/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIDOMElement;

[scriptable, uuid(14e5a0cb-e223-4202-95e8-fe53275193ea)]
interface nsIBrowser : nsISupports
   * Gets a related browser for a given browser (if any). If this exists, then
   * we should attempt to use the same content parent as its frameLoader
   * for any new tab parents.
  readonly attribute nsIDOMElement relatedBrowser;

   * Called by the child to inform the parent that links are dropped into
   * content area.
   * @param linksCount length of links
   * @param links a flat array of url, name, and type for each link
  void dropLinks(in unsigned long linksCount,
                 [array, size_is(linksCount)] in wstring links);

   * Swapping of frameloaders are usually initiated from a frameloader owner
   * or other components operating on frameloader owners. This is done by calling
   * swapFrameLoaders at MozFrameLoaderOwner webidl interface.
   * This function aimed to provide the other way around -
   * if the swapping is initiated from frameloader itself or other platform level
   * components, it uses this interface to delegate the swapping request to
   * frameloader owners and ask them to re-initiate frameloader swapping, so that
   * frameloader owners such as <xul:browser> can setup their properties and /
   * or listeners properly on swapping.
  void swapBrowsers(in nsIBrowser aOtherBrowser);

   * Close the browser (usually means to remove a tab).
  void closeBrowser();