  <title>Test mouse events for number</title>
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    input {
      margin: 0 ! important;
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      padding: 0 ! important;
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=935501">Mozilla Bug 935501</a>
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  <input id="input" type="number">
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 * Test for Bug 935501
 * This test checks how the value of <input type=number> changes in response to
 * various mouse events.
SimpleTest.waitForFocus(function() {

var input = document.getElementById("input");
var inputRect = input.getBoundingClientRect();

// Points over the input's spin-up and spin-down buttons (as offsets from the
// top-left of the input's bounding client rect):
const SPIN_UP_X = inputRect.width - 3;
const SPIN_UP_Y = 3;
const SPIN_DOWN_X = inputRect.width - 3;
const SPIN_DOWN_Y = inputRect.height - 3;

function test() {
  input.value = 0;

  // Test click on spin-up button:
  synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
  is(input.value, "1", "Test step-up on mousedown on spin-up button");
  synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
  is(input.value, "1", "Test mouseup on spin-up button");

  // Test click on spin-down button:
  synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
  is(input.value, "0", "Test step-down on mousedown on spin-down button");
  synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
  is(input.value, "0", "Test mouseup on spin-down button");

  // Test step="any" behavior:
  input.value = 0;
  var oldStep = input.step;
  input.step = "any";
  synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
  is(input.value, "1", "Test step-up on mousedown on spin-up button with step='any'");
  synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
  is(input.value, "1", "Test mouseup on spin-up button with step='any'");
  synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
  is(input.value, "0", "Test step-down on mousedown on spin-down button with step='any'");
  synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
  is(input.value, "0", "Test mouseup on spin-down button with step='any'");
  input.step = oldStep; // restore

  // Test that preventDefault() works:
  function preventDefault(e) {
  input.value = 1;
  input.addEventListener("mousedown", preventDefault, false);
  synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, {});
  is(input.value, "1", "Test that preventDefault() works for click on spin-up button");
  synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, {});
  is(input.value, "1", "Test that preventDefault() works for click on spin-down button");
  input.removeEventListener("mousedown", preventDefault, false);

  // Run the spin tests:

function runNextSpinTest() {
  var test = spinTests.shift();
  if (!test) {


var spinTests = [
  // Test spining when the mouse button is kept depressed on the spin-up
  // button, then moved over the spin-down button:
  function() {
    var inputEventCount = 0;
    input.value = 0;
    input.addEventListener("input", function(evt) {
      if (inputEventCount == 3) {
        is(input.value, "3", "Testing spin-up button");
        synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousemove" });
      } else if (inputEventCount == 6) {
        is(input.value, "0", "Testing spin direction is reversed after mouse moves from spin-up button to spin-down button");
        input.removeEventListener("input", arguments.callee, false);
        synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
    }, false);
    synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousedown" });

  // Test spining when the mouse button is kept depressed on the spin-down
  // button, then moved over the spin-up button:
  function() {
    var inputEventCount = 0;
    input.value = 0;
    input.addEventListener("input", function(evt) {
      if (inputEventCount == 3) {
        is(input.value, "-3", "Testing spin-down button");
        synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousemove" });
      } else if (inputEventCount == 6) {
        is(input.value, "0", "Testing spin direction is reversed after mouse moves from spin-down button to spin-up button");
        input.removeEventListener("input", arguments.callee, false);
        synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
    }, false);
    synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousedown" });

  // Test that the spin is stopped when the mouse button is depressod on the
  // spin-up button, then moved outside both buttons once the spin starts:
  function() {
    var inputEventCount = 0;
    input.value = 0;
    input.addEventListener("input", function(evt) {
      if (inputEventCount == 3) {
        synthesizeMouse(input, -1, -1, { type: "mousemove" });
        var eventHandler = arguments.callee;
        setTimeout(function() {
          is(input.value, "3", "Testing moving the mouse outside the spin buttons stops the spin");
          is(inputEventCount, 3, "Testing moving the mouse outside the spin buttons stops the spin input events");
          input.removeEventListener("input", eventHandler, false);
          synthesizeMouse(input, -1, -1, { type: "mouseup" });
    }, false);
    synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_UP_X, SPIN_UP_Y, { type: "mousedown" });

  // Test that changing the input type in the middle of a spin cancels the spin:
  function() {
    var inputEventCount = 0;
    input.value = 0;
    input.addEventListener("input", function(evt) {
      if (inputEventCount == 3) {
        input.type = "text"
        var eventHandler = arguments.callee;
        setTimeout(function() {
          is(input.value, "-3", "Testing changing input type during a spin stops the spin");
          is(inputEventCount, 3, "Testing changing input type during a spin stops the spin input events");
          input.removeEventListener("input", eventHandler, false);
          synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mouseup" });
          input.type = "number"; // restore
    }, false);
    synthesizeMouse(input, SPIN_DOWN_X, SPIN_DOWN_Y, { type: "mousedown" });
