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  <title>Test for Bug 903332</title>
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  /** Test for Bug 903332 **/

  var watch1Called;
  function watch1(prop, oldValue, newValue)
    is(watch1Called, false, "watch1Called not reset properly?");
    watch1Called = true;

    is(prop, "cookie", "wrong property name passed to watch1");
    return newValue;

  var watch2Called;
  function watch2(prop, oldValue, newValue)
    is(watch2Called, false, "watch2Called not reset properly?");
    watch2Called = true;

    is(prop, "cookie", "wrong property name passed to watch2");
    return newValue;

  // Just in case subsequent tests depend on a particular value...
  var originalValue = document.cookie;
  ok(true, "originalValue: " + originalValue);

  var originalPrefix = originalValue.length > 0 ? originalValue + "; " : "";

    // trial set (no watch) to verify things work
    document.cookie = "first=set";
    is(document.cookie, originalPrefix + "first=set",
       "first value correct");

    // add a watch
    document.watch("cookie", watch1);

    // set, check for watch invoked
    watch1Called = false;
    document.cookie = "second=set";
    is(watch1Called, true, "watch1 function should be called");
    is(document.cookie, originalPrefix + "first=set; second=set",
       "second value correct");

    // and a second time, just in case
    watch1Called = false;
    document.cookie = "third=set";
    is(watch1Called, true, "watch1 function should be called");
    is(document.cookie, originalPrefix + "first=set; second=set; third=set",
       "third value correct");

    // overwrite the current watch with a new one
    document.watch("cookie", watch2);

    // set, check for watch invoked
    watch1Called = false;
    watch2Called = false;
    document.cookie = "fourth=set";
    is(watch1Called, false, "watch1 invoked erroneously");
    is(watch2Called, true, "watch2 function should be called");
    is(document.cookie, originalPrefix + "first=set; second=set; third=set; fourth=set",
       "fourth value correct");

    // and a second time, just in case
    watch1Called = false;
    watch2Called = false;
    document.cookie = "fifth=set";
    is(watch1Called, false, "watch1 invoked erroneously");
    is(watch2Called, true, "watch2 function should be called");
    is(document.cookie, originalPrefix + "first=set; second=set; third=set; fourth=set; fifth=set",
       "fifth value correct");

    // remove the watch

    // check for non-invocation now
    watch1Called = false;
    watch2Called = false;
    document.cookie = "sixth=set";
    is(watch1Called, false, "watch1 shouldn't be called");
    is(watch2Called, false, "watch2 shouldn't be called");
    is(document.cookie, originalPrefix + "first=set; second=set; third=set; fourth=set; fifth=set; sixth=set",
       "sixth value correct");
    // reset
    document.unwatch("cookie"); // harmless, should be no-op except if bugs

    var d = new Date();
    var suffix = "=; expires=" + d.toGMTString();

    document.cookie = "first" + suffix;
    document.cookie = "second" + suffix;
    document.cookie = "third" + suffix;
    document.cookie = "fourth" + suffix;
    document.cookie = "fifth" + suffix;
    document.cookie = "sixth" + suffix;

  is(document.cookie, originalValue,
     "document.cookie isn't what it was initially!  expect bustage further " +
     "down the line");
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=903332">Mozilla Bug 903332</a>
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