<!doctype html>
<title>Tests for srcdoc iframes introduced in bug 802895</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=802895">Mozilla Bug 802895</a>

<iframe id="pframe" src="file_srcdoc.html"></iframe>

<pre id="test">

  var pframe = $("pframe");

  var loadState = 0;
  pframe.contentWindow.addEventListener("load", function () {

    var pframeDoc = pframe.contentDocument;

    var iframe = pframeDoc.getElementById("iframe");
    var innerDoc = iframe.contentDocument;
    var iframe1 = pframeDoc.getElementById("iframe1");
    var innerDoc1 = iframe1.contentDocument;

    var finish = false;
    var finish1 = false;
    var finish3 = false;

    is(iframe.srcdoc, "Hello World", "Bad srcdoc attribute contents")

    is(innerDoc.domain, document.domain, "Wrong domain");
    is(innerDoc.referrer, pframeDoc.referrer, "Wrong referrer");
    is(innerDoc.body.innerHTML, "Hello World", "Wrong body");
    is(innerDoc.compatMode, "CSS1Compat", "Not standards compliant");

    is(innerDoc1.domain, document.domain, "Wrong domain with src attribute");
    is(innerDoc1.referrer, pframeDoc.referrer, "Wrong referrer with src attribute");
    is(innerDoc1.body.innerHTML, "Goodbye World", "Wrong body with src attribute")
    is(innerDoc1.compatMode, "CSS1Compat", "Not standards compliant with src attribute");

    var iframe2 = pframeDoc.getElementById("iframe2");
    var innerDoc2 = iframe2.contentDocument;
    try {
      foundError = false;
    catch (error) {
      foundError = true;
    ok(foundError, "srcdoc iframe not sandboxed");

    //Test changed srcdoc attribute
    iframe.onload = function () {

      iframe = pframeDoc.getElementById("iframe");
      innerDoc = iframe.contentDocument;

      is(iframe.srcdoc, "Hello again", "Bad srcdoc attribute contents with srcdoc attribute changed");
      is(innerDoc.domain, document.domain, "Wrong domain with srcdoc attribute changed");
      is(innerDoc.referrer, pframeDoc.referrer, "Wrong referrer with srcdoc attribute changed");
      is(innerDoc.body.innerHTML, "Hello again", "Wrong body with srcdoc attribute changed");
      is(innerDoc.compatMode, "CSS1Compat", "Not standards compliant with srcdoc attribute changed");

      finish = true;
      if (finish && finish1 && finish3) {

    iframe.srcdoc = "Hello again";

    var iframe3 = pframeDoc.getElementById("iframe3");

    // Test srcdoc attribute removal
    iframe3.onload = function () {
      var innerDoc3 = iframe3.contentDocument;
      is(innerDoc3.body.innerHTML, "Gone", "Bad srcdoc attribute removal");
      finish3 = true;
      if (finish && finish1 && finish3) {


    var iframe1load = false;
    iframe1.onload = function () {
      iframe1load = true;

    iframe1.src = "data:text/plain;charset=US-ASCII,Goodbyeeee";

    // Need to test that changing the src doesn't change the iframe.
    setTimeout(function () {
      ok(!iframe1load, "Changing src attribute shouldn't cause a load when srcdoc is set");
      finish1 = true;
      if (finish && finish1 && finish3) {
    }, 2000);

  }, false);
