<!DOCTYPE html> <script> function checkDomain(str, msg) { window.parent.postMessage((str == document.domain) + ";" +msg, "http://mochi.test:8888"); } function reportException(msg) { window.parent.postMessage(false + ";" + msg, "http://mochi.test:8888"); } var win1; try { win1 = window.open("", "", "width=100,height=100"); var otherDomain1 = win1.document.domain; win1.close(); checkDomain(otherDomain1, "Opened document should have our domain"); } catch(e) { reportException("Exception getting document.domain: " + e); } finally { win1.close(); } document.domain = "example.org"; var win2; try { win2 = window.open("", "", "width=100,height=100"); var otherDomain2 = win2.document.domain; checkDomain(otherDomain2, "Opened document should have our domain"); win2.close(); } catch(e) { reportException("Exception getting document.domain after domain set: " + e); } finally { win2.close(); } </script>