/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIPrincipal;
interface mozIDOMWindow;
interface nsIDOMElement;
interface nsIArray;

 *  Interface provides the request type and its access.
[scriptable, uuid(ef4db3b8-ca9c-4b1d-8f81-fd88ec32af13)]
interface nsIContentPermissionType : nsISupports {
   *  The type of the permission request, such as
   *  "geolocation".
  readonly attribute ACString type;

   *  The access of the permission request, such as
   *  "read".
  readonly attribute ACString access;

   * The array of available options.
  readonly attribute nsIArray options; // ["choice1", "choice2"]

 *  Interface provides the callback type.
[scriptable, uuid(5fb5bb60-7069-11e4-9803-0800200c9a66)]
interface nsIContentPermissionRequestCallback : nsISupports {
   * The callback of the visibility result.
  void notifyVisibility(in boolean isVisible);

 *  Interface provides the way to get the visibility and
 *  the notification.
[scriptable, uuid(f8577124-6a5f-486f-ae04-c5bcae911eb5)]
interface nsIContentPermissionRequester : nsISupports {
   * The function to get the visibility.
  void getVisibility(in nsIContentPermissionRequestCallback callback);

   * The callback to get the notification of visibility change.
  attribute nsIContentPermissionRequestCallback onVisibilityChange;

 * Interface allows access to a content to request
 * permission to perform a privileged operation such as
 * geolocation.
[scriptable, uuid(875733da-0ac0-4a26-8c76-70a30876be46)]
interface nsIContentPermissionRequest : nsISupports {
   *  The array will include the request types. Elements of this array are
   *  nsIContentPermissionType object.
  readonly attribute nsIArray types;

   *  The principal of the permission request.
  readonly attribute nsIPrincipal principal;

   *  The window or element that the permission request was
   *  originated in.  Typically the element will be non-null
   *  in when using out of process content.  window or
   *  element can be null but not both.
  readonly attribute mozIDOMWindow window;
  readonly attribute nsIDOMElement element;

   *  The requester to get the required information of
   *  the window.
  readonly attribute nsIContentPermissionRequester requester;

   * allow or cancel the request

  void cancel();
  void allow([optional] in jsval choices); // {"type1": "choice1", "type2": "choiceA"}

 * Interface provides a way for the application to handle
 * the UI prompts associated with geo position.
[scriptable, function, uuid(F72DE90D-E954-4E69-9A61-917303029301)]
interface nsIContentPermissionPrompt : nsISupports {
   * Called when a request has been made to access
   * privileged content apis
  void prompt(in nsIContentPermissionRequest request);

#define NS_CONTENT_PERMISSION_PROMPT_CONTRACTID   "@mozilla.org/content-permission/prompt;1"