  <title>Test for Bug 607145</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=607145">Mozilla Bug 607145</a>
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/** Test for Bug 607145 **/

 * This is not really reflecting an URL as the HTML5 specs want to.
 * It's how .action is reflected in Gecko (might change later).
 * If this changes, add reflectURL for "formAction" in
 * dom/html/test/forms/test_input_attributes_reflection.html and
 * "action" in
 * dom/html/test/forms/test_form_attributes_reflection.html
function reflectURL(aElement, aAttr)
  var idl = aAttr;
  var attr = aAttr.toLowerCase();
  var elmtName = aElement.tagName.toLowerCase();

  ok(idl in aElement, idl + " should be available in " + elmtName);

  // Default values.
  is(aElement[idl], "", "." + idl + " default value should be the empty string");
  is(aElement.getAttribute(attr), null,
     "@" + attr + " default value should be null");

  var previousDir = location.href.replace(/test\/[^\/]*$/, "");
  var dir = location.href.replace(/test_bug607145.html[^\/]*$/, "");
  var doc = location.href.replace(/\.html.*/, ".html")
  var values = [
    /* value to set, resolved value */
    [ "foo.html", dir + "foo.html" ],
    [ "data:text/html,<html></html>", "data:text/html,<html></html>" ],
    [ "http://example.org/", "http://example.org/" ],
    [ "//example.org/", "http://example.org/" ],
    [ "?foo=bar", doc + "?foo=bar" ],
    [ "#foo", location.href + "#foo" ],
    [ "", "" ], // TODO: doesn't follow the specs, should be location.href.
    [ " ", location.href ],
    [ "../", previousDir ],
    [ "...", dir + "..." ],
    // invalid URL
    [ "http://a b/", "http://a b/" ], // TODO: doesn't follow the specs, should be "".

  for (var value of values) {
    aElement[idl] = value[0];
    is(aElement[idl], value[1], "." + idl + " value should be " + value[1]);
    is(aElement.getAttribute(attr), value[0],
       "@" + attr + " value should be " + value[0]);

  for (var value of values) {
    aElement.setAttribute(attr, value[0]);
    is(aElement[idl], value[1], "." + idl + " value should be " + value[1]);
    is(aElement.getAttribute(attr), value[0],
       "@" + attr + " value should be " + value[0]);

reflectURL(document.createElement("form"), "action");
reflectURL(document.createElement("input"), "formAction");
reflectURL(document.createElement("button"), "formAction");
