  <title>Test key events for range</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=843725">Mozilla Bug 843725</a>
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 * Test for Bug 843725
 * This test checks how the value of <input type=range> changes in response to
 * various key events while it is in various states.

// Turn off Spatial Navigation because it hijacks arrow keydown events:
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function() {
  SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set":[["snav.enabled", false]]}, function() {

const defaultMinimum = 0;
const defaultMaximum = 100;
const defaultStep = 1;

// Helpers:
// For the sake of simplicity, we do not currently support fractional value,
// step, etc.

function minimum(element) {
  return Number(element.min || defaultMinimum);

function maximum(element) {
  return Number(element.max || defaultMaximum);

function range(element) {
  var max = maximum(element);
  var min = minimum(element);
  if (max < min) {
    return 0;
  return max - min;

function defaultValue(element) {
  return minimum(element) + range(element)/2;

function value(element) {
  return Number(element.value || defaultValue(element));

function step(element) {
  var step = Number(element.step || defaultStep);
  return step <= 0 ? defaultStep : step;

function clampToRange(value, element) {
  var min = minimum(element);
  var max = maximum(element);
  if (max < min) {
    return min;
  if (value < min) {
    return min;
  if (value > max) {
    return max;
  return value;

// Functions used to specify expected test results:

function valuePlusStep(element) {
  return clampToRange(value(element) + step(element), element);

function valueMinusStep(element) {
  return clampToRange(value(element) - step(element), element);

 * Returns the current value of the range plus whichever is greater of either
 * 10% of the range or its current step value, clamped to the range's minimum/
 * maximum. The reason for using the step if it is greater than 10% of the
 * range is because otherwise the PgUp/PgDn keys would do nothing in that case.
function valuePlusTenPctOrStep(element) {
  var tenPct = range(element)/10;
  var stp = step(element);
  return clampToRange(value(element) + Math.max(tenPct, stp), element);

function valueMinusTenPctOrStep(element) {
  var tenPct = range(element)/10;
  var stp = step(element);
  return clampToRange(value(element) - Math.max(tenPct, stp), element);

// Test table:

const LTR = "ltr";
const RTL = "rtl";

var testTable = [
  ["VK_LEFT",      LTR, valueMinusStep],
  ["VK_LEFT",      RTL, valuePlusStep],
  ["VK_RIGHT",     LTR, valuePlusStep],
  ["VK_RIGHT",     RTL, valueMinusStep],
  ["VK_UP",        LTR, valuePlusStep],
  ["VK_UP",        RTL, valuePlusStep],
  ["VK_DOWN",      LTR, valueMinusStep],
  ["VK_DOWN",      RTL, valueMinusStep],
  ["VK_PAGE_UP",   LTR, valuePlusTenPctOrStep],
  ["VK_PAGE_UP",   RTL, valuePlusTenPctOrStep],
  ["VK_PAGE_DOWN", LTR, valueMinusTenPctOrStep],
  ["VK_PAGE_DOWN", RTL, valueMinusTenPctOrStep],
  ["VK_HOME",      LTR, minimum],
  ["VK_HOME",      RTL, minimum],
  ["VK_END",       LTR, maximum],
  ["VK_END",       RTL, maximum],

function test() {
  var elem = document.createElement("input");
  elem.type = "range";

  var content = document.getElementById("content");

  for (test of testTable) {
    var [key, dir, expectedFunc] = test;
    var oldVal, expectedVal;

    elem.step = "2";
    elem.style.direction = dir;
    var flush = document.body.clientWidth;

    // Start at middle:
    elem.value = oldVal = defaultValue(elem);
    expectedVal = expectedFunc(elem);
    synthesizeKey(key, {});
    is(elem.value, String(expectedVal), "Test " + key + " for " + dir + " range with value set to the midpoint (" + oldVal + ")");

    // Same again:
    expectedVal = expectedFunc(elem);
    synthesizeKey(key, {});
    is(elem.value, String(expectedVal), "Test repeat of " + key + " for " + dir + " range");

    // Start at maximum:
    elem.value = oldVal = maximum(elem);
    expectedVal = expectedFunc(elem);
    synthesizeKey(key, {});
    is(elem.value, String(expectedVal), "Test " + key + " for " + dir + " range with value set to the maximum (" + oldVal + ")");

    // Same again:
    expectedVal = expectedFunc(elem);
    synthesizeKey(key, {});
    is(elem.value, String(expectedVal), "Test repeat of " + key + " for " + dir + " range");

    // Start at minimum:
    elem.value = oldVal = minimum(elem);
    expectedVal = expectedFunc(elem);
    synthesizeKey(key, {});
    is(elem.value, String(expectedVal), "Test " + key + " for " + dir + " range with value set to the minimum (" + oldVal + ")");

    // Same again:
    expectedVal = expectedFunc(elem);
    synthesizeKey(key, {});
    is(elem.value, String(expectedVal), "Test repeat of " + key + " for " + dir + " range");

    // Test for a step value that is greater than 10% of the range:
    elem.step = 20;
    elem.value = 60;
    expectedVal = expectedFunc(elem);
    synthesizeKey(key, {});
    is(elem.value, String(expectedVal), "Test " + key + " for " + dir + " range with a step that is greater than 10% of the range (step=" + elem.step + ")");

    // Same again:
    expectedVal = expectedFunc(elem);
    synthesizeKey(key, {});
    is(elem.value, String(expectedVal), "Test repeat of " + key + " for " + dir + " range");

    // reset step:
    elem.step = 2;
