump complete with any child
   * annoations, and finalizes the report. Note this call is only valid
   * on the main thread. Calling on a background thread will fail.
   * @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
  template<class Toplevel>
  GenerateCompleteMinidump(Toplevel* t);

   * Submits a raw minidump handed in, calls GenerateChildData and
   * FinalizeChildData. Used by content plugins and gmp.
   * @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
  GenerateCrashReportForMinidump(nsIFile* minidump,
                                 const AnnotationTable* processNotes);

   * Instantiate a new crash reporter actor from a given parent that manages
   * the protocol.
   * @returns true if successful, false otherwise.
  template<class Toplevel>
  static bool CreateCrashReporter(Toplevel* actor);

   * Initialize this reporter with data from the child process.
  SetChildData(const NativeThreadId& id, const uint32_t& processType);

   * Returns the ID of the child minidump.
   * GeneratePairedMinidump or GenerateCrashReport must be called first.
  const nsString& ChildDumpID() const {
    return mChildDumpID;

   * Add an annotation to our internally tracked list of annotations.
   * Callers must apply these notes using GenerateChildData otherwise
   * the notes will get dropped.
  AnnotateCrashReport(const nsCString& aKey, const nsCString& aData);

  virtual void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) override;

  virtual bool RecvAnnotateCrashReport(const nsCString& aKey,
                                       const nsCString& aData) override
    AnnotateCrashReport(aKey, aData);
    return true;

  virtual bool RecvAppendAppNotes(const nsCString& aData) override;


  AnnotationTable mNotes;
  nsCString mAppNotes;
  nsString mChildDumpID;
  // stores the child main thread id
  NativeThreadId mMainThread;
  time_t mStartTime;
  // stores the child process type
  GeckoProcessType mProcessType;
  bool mInitialized;

template<class Toplevel>
inline bool
CrashReporterParent::GeneratePairedMinidump(Toplevel* t)
  mozilla::ipc::ScopedProcessHandle child;
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
  child = t->Process()->GetChildTask();
  if (!base::OpenPrivilegedProcessHandle(t->OtherPid(), &child.rwget())) {
    NS_WARNING("Failed to open child process handle.");
    return false;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> childDump;
  if (CrashReporter::CreateMinidumpsAndPair(child,
                                            nullptr, // pair with a dump of this process and thread
                                            getter_AddRefs(childDump)) &&
      CrashReporter::GetIDFromMinidump(childDump, mChildDumpID)) {
    return true;
  return false;

template<class Toplevel>
inline bool
CrashReporterParent::GenerateMinidumpAndPair(Toplevel* aTopLevel,
                                             nsIFile* aMinidumpToPair,
                                             const nsACString& aPairName)
  mozilla::ipc::ScopedProcessHandle childHandle;
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
  childHandle = aTopLevel->Process()->GetChildTask();
  if (!base::OpenPrivilegedProcessHandle(aTopLevel->OtherPid(),
                                         &childHandle.rwget())) {
    NS_WARNING("Failed to open child process handle.");
    return false;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> targetDump;
  if (CrashReporter::CreateMinidumpsAndPair(childHandle,
                                            mMainThread, // child thread id
                                            getter_AddRefs(targetDump)) &&
      CrashReporter::GetIDFromMinidump(targetDump, mChildDumpID)) {
    return true;
  return false;

template<class Toplevel>
inline bool
CrashReporterParent::GenerateCrashReport(Toplevel* t,
                                         const AnnotationTable* processNotes)
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> crashDump;
  if (t->TakeMinidump(getter_AddRefs(crashDump), nullptr) &&
      CrashReporter::GetIDFromMinidump(crashDump, mChildDumpID)) {
    bool result = GenerateChildData(processNotes);
    return result;
  return false;

template<class Toplevel>
inline bool
CrashReporterParent::GenerateCompleteMinidump(Toplevel* t)
  mozilla::ipc::ScopedProcessHandle child;
  if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
    NS_WARNING("GenerateCompleteMinidump can't be called on non-main thread.");
    return false;

#ifdef XP_MACOSX
  child = t->Process()->GetChildTask();
  if (!base::OpenPrivilegedProcessHandle(t->OtherPid(), &child.rwget())) {
    NS_WARNING("Failed to open child process handle.");
    return false;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> childDump;
  if (CrashReporter::CreateMinidumpsAndPair(child,
                                            nullptr, // pair with a dump of this process and thread
                                            getter_AddRefs(childDump)) &&
      CrashReporter::GetIDFromMinidump(childDump, mChildDumpID)) {
    bool result = GenerateChildData(nullptr);
    return result;
  return false;

template<class Toplevel>
/* static */ bool
CrashReporterParent::CreateCrashReporter(Toplevel* actor)
  NativeThreadId id;
  uint32_t processType;
  PCrashReporterParent* p =
      actor->CallPCrashReporterConstructor(&id, &processType);
  if (p) {
    static_cast<CrashReporterParent*>(p)->SetChildData(id, processType);
  } else {
    NS_ERROR("Error creating crash reporter actor");
  return !!p;
  return false;


} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla

#endif // mozilla_dom_CrashReporterParent_h